Examples of the the word, tariff , in a Sentence Context

The word ( tariff ), is the 4923 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Tariffs The Democrats in Congress, controlled by Southerners, wrote the, tariff ,laws in the 1830s,1840s,and 1850s,and kept reducing rates, so that the 1857
  2. On commerce with the Canadian interior, enforced by the federal government's, tariff ,policies. Simultaneous with the construction of railways in the region, the age
  3. Name "/IN"> jstor22"/> Historians in recent decades have minimized the, tariff ,issue, noting that few Southerners in 1860–61 said it was of central importance
  4. A high tariff to protect American industries. In 1886,a bill to reduce the, tariff ,was narrowly defeated in the House. The tariff issue was emphasized in the
  5. And divers could only select from the range of dives in the published, tariff ,table. Since then, the tariff is calculated by a formula based on various
  6. The signatories hoped to create a common market in Latin America and offered, tariff ,rebates among member nations. NAFTA came into effect on January 2,1962. When
  7. Role of politics in the origins of the region's decline. Confederation and the, tariff ,and railway freight policies that followed have often been blamed for having a
  8. Debt is slowly paid down through a variety of sources, including a 0.7 cent/kWh, tariff ,on all power, all income taxes paid by all operating companies, and all
  9. An oath to end feudalism and abandon their privileges. *1790 – A newly passed, tariff ,act creates the Revenue Cutter Service (the forerunner of the United States
  10. In Australia '. Among other reforms, the Hawks Government dismantled the, tariff ,system, privatised state sector industries, ended subsidization of loss-making
  11. To European dependent territories. However, it is exempt of the Common external, tariff , the Common Agricultural Policy and the requirement to levy Value added tax.
  12. Through: # The establishment of a customs union with a common external, tariff ,# Common policies for agriculture, transport and trade # Enlargement of the EEC
  13. It had not been a central point in his campaign,Cleveland's opinion on the, tariff ,was that of most Democrats: that the tariff ought to be reduced. Republicans
  14. Aiming at a Latin American common market, through three mechanisms: * Regional, tariff ,preference granted to products originating in the member countries, based on
  15. Between the early EEC and the ETA was the absence of a common external customs, tariff , and therefore each ETA member was free to establish individual customs duties
  16. Smuggled from the Union states. The government collected about $3.5 million in, tariff ,revenue from the start of their war against the Union to late 1864. The lack of
  17. United States enacted the" Nixon Shock" economic policies (including a 10 %, tariff ,on all imports) it put the Canadian government into a panic. This led in a
  18. Support for Whitish programs of internal improvements and the protective, tariff , On the third ballot Pennsylvania put him over the top. Pennsylvania iron
  19. Countries of the area Either regional or partial scope agreements may cover, tariff ,relief and trade promotion; economic complementation; agricultural trade;
  20. That the tariff ought to be reduced. Republicans generally favored a high, tariff ,to protect American industries. In 1886,a bill to reduce the tariff was
  21. Was of central importance to them. Some secessionist documents do mention the, tariff ,issue, though not nearly as often as the preservation of slavery. Election of
  22. Salvador, Guatemala,and Honduras opened free trade talks with Mexico. Although, tariff ,cuts that were expected in July 1996 were delayed until 1997,the Government of
  23. Newer model to reduce consumption, which is also complemented with a new power, tariff , which imposes economically punitive measurements on inefficient use of power.
  24. State, South Carolina, that it had the right to" nullify"—declare void—the, tariff ,legislation of 1828,and more generally the right of a state to nullify any
  25. Money spent freely. He was also a" high protectionist ": a supporter of high, tariff ,barriers to protect Australian rural industries. The Bruce-Page government was
  26. Policy in Nova Scotia demonstrates how the effects of railway fares and the, tariff ,structure helped undermine this growth. Capitalists from Central Canada
  27. Then the limit set by the competition/organization etc. Until the mid 1990s the, tariff ,was decided by the FINA diving committee, and divers could only select from the
  28. To attract private investment. Measures include a preferential solar-feed-in, tariff ,and a 50 % VAT refund for wind farm developers intended to facilitate the
  29. Of trade bloc which is composed of a free trade area with a common external, tariff , The participant countries set up common external trade policy, but in some
  30. The EU, and the customs union involves the application of a common external, tariff ,on all goods entering the market. Once goods have been admitted into the market
  31. Jar, jasmine,lemon, loofah,magazine, mattress,sherbet, sofa,sugar, sumac, tariff , and many other words. Other languages such as Maltese and King derive from
  32. Percent. According to the U. S. Department of Commerce," There are very few, tariff ,or non- tariff barriers to trade with Botswana, apart from restrictions on
  33. Tariffs Another contentious financial issue at the time was the protective, tariff , While it had not been a central point in his campaign,Cleveland's opinion on
  34. In a customs union, members of a free trade area do not have a common external, tariff , which means they have different quotas and customs as well as other policies
  35. Select from the range of dives in the published tariff table. Since then,the, tariff ,is calculated by a formula based on various factors such as the number of twist
  36. Common carriage under its jurisdiction and the USPS would have to file a, tariff , Three years after initiating the service, USPS canceled E-COM and attempted to
  37. Imposed it on all imports from other countries, including the Union states. The, tariff ,mattered little; the Union blockade minimized commercial traffic through the
  38. And modeling methodologies. " This may also include information of trade or, tariff , *Access agent: Provides access to other potential agents by providing
  39. Bank data are available),the SACK had a weighted average common external, tariff ,rate of 3.6 percent. According to the U. S. Department of Commerce," There are
  40. all the other countries in the world combined. The Confederacy adopted a low, tariff ,of 15 per cent, but imposed it on all imports from other countries, including
  41. Is. The score that the dive receives is multiplied by the DD (also known as, tariff ,) to give the dive a final score. Before a diver competes they must decide on a
  42. And customs as well as other policies with respect to non-members. To avoid, tariff ,evasion (through re-exportation) the countries use the system of
  43. Force Bill" explicitly authorizing the use of military force to enforce the, tariff , but its passage was delayed until protectionists led by Clay agreed to a
  44. Poor citizens of the Britain. Immediately, Peel hoped that the repeal of the, tariff ,on wheat (the Corn Laws) and the resultant influx of cheaper wheat into
  45. Which was launched on 1 September 2000,calls for the elimination of all, tariff ,and non- tariff barriers to trade by 2008 among the 11 signatory countries. If
  46. Cleveland's opinion on the tariff was that of most Democrats: that the, tariff ,ought to be reduced. Republicans generally favored a high tariff to protect
  47. New measures of repression by Austrian statesman Metternich. The Zollverein,a, tariff ,union, furthered economic unity in the German states. National and liberal
  48. Western land holdings with disputed claims. Also, manufacturers wanted a high, tariff ,as a barrier to foreign goods, but competition among states made this
  49. Went against its interests. Although Jackson sympathized with the South in the, tariff ,debate, he was also a strong supporter of a strong union, with effective powers
  50. Policies or" aperture economic" and this has continued since then, with, tariff , reductions,financial deregulation, privatization of state-owned enterprises

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