Examples of the the word, keen , in a Sentence Context

The word ( keen ), is the 4907 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Hanged on 28 May. The student acted on his own, but other revolutionaries were, keen ,to murder Alexander. In December 1879,the Narodnaya Volga (People's Will)
  2. Stone will likely stop at approximately the same location. As an example, on, keen , ice,common times might be 16 seconds for guards,14 seconds for draws, and 9
  3. With sport: he had played rugby for Eton, and was a noted cricketer and a, keen ,supporter of the Tottenham Hotspur football team. For an academic, Ayer was an
  4. Playing a winner at an extreme angle. His return of serve, baseline game, and, keen , sense of anticipation were among the best in the game, and helped him win the
  5. In shorter scope, it can be considered superior to epic. Aristotle was a, keen ,systematic collector of riddles, folklore,and proverbs; he and his school had
  6. Civilians. Yet at the same time, the horrific imagery demonstrates Goya's, keen ,artistic ability in composition and execution and produces fitting social and
  7. Queen Isabella I of Castile, was due to inherit the crown, but Alfonso V was, keen ,to interfere with the succession in Castile. In 1475, he married his niece Joan
  8. For the hosts of the tournament after examining the bids made by the nations, keen ,to hold a Cricket World Cup. England hosted the first three competitions. The
  9. Last for 30 years and could be shut down. Despite this, the government was not, keen ,to continue. In late 1983,the managing director of BA, Sir John King
  10. In local government. The native peoples under Roman rule became Romanized and, keen ,to adopt Roman ways. Celtic art had already incorporated classical influences
  11. Have webbed hind-feet, and a broad, scaly tail. They have poor eyesight, but, keen , senses of hearing, smell,and touch. A beaver's teeth grow continuously so
  12. By sweepers to get an initial sense of the weight of a stone. As an example, on, keen , ice,common times might be 4.0 seconds for guards,3.8 seconds for draws,3.2
  13. Encouraged to practice gong and tai chi Chuan. Young people in China are also, keen ,on basketball, especially in urban centers with limited space and grass areas.
  14. Into North Carolina to capture him. Spots wood gained the support of two men, keen ,to discredit North Carolina's Governor—Edward Moseley and Colonel Maurice
  15. The streets and accidentally encounters his former victims, all of whom are, keen ,on revenge. The policemen who come to Alex's rescue turn out to be none other
  16. Connections having the ruler of Mercia as his son-in-law, and Alfred’s, keen ,administration talents. Between the restoration of London and the resumption of
  17. Returned about 30 minutes later," triumphant ". Elsie's father, Arthur,was a, keen ,amateur photographer, and had set up his own darkroom. The picture on the
  18. Harivansh RAI Bachchan's two sons, the second being Amitabh. His mother had a, keen ,interest in theater and had been offered a role in a film, but preferred her
  19. For their senior year, or junior and senior years). It honors Goldwater's, keen ,interest in science and technology. Death Goldwater's public appearances ended
  20. Colder weeks of Autumn; the Elector and Martin, however,newly reinforced, were, keen , to push ahead. The French and Bavarian commanders eventually agreed on a plan
  21. Of every Red Dwarf episode, and most episodes were edited as the BBC weren't, keen ,to show Charles engaged in any sexual activity. After being cleared, Charles
  22. Left some 15,000 of his images to three Arizona institutions. He was very, keen ,on candid photography. He got started in photography after receiving a camera
  23. Snow White, his favorite fairy tale, pointing out that he took" an especially, keen ,pleasure in the scene where the Wicked Witch immerses her apple in the
  24. My head and crush down the deceitful impulses of my soul. Restrain also the, keen ,fury of my heart which provokes me to tread the ways of blood-curdling strife.
  25. Of great interest in the history of mathematics. Moreover, the Chinese were, keen ,on documenting all of their technological achievements, such as in the Twanging
  26. Seater tourers, dropheads and saloons were also produced. Berkeley was very, keen ,to race his cars and he was a very competent driver. One of the very few motors
  27. I would choose the latter without thinking twice. If the opponent offers, keen ,play I don't object; but in such cases I get less satisfaction, even if I win
  28. Church of Ireland. He was a strong supporter of the Liberal party. He took a, keen ,interest in Irish affairs Stoker had a strong interest in science and medicine
  29. To historian Edmund Morgan, Throughout his life, Columbus also showed a, keen ,interest in the Bible and in biblical prophecies, and would often quote
  30. Which would in turn have led to a possible Pacific war, the United States was, keen ,to conclude the Washington Naval Treaty of 1922. This treaty limited the number
  31. Organisations aimed to further the best interests of the breed, and both were, keen ,to produce a standard type of Beagle. By 1902 the number of packs had risen to
  32. Note, Village Vanguard, and Johnny Johnson's. Maria Elena reported Buddy was, keen ,to learn finger-style flamenco guitar, and would often visit her aunt home to
  33. Developed primarily for tracking hare, rabbit,and other game. They have a, keen ,sense of smell and tracking instinct that sees them employed as detection dogs
  34. Star had expired after his obligation to Red Sonja and Raw Deal, and he wasn't, keen ,to negotiate a new one, thus the third Conan movie sank into development hell.
  35. Heavy metal genres). Husker Du, Jesus and Mary Chain's and The Who were, keen ,amphetamine users early in their existence. Land Speed Record is an allusion to
  36. Kin by detecting differences in anal gland secretion composition using their, keen ,sense of smell. Related beavers share more features in their anal gland
  37. Foreign ear. Thus, words like pin and kin will sound almost similar to peen and, keen ,in the foreign ear. The final vowel in words like“ happy” and“ city ”, which
  38. To those who were less than twenty-five years of age, and,in spite of, keen ,opposition from the liberal section, a decree in this sense was issued by Ben
  39. Believed, especially considering the economic restraints the British were, keen ,to enforce in the colonies, that any additional tax burden from London was
  40. Furry paws allow it to walk on ice in search of food. The arctic fox has such, keen ,hearing that it can precisely locate the position of prey under the snow. When
  41. S taste and appreciation of his many works have varied over time. Usually, keen ,to give his readers what they wanted, the monthly or weekly publication of his
  42. Kingdom. George V's wife Queen Mary was a connoisseur of the arts, and took a, keen ,interest in the Royal Collection of furniture and art, both restoring and
  43. Art works and stop-motion animation. The British Blu-Tack website takes a, keen ,interest in these activities and has a section devoted to them. There was also
  44. In the West scenes with figures carved in relief. Renaissance architecture was, keen ,to revive the classical vocabulary and styles, and the informed use and
  45. Of Shakti Yoga, the devotees who worship Vishnu or Krishna are particularly, keen ,on AHIMA. Another Shakti Yoga school, Radha Swami Sat sang Beat observes
  46. The cleverest coiner or forger can't imitate it. " Major John Hall-Edwards,a, keen ,photographer and pioneer of medical X-ray treatments in Britain, was a
  47. Intel salesman who provided early critical funding for Apple Computer, was, keen , on marketing. From 1977 to 1981,Apple used the Aegis McKenna agency for its
  48. About which they would support in the event of a hung parliament. The party is, keen ,to maintain its independent identity however, and argues that the need for a
  49. A single portion of ethics does Aquinas present to us but is enriched with his, keen ,philosophical commentaries. Late ecclesiastical writers followed in his
  50. Minister. Readers were told that the British authority learned about Poirot's, keen ,investigative ability from certain Belgian royals. After the war Poirot became

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