Examples of the the word, lately , in a Sentence Context

The word ( lately ), is the 5182 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Watson's servant girl is clumsy and careless" and" Watson has been very wet, lately ,and has been out in vile weather ". Deductive reasoning allows Holmes to
  2. Arabic, which forced it to broadcast only dubbed content (this restriction was, lately ,removed for commercials). During the 1970s and 1980s,TNT (known as RTT at
  3. Agreement with the United States which came into force on January 1,2006,and, lately ,the agreement of free exchange with Turkey. (See Economy of Morocco)
  4. Has long been proposed as a solution to the" Irish Problem ", and more, lately , the" West Latvian question ". European Union Following the end of World War
  5. Of Shrewsbury, of the Queen's favor towards Oxford:: My Lord of Oxford is, lately ,grown into great credit, for the Queen's Majesty delighted more in his
  6. To get back to alliances but if Germany continues to behave as she has done, lately ,she may drive us to it. With Austria absorbed by Germany, attention turned to
  7. Have been going on under the mediation of the OSCE, Russia,and Ukraine;, lately ,observers from the European Union and the United States have become involved
  8. World Cup in 2010. Basketball, tennis,cycling, handball,motorcycling and, lately , Formula One are also important due to the presence of Spanish champions in all
  9. MTV Video Music Awards, where he asked the audience," Heard any good jokes, lately , " After he received a standing ovation, Reubens said," Ha,that's so funny I
  10. Globally. Markets, stores and restaurants in Europe, especially in France and, lately ,the UK feature lamb Marines, bastilla, and couscous. Additional foods and
  11. On Alfred Tennyson's description of Canada as" that True North whereof we, lately ,heard. " In the context of Tennyson's poem, the word" true" means" loyal "
  12. Ago. The locals have noted a firm dwindle in the population of these animals, lately , and are hard to find. Gibbons identified the animal with a Tyrannosaurus, but
  13. In oriental regions, and recommended me to look into the“ Pakistan,” a book, lately ,published, for additional proof to the same effect. On much recommendation I
  14. Psychedelic-heavy metal music scene that has garnered some attention, lately , There are also local punk and hip-hop scenes that are gaining momentum locally
  15. Is a well known university located in Johannesburg 2 km south of the inner city, lately ,also established at Landholder in Nora Älvstranden, Hisingen. There are also
  16. To join the peace process and to normalize their relations with the US. However, lately ,Egyptian-American relations have become a little tense. This is due to a great
  17. Porter and stout, for a funeral banquet" in memory of the host's virility, lately ,but only temporarily deceased. " Similar beverages Other beverages from around
  18. But will soon return to work. He retorts that his business has not been bad, lately , Because of the changes in Gregor's voice, no one outside understands a word
  19. They wish to see J. Larsen (the reader) ordained. One of his friends has, lately ,declared in their journal, that pious laymen are more fit to ordain ministers
  20. Trade Agreement with the United States which came into force on January 1,2006, and, lately ,the agreement of free exchange with Turkey. (See section below)
  21. Became in contact: Greeks, Phoenicians,Egyptians, Romans,Vandals, Arabs,and, lately ,Europeans. The cultures of the Maghreb and the Sahara therefore combine
  22. Etc. Behavioral malware detection has been a particularly lively research area, lately , Most approaches to behavioral detection are based on analysis of system call
  23. Margin. Bingaman's campaign slogan asked," What on Earth has he done for you, lately , ". Following his Senate term, Schmitt has been a consultant in business
  24. Lock-picking long before locksmiths discussed it among themselves, as they have, lately ,done. If a lock, let it have been made in whatever country, or by whatever
  25. Genre. Drew Simollardes of the rap core band Reveille states that" I feel like, lately ,it’s more appropriate. People are sick of a lot of the stuff that’s out there
  26. To Talleyrand:" Having read with great pleasure a pamphlet which you have, lately ,published, I dedicate this volume to you; to induce you to reconsider the
  27. Player The Emir of Qatar since 1995,Sheikh Haman bin Khalifa Altai, has, lately , been going on an expansive boost to promote Qatar as a foreign player. The
  28. Paul Tengelmann in May 1920:" Things have gone utterly miserably for me, lately , Of course only because of my own baseness and rottenness. I have continually
  29. Is in a" good neighborhood," but market values have been rising quite a lot, lately ,and the real estate market analysts in the media are talking about a slow-down
  30. Very soon load the devil with a greater amount of insult and abuse than he has, lately ,received of honor and worship from their parents, relations,and acquaintances.
  31. Of The New York Times wrote," There is not an abundance of subtlety or the, lately ,familiar Hitchcock bent toward significant and colorful scenery in this
  32. In Spanish as Questran and in Polish as Akwizgran. The name Grants has, lately ,been identified as that of a Celtic deity. In French-speaking areas of the
  33. His position in the company is not unassailable because his work has been poor, lately , Gregor is angered by this speech, and insists that he is simply feeling
  34. In a letter to Thomas Paine on the construction of an arch for a bridge. I have, lately ,received from Italy a treatise on the equilibrium of arches, by the Abbé
  35. Names Snow cone and Haystack were used and put in the news release, but the crew, lately ,decided to change them. The command module was named Columbia after the
  36. So fair blossoms will also yield fruit. Wherefore having moved her Majesty, lately ,about the office of the Isle .... On 2 February 1601 Oxford again wrote to
  37. In 2008 prior to singing" The Atom ", she said" I've kind of gotten religion, lately , I took a sweet religion, one I am sort of familiar with and sprayed a can of
  38. Kills Erika. Five years later, Dr. Hiragana is now a haunted dreamer, who has, lately ,turned most of his attention to the study of the psychic energy of roses.
  39. Vocabulary is of Latin or Greek origin, often borrowed from French and, lately , English. Many French words were imported into Sweden around the
  40. Lin 1977,Rump and Chan 1979) and the I Ching. Tao Te Ching scholarship has, lately ,advanced from archeological discoveries of manuscripts, some of which are older
  41. In" A Scandal in Bohemia" Holmes deduces that Watson had got very wet, lately ,and that he had" a most clumsy and careless servant girl ". When Watson, in
  42. Percentage of native speakers of Quechua who are illiterate has been decreasing, lately , as 86.87 % of the Peruvian population is literate. More encouraging
  43. Lock-picking long before locksmiths discussed it among themselves, as they have, lately ,done. If a lock, let it have been made in whatever country, or by whatever
  44. A matchstick). There have been strong developments for the mantle in Finland, lately , starting with the efforts of modern players such as Martí Pokela in the 1950s
  45. A murmur among the zealots" and so was not completed. * An Abstract of a Book, lately ,Published: Entitled A Treatise of Human Nature etc. (1740) Anonymously
  46. Has since been based mostly in the Philippines as a Catholic lay-worker while, lately ," gadding about trying to bring Internet stuff to China, but to Randy this just
  47. Cyril and Methods who translated liturgical books into Slavonic, which had, lately ,been elevated by the Pope to the same level as Latin and Greek. Methods
  48. Principles concerning Religion and Morality, said to be maintain'd in a Book, lately ,publish'd, intituled A Treatise of Human Nature etc. Edinburgh (1745).
  49. Dynasty has been synonymous with the Shang dynasty in history, although it has, lately ,been used to specifically refer to the latter half of the Shang Dynasty.
  50. No one told you it was dangerous? ... I mean, have you had a look at the world, lately , ... There's plenty of stuff going on that kills you, and you don't get warned

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