Examples of the the word, gospel , in a Sentence Context

The word ( gospel ), is the 3717 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Typically concentrated strongly on blues and jazz. Demand was high for black, gospel ,recordings of the song by H. R. Tomlin and J. M. Gates. A poignant sense of
  2. Within the lifetime of Jesus's original followers, He noted that in the, gospel ,of Mark, Jesus speaks of a" tribulation ", with his coming in the clouds with
  3. D. Human says that this confusion is because in Greek (the language of the, gospel ,) the word again is ambiguous. It might mean again or a second time or from
  4. The Next Time I Fall. During the 1980s and 1990s,she became one of the first, gospel ,artists to cross over into mainstream pop on the heels of her successful albums
  5. Recorded some 300 old-time ballads, traditional tunes, country songs and, gospel ,hymns, all representative of America's southeastern folklore and heritage.
  6. Block. In the mid-1990s,most boy bands were African American and had R&B and, gospel ,elements, such as the group All 4 One formed in 1993 and Boy II Men formed in
  7. Building. FMSH set up elaborate international networks to spread the Annals, gospel ,across Europe and the world. The scope of topics covered by the journal is vast
  8. S life and career. The many in attendance chanted" Hey BO Diddle" as a, gospel ,band played the legend's music. A number of notable musicians sent flowers
  9. In the 1950s,soul music by Sam Cooke, Ray Charles and James Brown used, gospel ,and blues music elements. In the 1960s and 1970s, gospel and blues were these
  10. Music and radio," Amazing Grace" began to cross over from primarily a, gospel ,standard to secular audiences. The ability to record combined with the
  11. Since these are not found in the Prison Epistles. They also teach that Peter's, gospel ,message was not the same as Paul's. Hyperdispensationalists assert: *The great
  12. Things in 2003. The album did not have the success of her previous pop or, gospel ,efforts. However, soon after Simple Things, Grant and Interscope/A&M parted
  13. 1:45 a. m. EDT (05:45 GMT),said his death was not unexpected. " There was a, gospel ,song that was sung (at his bedside) and (when it was done) he said 'wow '
  14. This structure can be also seen as a series of concentric circles, where the, gospel ,begins in the center, Jerusalem,and is expanding ever outward to Judea &
  15. The album was certified Gold in 2000. Return to gospel Grant returned to her, gospel ,music roots with the 2002 release of Legacy ... Hymns and Faith. The album
  16. A similar occurrence in the same timeframe. Rodgers fused hillbilly country, gospel , jazz, blues,pop, cowboy,and folk; and many of his best songs were his
  17. Third Christmas album, in 1999. The album was certified Gold in 2000. Return to, gospel ,Grant returned to her gospel music roots with the 2002 release of Legacy ...
  18. M. Gates. A poignant sense of nostalgia accompanied the recordings of several, gospel ,and blues singers in the 1940s and 1950s who used the song to remember their
  19. Of his parents and an uncle played guitar; also, he is related to bluesman and, gospel ,pioneer, Thomas A. Dorsey. In the years before World War II, he traveled and
  20. To exercise spiritual gifts according to" the Christian order as taught in the, gospel ,or the Word of God in 1 Corinthians 14. "" When such believers come together
  21. Of music, including blues, doo-wop, barbershop,ragtime, bluegrass,jazz, and, gospel , music. African American-derived musical forms have also influenced and been
  22. One of many subgenres of country into the 21st century. Bluegrass, folk and, gospel ,By the end of World War II," mountaineer" string band music known as
  23. In corporate unity of the Church with Christ, whom it has come to know in the, gospel ,and has learned to embrace in faith. " Corporate election draws support from a
  24. Him the way of God more adequately. " Though already a fervent preacher of the, gospel , Apollos was open to further study in order to improve his knowledge of Jesus '
  25. Of her latest hymn releases have captured the popularity of her previous, gospel ,career, Grant still remains a popular concert draw and enjoys popularity
