Examples of the the word, census , in a Sentence Context
The word ( census ), is the 3720 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- South. The town of Cabinet is the chief population center. According to a 1995, census , Cabinet had an estimated population of 600,000,approximately 400,000 of whom
- Portuguese or who speak Portuguese as a first language are unknown, although a, census ,is expected to be carried out in 2013. Quite a number of voices demand the
- No responders gave the ethnonym Ainu in boxes 7 or 9.2 in the K-1 form of the, census , though some still might exist. The only Ainu speakers remaining (besides
- Japan was granted Southern Sakhalin in 1905,only a handful returned. Japanese, census ,of 1905 counted only 120 Sakhalin Ainu (down from 841 in 1875,93 in Karate
- Islander 91.6 %, Asian 2.8 %, white 1.1 %, mixed 4.2 %, other 0.3 % (2000, census , ) Religions Congregationalist 50 %, Roman Catholic 20 %, Buddhism 2 %
- Read and write: Total population: 99.4 %: Male: 99.7 %: Female: 99.2 % (2001, census , ) Education expenditures :3.2 % of GDP (2001): country comparison to the
- From 73,022 in 1901 to 2,974,807 in 2001 and 3,290,350 according to the 2006, census , File: Alberta Population by Mother Tongue. PNG|thumb|160px|English is the most
- 91 %: Mixed 4.4 %: Whites 1.7 % (Mostly British): All other 2.29 % (2001, census , ) Religions: Anglican 25.7 % Jehovah Witnesses: N/A: Seventh Day Adventist 12.3
- At 4,661,900,which represents an increase of 214,545,or 4.8 %, since the last, census ,in 2000. This includes a natural increase since the last census of 121,054
- Are categorized as" American (U. S.) " by Statistics Canada for purposes of, census ,counts. Portugal and Brazil Generally, americano denotes" U. S. citizen" in
- Albanian. The exact size of ethnic minorities is not known, as the last, census ,that contained ethnographic data was held in 1989. According to the latest news
- Have increased their population, due to internal immigration. As of the last, census ,data from 2001,Albania's population was 3,069,275. Officially, the Albanian
- State, however this position did not extend to the censor's ability to hold a, census ,and determine the Senate's roster. The office of the tribune plebs began to
- Launch in 2012),which will be applying asymmetric techniques in its stellar, census , Asymmetric measurements are used by astrophysicists to constrain certain
- Bureau in cooperation with the state divided the Unorganized Borough into 11, census , areas solely for the purposes of statistical analysis and presentation. A
- The measures of taxation in the reign of Augustus were determined by population, census , with fixed quotas for each province. Citizens of Rome and Italy paid indirect
- In the border states. Name "/IN"> Randall"/> According to the 1860 U. S., census , 393,975 individuals, representing 8 percent of all US families, owned
- Its own, but is administered directly by the state government. Currently, (2000, census , ) 57.71 % of Alaska's area has this status, with 13.05 % of the population.
- Player;;) is the capital and largest city of Algeria. According to the 1998, census , the population of the city proper was 1,519,570 and that of the urban
- Through the Presbytery of Aberdeen) and the Catholic Church. The last, census ,revealed that Aberdeen is the least religious city in Scotland, with nearly 43
- Since the last census in 2000. This includes a natural increase since the last, census ,of 121,054 people (that is 502,457 births minus 381,403 deaths) and an
- Is divided into a wide variety of ethnolinguistic groups. Because a systematic, census ,has not been held in the nation in decades, exact figures about the size and
- Such as tradespeople) fell from 62.1 % of the labor force in the 1991, census , to 52.4 % in the 2001 census . Overseas-born Adelaideans composed 23.7 % (
- Climate (Köppen climate classification DFA). Demographics As of the, census ,of 2000,there were 50,731 people,18,085 households, and 8,970 families
- Ainu (down from 841 in 1875,93 in Karate and 27 in Hokkaido). Russian, census ,of 1926 counted 5 Ainu, while several of their multiracial children were
- 72 % of the population is Anguilla while 28 % is non-Anguillian (2001, census , ). Of the non-Anguillian population, many are citizens of the United States
- Fell from 62.1 % of the labor force in the 1991 census to 52.4 % in the 2001, census , Overseas-born Adelaideans composed 23.7 % (262,367) of the total population.
- Additionally stated that it will jail anyone who does not participate in the, census ,or refuse to declare his or her ethnicity. Minorities include Greeks
- Include whites at 3.74 % and people of mixed race at 4.65 % (figures from 2001, census , ). 72 % of the population is Anguilla while 28 % is non-Anguillian (2001
- Ca 1870s) was in use, as was the use of Hollerith cards in the 1890 U. S., census , Then came the teleprinter (ca. 1910) with its punched-paper use of Ballot
- Ethnographic data was held in 1989. According to the latest news, the next, census ,containing ethnographic data will begin in April 2011 with EU counsels
- Will being on 2 April 2011. In February 2011 the government announced that the, census ,would be postponed to prepare for municipal elections in May, while it has come
- Positive population growth by 2010. According to Birthright Armenia website,a, census ,done in 2004 shows Armenia's population to be 2.7 million. Vital statistics 1
- 1801 it had become 26,992; (1901) 153,503; (1941) 182,467. In 2001 the UK, census ,records the Aberdeen City Council area's population at 212,125,but the
- Area (Boone County),which had a combined population of 106,205 at the 2000, census , Economy Ames is home of Iowa State University of Science and Technology, a
- And transportation hub. According to recent population estimates, these two, census ,metropolitan areas have now both exceeded 1 million people. Census
- Make up approximately three percent of the population. In the 2006 Canadian, census , the most commonly reported ethnic origins among Albertans were: 885,825
- Were" repatriated" to Japan. According to the 2002 Russian Federation, census , no responders gave the ethnonym Ainu in boxes 7 or 9.2 in the K-1 form of the
- PNG|thumb|160px|English is the most common mother tongue of Albertans. The 2006, census , found that English, with 2,576,670 native speakers, was the most common mother
- Groups and politicians to scrap the questions on ethnicity and religion. The, census ,is due to take place in October, and will include questions on ethnicity.
- Purposes the United States Census Bureau divides this territory into, census ,areas. Anchorage merged the city government with the Greater Anchorage Area
- Of the war itself are subjects of lingering contention today. Based on 1860, census , figures,8 % of all white males aged 13 to 43 died in the war, including 6 % in
- Begin in April 2011 with EU counsels assisting in certain fields. The pilot, census ,is already being conducted, while the official one will being on 2 April 2011.
- Was the largest for any province in Canadian history. According to the 2006, census , the median annual family income after taxes was $70,986 in Alberta (compared
- Languages: Armenian 97.7 %, Yazidi 1 %, Russian 0.9 %, and other 0.4 % (2001, census , ). Armenian is the only official language. Russian is widely used, especially
- S population at 686,293,This includes a natural increase since the last, census ,of 60,994 people (that is 86,062 births minus 25,068 deaths) and a decrease
- The central and northwestern regions of the province. As reported in the 2001, census , the Chinese represented nearly four percent of Alberta's population, and East
- To ensure they were in the public interest, as well as the ability to hold a, census ,and determine the membership of the Senate. With the powers of a censor
- Other Pacific Islander 2.1 % other 2 % note: most people are bilingual (2000, census , ) Literacy: definition: age 15 and over can read and write: total population:
- Etc. The ethnic composition of the population according to the 1999 population, census ,: 90.6 % Azerbaijanis,2.2 % Dagestan is,1.8 % Russians,1.5 % Armenians (
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