Examples of the the word, worthwhile , in a Sentence Context

The word ( worthwhile ), is the 5642 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. S arguments at best as persuasive or emotive speculation but not at all as any, worthwhile ,example of sound reasoning or philosophical insight. The epistemologist Gaston
  2. When many partially transparent layers need to be composited together, it is, worthwhile ,to consider the algebraic properties of compositing operators used.
  3. Those individuals who have engaged in scholarship are deemed to have anything, worthwhile ,to say, or do. It suggests that individuals who have not engaged in such
  4. And abuse. While morphine is clearly addictive, Western doctors believe it is, worthwhile ,to use the drug and then wean the patient off when the treatment is over.
  5. S religious group, that believes that the white race are the creators of all, worthwhile ,civilization. The church believes that a" racial holy war" is necessary to
  6. Scotia. The wealthy African-American shipowner Paul Coffee thought this was a, worthwhile ,exercise, and with support from certain members of Congress and British
  7. And one extra memory access (fetching the row address),which may be, worthwhile ,in some architectures. Meaning of dimension The dimension of an array is the
  8. More competitive, pushing up the prices of bids on items. This makes it more, worthwhile ,to sell on eBay and brings more sellers onto eBay, which drives prices down
  9. To communities and families in need, to partner with existing organizations on, worthwhile ,social, civic and charitable programs, to provide assistance at Miami Dolphins
  10. Called often enough that the comparative speed of C versus Emacs Lisp makes a, worthwhile ,difference. However, because errors in C code can easily lead to segmentation
  11. Become electable as a government, they underlined their growing reputation as a, worthwhile ,alternative to Labor and Conservative, offering plenty of debate in parliament
  12. For transportation and loading purposes, but its skin and wool are also quite, worthwhile , Camel wool is spun and woven into beautiful woolen blankets known as falsies
  13. Benefits Economists and consumer advocates generally consider insurance to be, worthwhile ,for low-probability, catastrophic losses, but not for high-probability, small
  14. Considering the post-World War II history of the anthem, it is, worthwhile ,noting that Ebert already advocated using only the anthem's third stanza. Use
  15. By the booming production of the Model Ts, and his low opinion of racing as a, worthwhile ,activity. In My Life and Work Ford speaks (briefly) of racing in a rather
  16. WRY, was often used as a laboratory to see if various radio inventions were, worthwhile , Articles that were published about television were also tested in this manner
  17. Commentaries on Tanaka (the Hebrew Bible). Midrashim literature is, worthwhile ,reading not only for its insights into Judaism and the history of Jewish
  18. Was" loyal to the end and beyond, for Tho and Vilnius both thought it, worthwhile ,to appeal to their nostalgia. " Nero's name was erased from some monuments, in
  19. In turn be based on invariant, universal constants of nature. While this is a, worthwhile ,objective and much work towards that end is ongoing, no alternative has yet
  20. Argued that in a cost-to-benefit ratio, conscription during peace time is not, worthwhile , Months or years of service amongst the most fit and capable subtracts from the
  21. And, with more bits on a memory chip, be much cheaper per bit. SRAM is not, worthwhile ,for desktop system memory, where DRAM dominates, but is used for their cache
  22. Verse" Alexandria, Indiana/Home of the Rock Wool/Not on the Nile/But just as, worthwhile , " The municipality owns and operates the water-works as well as the city
  23. Making all the money one can. *To spend the last third giving it all away for, worthwhile ,causes. Andrew Carnegie was involved in philanthropist causes, but he kept
  24. Concern with consequences, individual virtue or duty (although these may be, worthwhile ,concerns, provided social reform is also addressed). Charles Sanders Pace
  25. 45 % said they would miss him. While 55 % thought he" would have something, worthwhile ,to contribute and should remain active in public life ",68 % thought he would
  26. Is to be seen by someone less important than Ministers. If there is anything, worthwhile ,in their remarks – there never is, for,of course, we have much better
  27. Federal government to make grants to the states) - could be used to advance a, worthwhile ,Labor program. Deputy leader By the late 1950s Whitley was seen as a
  28. Amount of time and effort thinking about how to respond to students may be a, worthwhile ,time investment. Sometimes the term" feedback" is used loosely or carelessly
  29. Which is small. Only if many elements are likely to be compared will it be, worthwhile ,considering methods that make fewer comparisons but impose other requirements.
  30. As saying that this screenplay would lead to" the first really adult, complex, worthwhile , science fiction movie ever made. " Ellison's script builds a framework around
  31. The Treaty Ports were unusable if Ireland was hostile and deemed their loss, worthwhile ,to assure friendly relations with Dublin. He believed Germany could be
  32. That Darwin would review it and pass it on to Charles Lyell if he thought it, worthwhile , On 18 June 1858,Darwin received the manuscript from Wallace. While Wallace's
  33. A success rate of 67 to 70 % or better is necessary to make stealing bases, worthwhile , Judging the base-stealing abilities of players from earlier eras is also
  34. That Ellison's screenplay would lead to" the first really adult, complex, worthwhile , science fiction movie ever made ". The screenplay was published in book form in
  35. Though the subversion thereof would entail the destruction of much that was, worthwhile ,". Fascist as epithet Following the defeat of the Axis powers in World War II
  36. That, according to Lacey and Size, defines subjectivity. What remains, worthwhile ,in Deleuze's oeuvre, Žižek finds, are precisely those concepts closest to
  37. The vaults. " There's definitely more stuff; whether Sony thinks it's, worthwhile , that's another matter. But there seems to be a lot of respect for Big Audio
  38. Upper town. For picturesqueness the site is not equalled in Militia, and it is, worthwhile ,to trace the three fine aqueducts to their sources. A visit in December 2002
  39. Clear, reasoned arguments, and even self-deprecation have all been noted as, worthwhile ,strategies to end such disputes. However, others prefer to simply ignore
  40. Conflicts consuming the ALP, but on which Labor goals were possible and, worthwhile ,in the constitutional framework. Many Labor goals, such as nationalization, ran
  41. Who" doesn't want to live anymore ... and because he can't find anything, worthwhile ,to keep him alive, he finds defending terrorists somehow amusing. " Vonnegut's
  42. France tottering, Halifax urged following up and seeing if the actual offer was, worthwhile , The battle over the course of action within the War Cabinet lasted three days
  43. Conducted by Monash University in December 2009,Flybys was ranked as" most, worthwhile ,joining" among major Australian loyalty programs. Rival retailer Woolworths
  44. A profitable organization or liquidating an air carrier of their profitable and, worthwhile ,routes and business operations. Thus, the last 50 years of the airline industry
  45. And in this way is responsible for the downfall of all mankind. It is, worthwhile ,to note here that in religions pre-dating Judaism, the serpent was known to be
  46. This wealth to benevolent causes. The philanthropy was key to making the life, worthwhile , Carnegie was also known to be a great journalist. This came about from his
  47. In them that they must first get past before they could possibly draw anything, worthwhile , Jones recounted years later that this pronouncement came as a great relief to
  48. For a wide variety of reasons. In general, functional decomposition are, worthwhile ,when there is a certain" sparseness" in the dependency structure; that is
  49. Knowledge, and aesthetic experience, which are self-evidently and intrinsically, worthwhile , and states that these goods reveal themselves as being in commensurable with
  50. Programming has largely moved away from assembly level, so it's no longer, worthwhile ,to provide complex instructions for productivity reasons. *The machine

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