Examples of the the word, crush , in a Sentence Context

The word ( crush ), is the 4920 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. For greater wealth, because wealth means power; the power to subdue, to, crush , to exploit, the power to enslave, to outrage, to degrade. " She also argued
  2. His government, he developed an extensive network of spies and informants to, crush ,potential opposition. His government undertook a number of major infrastructure
  3. Revolt had finally come to end. Although Eugene would have preferred to, crush ,the rebels the Emperor had offered lenient conditions, leading to the signing
  4. At the Battle of Alonzo, forcing his way into Italy. * 663 – Villa–Tang armies, crush ,the Bake restoration attempt and force Yamato Japan to withdraw from Korea in
  5. Cymbals together and choking the sound in what is called a" hi-hat chick" or, crush , A skilled player can obtain an enormous dynamic range from such a pair of
  6. Two days later. *1979 – In Cincinnati, Ohio,11 fans are suffocated in a, crush ,for seats on the concourse outside Riverfront Coliseum before a Who concert.
  7. In Franconia. These soon became so serious that a league was formed to, crush ,him, and Maurice of Saxony led an army against his former comrade. The rival
  8. Stronghold of Kenilworth Castle, however,and their resistance proved hard to, crush , A siege of the castle was started, but through papal intervention King Henry
  9. On them completely. Watterson admits that Calvin and Susie have a nascent, crush ,on each other, and that Susie is inspired by the type of woman whom Watterson
  10. Bark Karma to demand that the Red Army resume their offensives, in order to, crush ,the Panther groups definitively. However, Massoud had received advance warning
  11. Syria, the Drupes were the most potentially dangerous, and he was determined to, crush ,them. He frequently proclaimed:" My enemies are like a serpent: the head is
  12. Similar battering weapons; compound fractures, ruptured organs, and other such, crush ,injuries - in some ways a broken can be more deadly as the injuries caused are
  13. In the spring of 1865 because northern armies had demonstrated their ability to, crush ,organized southern military resistance .... Civilians who had maintained faith
  14. In 654,Abdulrahman in Sarah, governor of Sis tan, sent an Islamic army to, crush ,a revolt in Zara, which is now in southern Afghanistan. After conquering
  15. BC, Roman dictator-for-life Julius Caesar planned to lead a major campaign to, crush ,Barista and his allies once and for all, but he was assassinated before it
  16. The sisters did not last long. Mary, a devout Catholic, was determined to, crush ,the Protestant faith in which Elizabeth had been educated, and she ordered that
  17. For a total of about eight thousand men (depending on the source),the, crush ,would have been even worse. The press of men arriving from behind actually
  18. Government action would have been a set of criminal procedures designed to, crush ,what was seen as a pivotal demonstration of the growing labor rights movement
  19. Mud, the heat and lack of oxygen in plate armor with the visor down, and the, crush ,of their numbers meant they could" scarcely lift their weapons" when they
  20. The head is the Rebel Al-Razi, the stomach Home, and the tail Aleppo. If I, crush ,the head the serpent will die. " Shishakli dispatched 10,000 regular troops to
  21. Demonic monsters, pits of toxic or radioactive slime, ceilings that lower and, crush ,the player character, and locked doors for which a key card, skull-shaped key
  22. The capture of his city. Despite early defeats, Ramiro and García were able to, crush ,the caliphate army in 939 at the Battle of Finances, most likely, in part, too
  23. In fiction, elephants are among the world's the most dangerous animals. They can, crush ,and kill any other land animal, even the rhinoceros. They can experience bouts
  24. Meant that whoever had control of the capital and the military could normally, crush ,resistance. If a rebellion failed to quickly seize the capital and control of
  25. Of her as part of the family),in fact, she actually harbored something of a, crush ,on Jethro for most of the series' run. At first, she mistook the Competes as
  26. As administrator Ashoka's military power was so strong that he was able to, crush ,those empires that went to war against him. Still, he was on friendly terms
  27. The Triumph of the Revolution),a chariot drawn by horses preparing" to, crush ,Anarchy and Despotism ", that remained only four years up there before falling
  28. The carnassial in the upper jaw. Cats will strip bones clean but will not, crush ,them to get the marrow inside. Omnivores, such as bears and raccoons, have
  29. Cape Canaveral, Florida. *1960 – Troops loyal to Hail Selassie I in Ethiopia, crush ,the coup that began December 13,returning power to their leader upon his
  30. Entered winter quarters. Although Howe had missed several opportunities to, crush ,the diminishing American army, he had killed or captured over 5,000 Americans.
  31. That jurisdiction. If the door opens inward and there is a fire, there can be a, crush ,of people who run for the door, and they will not be able to open it. Dimensions
  32. Under the leadership of General Franco. In 1953, he criticized Soviet methods to, crush ,a worker' strike in East Berlin. In 1956, he protested against similar methods
  33. That killed two U. S. servicemen. *1989 – Hillsborough disaster: A human, crush ,occurs at Hillsborough Stadium, home of Sheffield Wednesday, in the FA Cup Semi
  34. Sold freely, and the cinemas showed Indian films. He views the NATO attempt to, crush ,the Taliban as ineffective and has gone on record saying that he could mop up
  35. In 1762,Ahmad Shah crossed the passes from Afghanistan for the sixth time to, crush ,the Sikhs. He assaulted Lahore and Amritsar. Within two years, the Sikhs
  36. Lack ribs, so if they leave water, the larger species' own body weight would, crush ,their internal organs long before they suffocate. As they do not have bone
  37. Survival reached Nero, so he sent three assassins to stab her. He then tried to, crush ,her with a mechanical ceiling over her bed at her residence. Nero designed a
  38. Fatima. (see Radar) The Shi'a belief that Abu Bakr sent Khalid in Valid to, crush ,those who were in favor of Ali's caliphate (see Jidda Wars). The Shi'a
  39. Within the Kuomintang, which wanted to expel Western and Japanese imperialists, crush ,the Communists, and eliminate feudalism. Die Li died in a plane crash, which
  40. Heaven's high arch shall rush, Suns sink on suns, and systems, crush , Headlong, extinct,to one dark center fall, And Death and Night
  41. The Danes enjoyed the advantage, better situated to outlast their opponents or, crush ,them with a counter-attack as the provisions and stamina of the besieging
  42. Externally, Daleks normally resemble human-sized salt and pepper shakers, crush ,a man's skull by suction, and extract information from a man's mind. Dale
  43. Was sworn in as Colombian president. He immediately began taking action to, crush ,the FARC, ELN,and AUC, including the employment of citizen informants to help
  44. Chiang as a" dictator" and a" usurper. " Li vowed that he would" return to, crush ," Chiang once he returned to China. Li remained in exile, and did not return to
  45. Of war, that I may be able to drive away bitter cowardice from my head and, crush ,down the deceitful impulses of my soul. Restrain also the keen fury of my heart
  46. Uprooting trees and moving logs, and were also commonly used as executioners to, crush ,the condemned underfoot. Elephants have also been used as mounts for
  47. Stars. Granny's favorite actor was Hoot Gibson, but she also had an intense, crush ,on William S. Hart, and the whole Clamped family adored Mary Pickford. Silent
  48. Part of the stomach forms a muscular gizzard lined with chitinous teeth that, crush ,armored prey such as diatoms. Wave-like peristaltic contractions move the food
  49. And ability to resist acids, agate is used to make mortars and pestles to, crush ,and mix chemicals. Because of the high polish possible with agate it has been
  50. Of his then mistress and fellow initiate Elaine Simpson) attempted to help, crush ,the rebellion and unsuccessfully tried to seize a London temple space known as

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