Examples of the the word, viewpoint , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Of set is not specific enough to determine whether CH is true or false. This, viewpoint ,was advanced as early as 1923 by Sole, even before Gödel's first
  2. This would not just be a matter of executing the right computer program. This, viewpoint ,has most notably been advocated by John Earle, who defended it using a thought
  3. And Wicklow-Wexford-Waterford. " The only IRA body that supported this, viewpoint ,was the outgoing IRA Executive. Those members of the outgoing Executive who
  4. 1970). Both films star Robert De Niro and espouse a Leftist revolutionary, viewpoint ,common to their era. Greetings are entered into the 19th Berlin International
  5. That it had agreed to. If a mistake had been made, from the assembly's, viewpoint ,it could only be because it had been misled. As usual in ancient democracies
  6. Point to the Crusades as the first step in globalization. The more conventional, viewpoint ,is that networks of societies have expanded and shrunk since ancient times, and
  7. Churchill's" If Lee Had No Won the Battle of Gettysburg," written from the, viewpoint ,of a historian in a world where the Confederacy had won the American Civil War
  8. On their reference interest rate or their time preference. From an Economics, viewpoint , there is a clear trade-off between cost per copy and cost of the printer.
  9. Feminam) response such as this one invalidates the content of the patient's, viewpoint ," In Latin the word). A translation of ad hominem that preserves this
  10. In office" and because" only a small percentage of Americans accept this, viewpoint ,today. " Career in science Shortly after arriving in the US, Steinmetz went to
  11. Christian doctrine, like Michael Serves. " Those of the poly genesis, viewpoint ,use Anabaptist to define the larger movement, and include the inspirations
  12. Projective space plays a fundamental role in algebraic geometry. The modern, viewpoint ,The modern approaches to algebraic geometry redefine and effectively extend the
  13. And the cognitive dissonance caused by this leads to insanity. Lovecraft's, viewpoint ,made no allowance for religious belief which could not be supported
  14. Sufficient context. The council report stated:" It can be said that from the, viewpoint ,of the Okinawa residents, they were forced into the mass suicides. " That was
  15. With philosophical and mystical beliefs. For example, Nicomachus summarized the, viewpoint ,of the earlier Pythagorean approach to numbers, and their relationships to each
  16. Of the Ayurveda discuss and recommend meat from a purely health-related, viewpoint ,without even mentioning the aspect of AHIMA. Examples are the Sushmita Amrita
  17. Novel Eric the Briton and in a children's novel by Henry Greece. One of the, viewpoint ,characters of Ian Watson's novel Oracle is an eyewitness to her defeat. She
  18. Of energy a person must expend to travel a given distance. From a mechanical, viewpoint , up to 99 % of the energy delivered by the rider into the pedals is transmitted
  19. Philosophy is written in the Soviet Union ", and author Gore Vidal calling her, viewpoint ," nearly perfect in its immorality ". Her subsequent books got progressively
  20. Baudelaire's importance from a broadly conservative and explicitly Christian, viewpoint , left-wing critics such as Wilson and Walter Benjamin were able to do so from a
  21. Objects. Associated sequence: 1/6,−1/30,1/42,−1/30,... This is the, viewpoint ,of Jakob Bernoulli. (See the cutout from his Ar's Conjectandi, first edition
  22. In a strictly defined language or data structure; it would contain geometry, viewpoint , texture, lighting,and shading information as a description of the virtual
  23. Whole it was found sufficient to reinterpret them as conforming to a Christian, viewpoint , Christianity eventually gave birth to new apocalyptic works, some of which
  24. Mystery, and against well-researched material if it espouses a skeptical, viewpoint , Finally, if the Triangle is assumed to cross land, such as parts of Puerto
  25. J Francis Hudson (Lion Publishing 1996) retells Esther's story from her own, viewpoint , focussing on the dilemma she faces when compelled to choose between her own
  26. Used the term, several writers have defended agnosticism as a philosophical, viewpoint , A number of earlier thinkers and writings have explored agnostic thought. In
  27. The Anabaptists, although the categorizations tend to vary with the scholar's, viewpoint ,on origins. Step claims that in order to understand Anabaptism, one must "
  28. Reign of Alexander III (1249–1286)," almost entirely from Alexander's, viewpoint ,". *The Crown in Darkness (1988) by Paul C. Doherty. A crime fiction novel
  29. The octahedral cells in the 24-cell,the nearest and farthest cells from the 4D, viewpoint , and the remaining 8 pairs of cells, respectively. Cultural occurrences * In
  30. Application of the Bernoulli numbers. It is misleading to call this, viewpoint ,'archaic '. For example Jean-Pierre Serve uses it in his highly acclaimed book
  31. Of reals have a better chance of satisfying CH (Maddy 1988,p. 500). Another, viewpoint ,is that the conception of set is not specific enough to determine whether CH is
  32. By Dr. Jong-il Kim and 26 other fellow scientists in Korea with a creationist, viewpoint , The textbook drew the interest of college communities, and today, many South
  33. Though a few ancient atomisms such as Lucretius challenged the teleological, viewpoint ,of Aristotelian ideas about life, teleology (and after the rise of
  34. S knowledge of celestial things being very limited. However, the Aristotelian, viewpoint ,proved more influential, and it was not until the 16th century that it was
  35. Exalts Meursault's final moments. Camus made a significant contribution to a, viewpoint ,of the Absurd, and always rejected nihilism as a valid response. " If nothing
  36. Him in crucial ways, directly causing the loss of the battle; the alternative, viewpoint ,is that Lee did not manage his subordinates adequately, and did not thereby
  37. Description, but rather as a literary framework or allegory. From a theistic, viewpoint , the underlying laws of nature were designed by God for a purpose, and are so
  38. Bible is essentially based on history although presented through the religious, viewpoint ,of its time. It is considered the opposite of Biblical minimalism which
  39. Reportedly" because of the Wagnerian aspect of Metal. "" From a linguistic, viewpoint , this might be regarded as a diaeresis, rather than as an umlaut," The
  40. Preaches without a gown. Acceptance of instruments in worship An alternate, viewpoint ,is that limiting praise to the unaccompanied chant of the early church is not
  41. Elisabeth Schuyler Fiorella wrote Revelation: Vision of a just world from the, viewpoint ,of rhetoric. Accordingly,Revelation's meaning is partially determined by the
  42. The overall shape of a dichotomous (bifurcating) tree is recursive; as a, viewpoint ,zooms into the tree of life, the same type of tree appears no matter what the
  43. Is the historicity of Luke's depiction of Paul. According to the majority, viewpoint , Acts describes Paul differently from how he describes himself, both factually
  44. Studied projective geometry (along with other sorts of geometry) from the, viewpoint ,that the geometry on a space is encoded in a certain class of transformations
  45. Condition provides a link between an experimentalist's and a theoretician's, viewpoint ,on constitutive equations (linear and nonlinear elastic/inelastic or coupled
  46. Point in the pictorial plane but is presented from an oblique and a distant, viewpoint , unusual for a crucifixion scene in Western art. Nature dominates the scene and
  47. Feed on them. Although they are often considered to be weeds in gardens, this, viewpoint , is not always necessary, as most of them die when the soil temperature warms up
  48. Elementary properties of sets and cardinalities. In order to argue against this, viewpoint , it would be sufficient to demonstrate new axioms that are supported by
  49. Were from a family that supported a creationist rather than evolutionary, viewpoint , Wales has the largest proportion of theistic evolutionists - the belief that
  50. Sincere lovers of and earnest inquirers after truth ”. He still believed in the, viewpoint ,he shared with the logical positivists: that large parts of what was

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