Examples of the the word, fever , in a Sentence Context

The word ( fever ), is the 5183 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Attempts, Alexander sailed forth to compel him, but on the way he suffered a, fever ,at the Isle of Herrera in the Inner Hebrides. He died there in 1249 and was
  2. And fatty liver, can occur when children or adolescents are given aspirin for a, fever ,or other illnesses or infections. From 1981 through 1997,1207 cases of Reye's
  3. Aged 20 and above. In children, the disorder can present with a skin rash, fever , pain, disability,and limitations in daily activities. No one knows why
  4. As an analgesic to relieve minor aches and pains, as an antipyretic to reduce, fever , and as an anti-inflammatory medication * ASA Figure, character in the Shuffle
  5. History takes place in Independence, Kansas. *1932 – A vaccine for yellow, fever ,is announced for use on humans. *1944 – World War II: Nine German S-boots
  6. Of Bell's affection. Losing her hearing after a near-fatal bout of scarlet, fever ,close to her fifth birthday, she had learned to read lips but her father
  7. Sought out Carrel to see if his sister-in-law's heart, damaged by rheumatic, fever , could be repaired. When Lindbergh saw the crudeness of Carrel's machinery, he
  8. Of animals? According to his autobiography, it was while he was in bed with a, fever ,that Wallace thought about Thomas Malthus's idea of positive checks on human
  9. Some poisoned food which did not affect him for a year. Abu Bakr developed high, fever ,and was confined to bed. His illness was prolonged and when his condition
  10. When aspirin is taken with alcohol or warfarin. Use of aspirin during dengue, fever ,is not recommended owing to increased bleeding tendency. People with kidney
  11. In about 20 % of the treated children, who are the majority of rheumatic, fever ,patients, and increased the risk of their developing Reye's syndrome. Along
  12. Malaria, rabies and African hemorrhagic fever s like Marburg hemorrhagic, fever , are common diseases in several parts of the country. Many regions in this
  13. Or none. Pollen from ragweed Ambrosia is among the main causes of so-called hay, fever ,in the United States. Many members of the family are grown as ornamental plants
  14. Having incestuous relationships. On June 10,38,Drill died, possibly of a, fever , rampant in Rome at the time. He was particularly fond of Drill, claiming to
  15. At the ceremony, Johnson,who had been drinking to offset the pain of typhoid, fever ,(as he claimed later),gave a rambling speech and appeared intoxicated to
  16. As an analgesic to relieve minor aches and pains, as an antipyretic to reduce, fever , and as an anti-inflammatory medication. Salicylic acid, the main metabolite of
  17. Body odor. *Inquiring focuses on the" seven inquiries ", which are: chills and, fever ,; perspiration; appetite, thirst and taste; defecation and urination; pain;
  18. Have been suggested as the cause of Alexander's death; malaria or typhoid, fever ,are obvious candidates. A 1998 article in the New England Journal of Medicine
  19. Waterborne diseases, bacterial and protozoal diarrhea, hepatitis A, and typhoid, fever ,; vector borne diseases, malaria,African trypanosomiasis (sleeping sickness);
  20. Pneumonia, meningitis and diphtheria, but not typhoid fever or paratyphoid, fever , which are caused by Gram-negative bacteria, for which he was seeking a cure at
  21. 1912. Most probably he had a streptococcal infection and subsequent rheumatic, fever ,and kidney failure. He died of heart failure at the age of 51 in Presley
  22. The door referred to here is the door to the mosque of Muhammad. When the, fever ,developed he directed Abu Bakr to go to the war following Asama who was 18.
