Examples of the the word, analogy , in a Sentence Context

The word ( analogy ), is the 5184 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The macrocosm. He took an approach different from those before him, using this, analogy ,not in the manner of soul-purification but in the manner that humans must have
  2. Some opening and concluding phrases. This kind of work would show a certain, analogy ,with Bach’s treatment of chorales. ... Another method ... is the following: the
  3. VLAN ". Another implementation is possible with Linux and eatables. One helpful, analogy ,is that by creating multiple Plans, the number of broadcast domains increases
  4. The powers of the monarchy, Burke argued that the appropriate historical, analogy ,was the English Civil War (1642–1651) in which Charles I had been executed in
  5. Of boron occur widely in the diet, and the amounts needed in the diet would, by, analogy , with rodent studies, be very small. The exact physiological role of boron in
  6. A planet – real is a distinct act, a " to be ", which actuates its unity. An, analogy ,of proportion is therefore possible: The number is generally three or four.
  7. Together, these effects are called the inflationary" no-hair theorem" by, analogy ,with the no hair theorem for black holes. The" no-hair" theorem works
  8. Solid, it is packaged under argon in steel containers or plastic bags. Davy, by, analogy , with calcium named" barium" after Bart, with the" -IBM" ending signifying
  9. Arises from the methylation of arsenic trioxide, a reaction that has no, analogy ,in phosphorus chemistry. Alloys Arsenic is used as the group 5 elements in the
  10. Of Sound ". Also in the 19th century, Wheatstone,Ohm, and Henry developed the, analogy ,between electricity and acoustics. The twentieth century saw a burgeoning of
  11. And translation from darkness to light. Jesus Christ used the" birth ", analogy ,in tracing spiritual newness of life to a divine beginning. Contemporary
  12. Was only one progenitor for all life forms. " Therefore I should infer from, analogy ,that probably all the organic beings which have ever lived on this earth have
  13. Relative to digital simulations. The drawback of the mechanical-electrical, analogy ,is that electronics are limited by the range over which the variables may vary.
  14. Molecule readily undergoes nitrogen inversion at room temperature; a useful, analogy ,is an umbrella turning itself inside out in a strong wind. The energy barrier
  15. Element 97 followed the previous tradition of the Californian group to draw an, analogy ,between the newly discovered actinide and the lanthanide element positioned
  16. By virtue of their existing must be viewed in another way. St. Thomas chose the, analogy ,: all beings are like, or analogous to, each other in existing. This comparison
  17. Hole thermodynamics. These laws describe the behavior of a black hole in close, analogy ,to the laws of thermodynamics by relating mass to energy, area to entropy, and
  18. Martin for his shirt cuff to write the tune on, thus perhaps to off the cuff, analogy , He composed the tune for the old hymn" O Mother Dear, Jerusalem ", retitling
  19. Of the Church in 1568. Those who adopt it are called Tho mists. St. Thomas ', analogy ,of being In a single sentence, parallel to Aristotle's statement asserting
  20. To be considered sound if they use theoretical tools found in archaeology like, analogy ,and homology and if they can demonstrate an understanding of accuracy and
  21. Can be changed by adjusting a potentiometer. The electrical system is an, analogy ,to the physical system, hence the name, but it is less expensive to construct
  22. Trinity),in which he developed what has become known as the 'psychological, analogy ,' of the Trinity, is also among his masterpieces, and arguably one of the
  23. From americium-241. The new elements were named after Berkeley, California,by, analogy ,with its lanthanide homologue terbium, which was named after the village of
  24. Mass to energy, area to entropy, and surface gravity to temperature. The, analogy ,was completed when Hawking, in 1974,showed that quantum field theory predicts
  25. And in optical storage field optical jukeboxes, or optical disk libraries per, analogy , Smallest forms of either technology containing just one drive device are
  26. Other in existing. This comparison is the basis of his Analogy of Being. The, analogy ,is said of being in many ways, but the key to it is the real
  27. In departing from the LORD. (Hosea 1:2 NIV) The apostle John used a similar, analogy ,in Revelation chapter 17. The Book of Haggai is a book of the Hebrew Bible or
  28. Closely resemble a planet's elliptical path in ordinary atoms. A more accurate, analogy ,might be that of a large and often oddly-shaped" atmosphere" ( the electron)
  29. Brute-force attacks. History The term was coined by Tanya Montano by, analogy ,with NP-complete and NP-hard in complexity theory, which formally describes the
  30. Since it is not predicated univocally but only analogically. " His term for, analogy ,is Latin analogic. In the categorical classification of all beings, all
  31. Are not to be abused, rather treated with sympathy and respect, using the, analogy ,of doctor and patient to illustrate the ideal relationship between prosecutor
  32. And doctrinal reflection perhaps more powerfully than any other formula. The, analogy ,of the" three-legged stool" of scripture, reason,and tradition is often
  33. In the periodic table below the lanthanide element europium, and thus by, analogy ,was named after another continent, America. Americium was first produced in
  34. Where 4 is a jump, many partnerships use the Gerber convention by some, analogy ,to the Blackwood family: 4 asks for the number of aces or key cards. Where both
  35. Deny Africans South African citizenship. " Bantus tan" originally reflected an, analogy ,to the various ethnic" -steins" of Western and Central Asia. Again association
  36. Solutions, much of the chemistry in liquid ammonia can be classified by, analogy ,with related reactions in aqueous solutions. Comparison of the physical
  37. Up or spin down). Visualizing atomic orbitals intuitively Despite the obvious, analogy ,to planets revolving around the Sun, electrons cannot be described as solid
  38. To explain refraction from a rare to a dense medium, he used the mechanical, analogy ,of an iron ball thrown at a thin slate covering a wide hole in a metal sheet. A
  39. Source of a thriving, obsessive,and elaborate subculture of fandom, hence the, analogy ,to cults. However, not every film with a devoted fan base is necessarily a cult
  40. Life that produced it, and bring about my artistic and spiritual death' – on, analogy ,perhaps with Conan Doyle's dictum that 'the ruin of every novelist who has
  41. And semiregular honeycombs. It has been called the Archimedes honeycombs by, analogy ,with the convex uniform (non-regular) polyhedra, commonly called Archimedes
  42. Average. This principle is the basis of data compression technology. Using an, analogy , the hardware binary digits refer to the amount of storage space available (
  43. On the etymology of emblem meaning" vine. " In Indo-European societies,an, analogy ,is derived from the drilling of fire and sexual intercourse. Vines were used as
  44. Of alchemy is spiritual. Transmutation of lead into gold is presented as an, analogy ,for personal transmutation, purification,and perfection. This approach is
  45. Locate presidential decisions on the topic, and reason from those decisions by, analogy , To consider but one example, the First Amendment to the United States
  46. Number of ways to choose can be calculated as: \binom3 \binom3 \franc = 220. The, analogy ,with the k-combination case can be stressed by writing the numerator as a
  47. Kant wrote in Critic her Urtheilskraft (Critique of Judgement) that the, analogy ,of animal forms implies a common original type, and thus a common parent. In
  48. Peoples and tribes † Extinct Burnt-in time code (often abbreviated to BIT by, analogy ,to ITC) is a human-readable on-screen version of the time code information for
  49. Being located right below its twin lanthanide element europium; it was thus by, analogy ,named after another continent, America:" The name americium (after the
  50. As Aristotle offered the categories and the act of existence, and Aquinas the, analogy ,of being, the rationalists also had their own system, the great chain of being

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