Examples of the the word, medicaid , in a Sentence Context

The word ( medicaid ), is the 5250 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. HUBS/DD medicaid waiver program helps cover the cost for things that regular, medicaid ,does not pay for. The HCBS Waiver currently has 28 services and there is no
  2. Dept. of health and human services * --- United States centers for medicare and, medicaid ,services * --- centers for disease control and prevention (u. s. ) * ---
  3. Cerebral Palsy, Prader-Willi syndrome, Down Syndrome, and Autism. The HCBS/DD, medicaid ,waiver program helps cover the cost for things that regular medicaid does not
  4. Mean — means of production — mechanical solidarity — mechanization — median —, medicaid ,— medical gaze — medical model — medicalization — medicare — megalopolis —
  5. Plans as a“ double-barrelled shotgun point right at us ”. He believes that, medicaid ,recipients should exercise" more personal responsibility. " During Munster man
  6. Gary Community Health Center and a http://www.mykoolsmiles.com, medicaid ,dentist. " This is a first that is starting here in Gary, Ind., that we have a
  7. States on a number of criteria: * cessation programs - Money paid through state, medicaid ,funds, State health plans, standards for private health coverage for cessation
  8. Health care, alien workers. In the health-care area he supported medicare, medicaid , and introduced a bill to provide bilingual training for those in the health
  9. PHO). About CareSource provides similar services that most, medicaid ,companies provide. Resource has numerous awards and recognition.
  10. Of Job and Family Services to provide case management services for its, medicaid ,waiver home care program. The contract has been renewed multiple times, most
  11. Faced by Puerto Ricans, such as crime and drug abuse, and requested additional, medicaid ,support for the Island. He was unsuccessful in his 1992 bid for election and
  12. Section highlights the 53 trillion dollars in unfunded benefits (medicare, medicaid ,and social security) that will come due and can only be paid by tripling taxes
  13. Program. The county comptroller's plan would essentially merge the county, medicaid ,program with the county nursing home program. In the proposal Conner's referred
  14. That prohibited the State from recovery of the cost that the state paid under, medicaid ,for individuals who were nursing home residents. The act protected their homes

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