Examples of the the word, dates , in a Sentence Context

The word ( dates ), is the 9003 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Gainsborough, Antonio Canola, Arnold Buckling Romanticism Key, dates ,: 1800-1880 Romanticism was basically a reaction against Neoclassicism
  2. The earliest evidence of human settlement in the territory of Azerbaijan, dates ,to the late Stone Age and is related to the Uruguay culture of the Kazakh Cave.
  3. Asparagaceae sense late, are a strongly supported clade, generally give younger, dates ,than more recent studies, name " Janssen_Bremen_2004"/> name "
  4. Chinese abacus The earliest known written documentation of the Chinese abacus, dates ,to the 2nd century BC. The Chinese abacus, known as the sampan (算盤, lit. "
  5. To Japanese animated cartoons. While the earliest known Japanese animation, dates ,to 1917,and many original Japanese cartoons were produced in the ensuing
  6. Interest in long term human processes or humans as viewed through time. Harris, dates ,both to Classical Greece and Classical Rome, specifically Herodotus, often
  7. Their. During the next four weeks, they played a total of seventeen sold-out, dates , thirteen in the United States and four in Canada. The last scheduled ABBA
  8. Mosaics from the eastern Roman Empire in the 4th Century. Medieval & Gothic Key, dates ,: 400AD Medieval - A highly religious art beginning in the 5th Century in
  9. In November 1974,ABBA embarked on their first European tour, playing, dates , in Denmark, West Germany, and Austria. It was not as successful as the band had
  10. Of which the 2005 release Anatomic was the last. After a number of festival, dates ,in 2007,the band went on hiatus. In 2010,they regrouped to play a number of
  11. Theodore Sturgeon's death, van Vogt commented: Bibliography Novels (, dates ,given are for the first publication in book form) * The Weapon Makers (1947)
  12. Abacus The earliest archaeological evidence for the use of the Greek abacus, dates ,to the 5th century BC. The Greek abacus was a table of wood or marble, pre-set
  13. Only been proclaimed by the federal government sporadically, and on irregular, dates , The last such proclamation had been during James Madison's presidency 50
  14. Filmed. After the European leg of the tour, in March 1977,ABBA played eleven, dates ,in Australia before a total of 160,000 people. The opening concert in Sydney at
  15. Western Christian world. A tablet found on the Greek island Salamis in 1846 AD, dates ,back to 300 BC, making it the oldest counting board discovered so far. It is a
  16. Beer, supplemented with vegetables such as onions and garlic, and fruit such as, dates ,and figs. Wine and meat were enjoyed by all on feast days while the upper
  17. Raphael, Titian,Michelangelo Buonarroti Mannerism Key, dates ,: 1520-1600 Artists of the Early Renaissance and the High Renaissance
  18. Aarhus as a new, second option, in brackets. History The bishopric of Aarhus, dates ,back to at least 951,and archaeological findings date back some 1,300 years to
  19. And painting that demonstrated a greater degree of naturalism. Renaissance Key, dates ,: 1300s This movement began in Italy in the 14th century and the term
  20. Were well known. The true and global revitalization of interest in the concept, dates ,from 1903,when Pelham Warner took a team to Australia with the promise that he
  21. It is one of the most celebrated rivalries in international cricket and, dates ,back to 1882. It is currently played biennially, alternately in the United
  22. Azerbaijan Democratic Republic The history of the modern Azerbaijan army, dates ,back to Azerbaijan Democratic Republic in 1918,when the Armed Forces of
  23. User of an abacus is called an racist. Etymology The use of the word abacus, dates ,before 1387 AD, when a Middle English work borrowed the word from Latin to
  24. Which can be open (CV) or closed (CVC). Writing Hieroglyphic writing, dates ,to c. 3200 BC, and is composed of some 500 symbols. A hieroglyph can represent
  25. Of the First Dynasty pharaohs. An Egyptian colony stationed in southern Canaan, dates ,to slightly before the First Dynasty. Farmer had Egyptian pottery produced in
  26. Harmon Oscar Nelson; one of the earliest mentions in print of the term Oscar, dates ,back to a Time magazine article about the 1934 6th Academy Awards. Walt Disney
  27. Now has S-300s in its missile arsenal. He declined to specify their number and, dates ,of delivery. Surface to Surface Missiles *Scud ballistic missiles (SCUD-B with
  28. Announced a new album, Capture. Formation The inspiration behind the project, dates ,back to 1991,when Simon Emerson, a Grammy Award-nominated British producer
  29. Their unwillingness to hear, to the Pharaoh himself (Exodus 7:9). Various, dates ,for his life have been proposed, ranging from approximately 1600 to 1200 BC.