  26. Uncharacteristically,Jefferson's first two recordings from this session were, gospel ,songs (" I Want to be like Jesus in my Heart" and" All I Want is that Pure
  27. Evangelicals who have tried to avoid civic involvement, he answered," The, gospel ,is for individuals. The main message we have is to individuals. We’re not here
  28. And ascension to Luke's message, while emphasizing the universal nature of the, gospel , This geographic structure is foreshadowed in Acts 1:8,where Jesus says" You
  29. So baptism into Christ is seen as baptism into the Spirit. In the fourth, gospel ,Jesus' discourse with Nicodemus indicates that birth by water and Spirit
  30. Country star following World War II, had one of the first million-selling, gospel ,hits (" Peace In The Valley" ) and also sang boogie, blues and rockabilly. In
  31. S musical gifts were significant; their arrangements were the forerunners of, gospel ,music, and churches all over the U. S. were eager to acquire them. Moody and
  32. Son of God, occurring at the strategic points of 1:1 (" The beginning of the, gospel ,about Jesus Christ, the Son of God ", but not in all versions, see Mark 1) and
  33. Soul singers and rock 'n' roll, hoping to make an album with Ray Charles and, gospel ,legend Malaria Jackson. He also had ambitions to work in film, like Elvis
  34. Affordable, an increasing number of bassists in genres ranging from metal to, gospel ,began using five-string instruments for added lower range—a low" B" below the
  35. Paul sternly refused to have him circumcised, because Paul believed Christ's, gospel ,freed believers from the requirements of the 613 Mitzvot — and to have been
  36. Senate in 1858,Lincoln delivered his House Divided Speech, drawing on Mark's, gospel ,from the Bible:" A house divided against itself cannot stand. I believe this
  37. With evidence from Hara, Assur and the Our Aidin. Titian, the author of the, gospel ,harmony the Diatessaron came from Assyria, and perhaps wrote his work (172 CE
  38. Japanese cartoonist (b. 1935) *2011 – Delis Barrett Campbell, American, gospel , singer (b. 1926) Holidays and observances *Republic Day, also known as
  39. In the Egyptian town of Nag Hammed in 1945. The Gospel of Judas, a Gnostic, gospel , also received much media attention when it was reconstructed in 2006. Roman
  40. Cities, where men lead boring, purposeless lives, Fatty and Moses spread the, gospel ,of Mahagonny, city of gold, among the disillusioned. Scene 4 Four Alaskan
  41. His port just before a rising storm, I renounced the hopes and comforts of the, gospel ,at the very time when every other comfort was about to fail me. " His
  42. And Faith. The album featured a Vince Gill-influenced mix of bluegrass and, gospel ,and marked Grant's 25th anniversary in the music industry. Grant followed this
  43. And James Brown used gospel and blues music elements. In the 1960s and 1970s, gospel , and blues were these merged in soul blues music. Funk music of the 1970s was
  44. For salvation; but rather that it is an act of Christian obedience. Some" full, gospel ," charismatic churches such as Oneness Pentecostals baptize only in the name of
  45. The last 30 years. Foreign Catholics frequently visit the country for special, gospel ,revivals. The Greek Orthodox Church has a presence in Santa Elena. Jehovah's
  46. Danny Barker, Papa Charlie Jackson and Clancy Hayes, as well as the blues and, gospel ,singer The Reverend Gary Davis. Nowadays, it sometimes appears under such names
  47. The devil's music. Musicians were therefore segregated into two categories:, gospel ,and blues singers, guitar preachers and songsters. However, at the time rural
  48. These progress reports are in 2:46–47,where Luke describes the impact of the, gospel ,on the new church in Jerusalem. The remaining progress reports are located:
  49. The geography of the scene shifts to a new location, Luke summarizes how the, gospel ,has impacted that location. The standard for these progress reports is in
  50. Sides (except hyper-Calvinists) believe the invitation of the, gospel ,is universal and" must be presented to everyone they can reach without any

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