  23. Such as staphylococci and many other Gram-positive pathogens that cause scarlet, fever , pneumonia, meningitis and diphtheria, but not typhoid fever or paratyphoid
  24. Many of his soldiers drowned. Alaric died soon after in Cadenza, probably of, fever , at the age of about forty (assuming again, a birth around 370 AD),and his
  25. The metric dosage. In general, for adults, doses are taken four times a day for, fever ,or arthritis, with doses near the maximal daily dose used historically for the
  26. Not formally engaged. She died, however,on August 25,most likely of typhoid, fever , In the early 1830s,he met Mary Owens from Kentucky when she was visiting her
  27. Of Turing: in the first week of June each year he would get a bad attack of hay, fever , and he would cycle to the office wearing a service gas mask to keep the pollen
  28. On board the Royal ship Weymouth. He probably succumbed to the yellow, fever ,which had devastated the voyage. He was buried at sea off the west coast of
  29. Article in the New England Journal of Medicine attributed his death to typhoid, fever ,complicated by bowel perforation and ascending paralysis, Natural-cause
  30. Is another severe form of arthritis. It presents with sudden onset of chills, fever ,and joint pain. The condition is caused by bacteria elsewhere in the body.
  31. Is an antihistamine that helps to relieve allergic disorders due to cold, hay, fever , itchy skin, insect bites and stings. * Chlorpromazine is a tranquilizer that
  32. The protons. When high doses of aspirin are given, it may actually cause, fever ,owing to the heat released from the electron transport chain, as opposed to the
  33. Herbert. Herbert left soon thereafter (dying two years later from yellow, fever ,), but Spruce, like Bates, would spend over ten years collecting in South
  34. For the treatment of a number of conditions including: fever , pain,rheumatic, fever , inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, pericarditis,and Kawasaki
  35. Near the maximal daily dose used historically for the treatment of rheumatic, fever , For the prevention of myocardial infarction in someone with documented or
  36. That cause scarlet fever , pneumonia,meningitis and diphtheria, but not typhoid, fever ,or paratyphoid fever , which are caused by Gram-negative bacteria, for which he
  37. And unclean water still cause tuberculosis, hepatitis,measles, typhoid, fever , cholera and dysentery. The poor generally receive health care free of charge.
  38. Uses Aspirin is used for the treatment of a number of conditions including:, fever , pain, rheumatic fever , inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis
  39. He fell ill from dysentery, which was ameliorated by doctors but turned into a, fever ,in Jerusalem. William of Tyre explains that" after suffering intolerably from
  40. So that on arrival most of them fell sick. Abu Bakr also suffered from, fever ,for several days and during this time he was attended to by Khadijah and his
  41. Admit that the disease is the plague, referring instead to a" special type of, fever , " *Dr. Bernard Room: Dr. Bernard Room is the narrator of the novel, although
  42. Increased the risk of their developing Reye's syndrome. Along with rheumatic, fever , Kawasaki disease remains one of the few indications for aspirin use in
  43. Jerusalem. William of Tyre explains that" after suffering intolerably from the, fever ,for several days, he ordered physicians of the Greek, Syrian,and other nations
  44. Movements of the extremities, which is believed to be a complication of scarlet, fever ,and causes skin pigmentation bitchiness. He became a hypochondriac, developing
  45. And rigor. The latter effect may be due to either protective effects of, fever , or that diagnosis and treatment is sought more rapidly when fever is present.
  46. Since Augustus (surpassing Tiberius by a couple of months),Antoninus died of, fever ,at Lorium in Etruria, about twelve miles (19 km) from Rome, on 7 March 161
  47. When strangely the building's concierge’M. Michel, a confidante, dies from a, fever , Dr. Room consults his colleague, Castel, about the illness until they come to
  48. Effects of fever , or that diagnosis and treatment is sought more rapidly when, fever ,is present. Motor deficits Residual motor deficits are estimated to remain in
  49. Of anagram techniques, came to regard obsession with anagrams as a" dangerous, fever ,", because it created isolation of the author. The surrealist leader André
  50. States and South America where he wrote a paper on the neuropsychology of yellow, fever , He suffered from chronic osteomyelitis for the last 7 years of his life. This

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