  30. It is the home base of the Toneelgroep Amsterdam. The current building, dates ,from 1894. Most plays are performed in the Wrote Zeal (Great Hall). The
  31. Sitting on one of her shoulders. The Mourning Athena is a relief sculpture that, dates ,around 460 BC and portrays a weary Athena resting on a staff. In earlier
  32. Albanian was written from at least the 14th century AD. The earliest evidence, dates ,from 1332 AD with a Latin report from the French Dominican Guillermo Adam
  33. Bernini, Rubens,Rembrandt, Nicolas Poussin Rococo Key, dates ,: 1700s Throughout the 18th century in France, a new wealthy and
  34. Or remove a disability. The first recorded example of the use of a prosthesis, dates ,to at least 1800 BC. and the modern, lightweight,steel, collapsible wheelchair
  35. Giovanni Antonio Canaletto, Velázquez Vermeer Neo-classical Key, dates ,: 1750-1880 A nineteenth century French art style and movement that
  36. Holidays * Note: the Islamic holidays vary each year. The Islamic holidays ', dates ,given above are the holiday's date in 2011 only. August symbols August's
  37. Existing canonical work on earth and the mainstay of Hindu philosophy that, dates ,back to the second or third millennium BCE takes an agnostic view on the
  38. Recent studies of migration of Y-Chromosomal haplogroup O2b-M95. However,the, dates ,obtained from DNA studies are several times older than that given by linguists.
  39. Distinct. Ancient times The use of bitumen for waterproofing and as an adhesive, dates ,at least to the third millennium BCE in the early Indus community of Merger
  40. The maiden flight of the B-52 Stratofortress *1955 – McDonald's restaurant, dates ,it's founding to the opening of a franchised restaurant by Ray Kroc, in DES
  41. In recent years at 1.79 florins to 1 U. S. dollar. The community officially, dates ,back to 1754,when Moses Solomon Hale vi Maduro, his wife and six children
  42. But generally speaking refers to human activities. The history of agriculture, dates ,back thousands of years, and its development has been driven and defined by
  43. The publication of the first volume of Ramstedt's Einführung in 1952. The, dates ,given are those of works concerning Altaic. For Activists, the version of
  44. Which combines music, storytelling,commentary, theatre and comedy. Cabaret, dates ,back to the 1930s and artists like WIM Kan, Wim Connived and Too Herman's were
  45. Of archaeological evidence of the Roman abacus, shown here in reconstruction, dates ,to the 1st century AD. It has eight long grooves containing up to five beads in
  46. Hals (sea) ), hence meaning" sea-shore ". History The current coastline, dates ,back to about 4000 BC. Before that time, at the peak of the last ice age (c.
  47. Andrea del Sarto, Jacopo the Ontario, Correggio Baroque Key, dates ,: 1600s Baroque Art emerged in Europe around 1600,as a reaction against
  48. Noted for their lavish decor. Cinematography The film industry in Azerbaijan, dates ,back to 1898. In fact, Azerbaijan was among the first countries involved in
  49. State was declared. The formation of an Albanian national consciousness, dates ,to the latter 19th century and is part of the larger phenomenon of rise of
  50. For starting that revolution. Artistic Movements Ancient & Classical Art Key, dates ,: 15000 BC / 400 BC-200AD / 350 AD-450AD Ancient - There are few

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