Examples of the the word, proliferation , in a Sentence Context

The word ( proliferation ), is the 5644 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Past and the future, and the dangers of the Open Source, especially the useless, proliferation ,of OSI approved licenses and the strength of the GPL 3. In addition, the
  2. It. Given the generally nasty nature of conflict at the time, and the, proliferation ,of ballistic, blunt and edged weapons in use, it is harder to see why the
  3. In these urban sectors, including unemployment, housing shortages and,the, proliferation ,of vast slums. Science The Islamic Golden Age was inaugurated by the middle of
  4. To give to the mujahideen guerrillas during the Soviet war in Afghanistan. The, proliferation ,of this weapon is reflected by more than just numbers. The AK-47 is included in
  5. Nuclear non proliferation In terms of safeguards against nuclear weapons, proliferation , Campus meet a similar level of international certification as other reactors.
  6. Advent of modern materials and computer-aided design. These have allowed for a, proliferation ,of specialized designs for particular types of cycling. The invention of the
  7. And would lead to a" world without effective legal constraints on nuclear, proliferation , " The construction of a missile defense system was also feared to enable the
  8. That the associated accumulation of cells was due to an increase in cellular, proliferation , but it is now known that it is also due to a decrease in cell death. The most
  9. Break down cellulose; the breakdown products are then used by the bacteria for, proliferation , The bacterial mass is later digested by the ruminant in its digestive system (
  10. Effect is associated with suppression in microglia activation and, proliferation ,in mouse mid-brain area. Adverse effects BCG is one of the most widely used
  11. Plants and major industrial facilities),assisting the security forces in, proliferation ,of weapons of mass destruction, illegal armaments traffic and international
  12. Century, but also laid the groundwork for their dilapidation due to nuclear, proliferation ,and the manifestation of culturally aligned conflict. The nuclear bomb was the
  13. The most common of these diseases is cancer, the disease of excessive cellular, proliferation , which is oftentimes characterized by an over expression of IAP family members.
  14. Especially around the summit war memorial. Many people believe that the, proliferation ,of such plaques is inappropriate, and in August 2006 the Nevis Partnership
  15. Then Radar. Both centers vigorously pursued the promotion of Ašxarhabar. The, proliferation ,of newspapers in both versions (Eastern & Western) and the development of a
  16. Causes atrophy, whereas an insufficient amount results in uncontrolled cell, proliferation , such as cancer. Discovery and etymology German scientist Carl Vogt was first
  17. Records, awards and archives would remain in Cleveland. The move also fueled a, proliferation ,of 12 new stadiums throughout the NFL. Using the NFL–City of Cleveland
  18. Banking would cause more money to be available and that this would allow, proliferation ,of new businesses, which would in turn raise demand for labor. This led him to
  19. Simply nuclear waste),while burning weapons-grade plutonium eliminates a, proliferation ,hazard. If the aim is explicitly to burn plutonium and/or other actinides from
  20. Due to the wholesale destruction of plants at the K–T boundary there was a, proliferation ,of saprotrophic organisms such as fungi that do not require photosynthesis and
  21. External critics; according to physicist David Goldstein, this allowed for the, proliferation ,of crackpots and prevented the normal processes of serious science. With the
  22. Affected by the dot-com boom in the late 1990s and subsequent bust. The, proliferation ,of technology companies has led to the region's nickname," the Silicon Hills
  23. Of a single thread or program. This reversal of emphasis is evidenced by the, proliferation ,of dual and multiple core CMP (chip-level multiprocessing) designs and
  24. Who based their results on earlier work by Isaac Barrow, was key to the massive, proliferation ,of analytic results after their work became known. The fundamental theorem
  25. Affordability of cars and motorcycles. One of the major reasons for the, proliferation ,of Chinese-made bicycles in foreign markets is the lower cost of labor in China
  26. Nearly doubled, despite Kane's preference for a solo Batman, and it sparked a, proliferation ,of" kid sidekicks. " The first issue of the solo spin-off series Batman was
  27. To print books only in limited quantities for high prices, while in Germany a, proliferation ,of publishing took place that benefitted authors, publishers,and the public
  28. 20th and early 21st century After 1970,some theorists claimed that nuclear, proliferation ,made Clausewitz concepts obsolete after the 20th-century period in which
  29. Climate and unstable land forms, coupled with deforestation, unplanned growth, proliferation ,non-engineered constructions which make the disaster-prone areas more
  30. The pendulum clock had attracted the attention of designers, resulting in a, proliferation ,of clock forms. Notably, the long case clock (also known as the grandfather
  31. And their polymer nanocomposites are suitable scaffold materials for bone cell, proliferation ,and bone formation. Other applications Carbon nanotubes have been implemented
  32. European Union. Substantial problems remain, such as climate change, nuclear, proliferation , and the specter of nuclear terrorism. Foreign policy analysts Michigan and
  33. Policymaking and the modern corporate era had begun. The 20th century saw a, proliferation ,of enabling law across the world, which helped to drive economic booms in many
  34. Enrichment facilities are expensive to build and operate. They're also a, proliferation ,concern as they can be used to enrich the 235U much further, up to
  35. Bristol line) led to further expansion, and the end of the 19th century saw a, proliferation ,of high-density small terraced houses. A Muslim community was started in June
  36. And mortality. Aspirin's profitability led to fierce competition and the, proliferation ,of aspirin brands and products, especially after the American patent held by
  37. Experienced by others during the large scale language shifts that saw the, proliferation ,of other tongues among those who previously did not speak them, most recently
  38. Less common. Southern European countries such as Greece have seen a wide, proliferation ,of home air-conditioning units in recent years. In another southern European
  39. Had previously been off-record. In addition to his musical and intellectual, proliferation , Mingus goes into great detail about his perhaps overstated sexual exploits. He
  40. Participation in diverse recreations by British Colombians has been the, proliferation ,of lodges, chalets,bed and breakfasts, motels,hotels, fishing camps, and
  41. Of his work. Politically active during the 1960s,Sakharov was against nuclear, proliferation , Pushing for the end of atmospheric tests, he played a role in the 1963 Partial
  42. With the advent of modern materials and computer-aided design, allowing for a, proliferation ,of specialized bicycle types. Types). Unicycles, tricycles and quadrangles
  43. Of artists interested in live coding was formed in 2004,and promotes the use, proliferation ,and exploration of a range of software, languages and techniques to implement
  44. Fee and legal billing matters. Criticisms; Computer technologies The current, proliferation ,of IT certifications (both offered and attained),like the FSI's IT baseline
  45. From the Middle East. President Bush referenced the 9/11 attacks and the, proliferation ,of ballistic missiles as reasons for missile defense. The current GMD system
  46. The increasing power of 21st century military hardware, weapons and technology, proliferation , and capitalism. He founded Löffler Associates, a management consulting company
  47. The latter was centered on the clarinetists of the Conservatoire de Paris. The, proliferation ,of recorded music has made examples of different styles of clarinet playing
  48. But perhaps most especially in Great Britain and in New England, led to a, proliferation ,of manufacturing and invention. Many industries, notably textiles, firearms
  49. Sector that could absorb displaced agricultural workers and artisans led to the, proliferation ,of services with rather low productivity. This unequal development compared to
  50. Common in China. The abacus is still manufactured in Japan today even with the, proliferation , practicality, and affordability of pocket electronic calculators. The use of

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