Examples of the the word, historically , in a Sentence Context

The word ( historically ), is the 4773 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Nouns or ideas. The Ainu language has had no system of writing, and has, historically ,been transliterated by the Japanese kana or the Russian Cyrillic. Today, it is
  2. To the Sun to be 10,000 times the earth's radius. Nevertheless, it has been, historically ,assumed that Aristarchus of Amos estimated the distance to the Sun to be
  3. From the Scottish Lowlands to the Highlands. Some of the most well known and, historically ,important track ways are the Cause Month and Sick Month. The present
  4. Aachen (, also known in English by its French name Aix-la-Chapelle) has, historically ,been a spa town in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. Aachen was a favored
  5. The states and 1.6 % of the vote in the ACT. Support for the Democrats, historically ,tended to fluctuate between about 5 and 10 per cent of the population and was
  6. After Attila (Still I and Still II). The Aegean Sea (, Egeo Lagos; or, historically ,) is an elongated embayment of the Mediterranean Sea located between the
  7. With the association with Scott, make the Gardens at Abbotsford among the most, historically ,important in the UK. Scott had only enjoyed his residence one year when (1825
  8. In the southern and eastern region, as well as western Pakistan which was, historically ,part of Afghanistan, the people live according to the Pashtun culture by
  9. Understand God, or seek God. Many Calvinist critics of Arminianism, both, historically , and currently, claim that Arminianism condones, accepts,or even explicitly
  10. Held adjacent to the awards-presentation venue. * The Vanity Fair after-party, historically ,held at the former Morton's restaurant, is now for the 2nd year at the Sunset
  11. Robots, the fascination in developing robots that can mimic it can be found, historically ,in the assimilation of two concepts: simulacra (devices that exhibit likeness
  12. A regulator, since above 15 psi acetylene will decompose explosively. Niche and, historically ,interesting applications In 1881,the Russian chemist Mikhail Kuchen
  13. Which has no historical basis, as the victims Ramiro II (1136). Since, historically , they were not active in the 1130s,it is possible that the historically -based
  14. And culture" and rescinds the law passed in 1899. Though the resolution is, historically ,significant, Hideaki Femur, professor at Karen University in Tokyo and a
  15. Single letters was still normal, but can default. An increase in literacy has, historically , sometimes spawned a trend toward abbreviation. The standardization of English
  16. Photos that changed the world '. Apollo 8 is regarded by some as the most, historically ,significant of all the Apollo missions. The mission was the most widely covered
  17. By Eastern Orthodoxy than by Roman Catholicism),instituted a number of, historically ,Eastern and Oriental Orthodox elements in their liturgies, including
  18. Magic altering history all along. One example of a universe that is in part, historically ,recognizable but also obeys different physical laws is Paul Anderson's Three
  19. And returned to a gas to add lift and reduce ballast). Woodworking Ammonia was, historically ,used to darken quarters awn white oak in Arts & Crafts and Mission style
  20. Social-democratic and labor parties in many countries. The party was, historically ,committed to socialist economic policies, but this term was never clearly
  21. Under Charlemagne as the Duchy of Alemannic in Swabia. Today the region, historically ,occupied by the Alemannic is divided between parts of four nations: France (
  22. In the first grouping of state MPs,17 of the 35 were free-traders. Some, historically ,declare the party a mix of socialism, liberalism,pragmatism and 'Laborism '.
  23. To provide a greater technical precision over big natural languages, although, historically , such attempts at language improvement have been criticized. Languages composed
  24. Or Smith" ) near the Road town of Maximus. The epithet" Smiths" has, historically ,been confused with σμίνθος," mouse ", in association with Apollo's role as a
  25. Which was believed to be the cause of plague. This substance has also been used, historically ,as a flavoring for food, and some people consider it an aphrodisiac. During
  26. The microeconomic losses and justify continuing government intervention. A, historically ,high level of government intervention in the airline industry can be seen as
  27. Of Protection for the US military as covered under Article 98). Agincourt (;, historically , Agincourt in English) is a commune in the Pas-de-Calais department in
  28. Adversary does not have a strategic approach. " Osama bin Laden was the most, historically ,notable emir, or commander, and Senior Operations Chief of al-Qaida prior to
  29. 1982 and headquartered in San Jose, California,United States. The company has, historically ,focused upon the creation of multimedia and creativity software products, with
  30. For the very name of the country. The term" the United States" has, historically ,been used, sometimes in the plural (" these United States" ), and other times
  31. As fruit flies (Drosophila Melanogaster). Such a" wild type" allele was, historically ,regarded as dominant, common,and" normal ", in contrast to" mutant" alleles
  32. 1993,Solzhenitsyn implored the West not to" lose sight of its own values, its, historically , unique stability of civic life under the rule of law—a hard-won stability which
  33. Of copper in the world. The Bolivian Andes produce principally tin although, historically ,silver mining had a huge impact on the economy of 17th century Europe. There is
  34. Notably religious, from the domain of knowledge. " However, the Church is, historically ,opposed to a full denial of the ability of human reason to know God. The
  35. Of use can lead to misunderstanding. Frequency * In the UK the word whilst is, historically ,acceptable as a conjunction (as an alternative to while, especially prevalent
  36. To the inner north-west suburb of Hind marsh. Road transport in Adelaide has, historically ,been comparatively easier than many of the other Australian cities, with a
  37. Mountain ridges. Because of these natural conditions, the Black Sea coast, historically ,has been isolated from Anatolia. Marmara Region The western coast of Anatolia
  38. This, other scholars such as Dalian and Milton reject this view as entirely, historically ,inaccurate, drawing examples of historical spiritual alchemy from Böhm, Isaac
  39. Is also sometimes used,e.g. 3° 5.72′ 3 + 5.72/60 degrees. A nautical mile was, historically ,defined as a minute of arc along a great circle of the Earth. * The second of
  40. Frequency with which this name is used as a polemical label, there has been no, historically ,continuous survival of Arianism into the modern era. Arianism resurfaces after
  41. Are mates elections, which also indicate long vowels. The Aramaic alphabet is, historically ,significant, since virtually all modern Middle Eastern writing systems use a
  42. Times a day for fever or arthritis, with doses near the maximal daily dose used, historically ,for the treatment of rheumatic fever. For the prevention of myocardial
  43. Again to believe … able only to resist. Wesleyan Arminianism John Wesley has, historically ,been the most influential advocate for the teachings of Arminian soteriology.
  44. Angle is 100 grads. It is a decimal subunit of the quadrant. A kilometer was, historically ,defined as a centigrade of arc along a great circle of the Earth, so the
  45. These commitments are deemed to place Labor closer, intellectually and, historically , to the 19th century colonial liberals as the forerunners to the Labor Party
  46. Propelling arrows with the use of a bow, from " Marcus" ( Latin). Archery has, historically ,been used for hunting and combat; in modern times, however,its main use is
  47. Are more rugged and less dissected by rivers than the Pontus Mountains and, historically ,have served as a barrier to human movement inland from the Mediterranean coast
  48. Balıkesir Plain),the Bursa OVAs (Bursa Plain),and the Plains of Troy (, historically ,known as the Road. ) Aegean Coast Located on the west coast of Anatolia, the
  49. Of three" branches" ( alongside the Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches), historically , arising out of the common tradition of the earliest Ecumenical Councils. Newman
  50. Leaves typically bearing large amounts of tannins and condensed tannins that, historically ,in many species found use as pharmaceuticals and preservatives. The generic

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