Examples of the the word, hostile , in a Sentence Context

The word ( hostile ), is the 4908 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. 1910–1960). British historians, apart from a few Marxists, were generally, hostile , Academic historians decidedly sided with Geoffrey Elton's The Practice of
  2. Of the expedition. The Atoms, however,recovered their senses when the, hostile ,force reached the neighborhood of Labor. They concentrated their defense at
  3. Deployed to Howard Air Force Base, Panama,as a precaution against possible, hostile ,actions against American personnel during the Nicaraguan Revolution. New time
  4. Under Article 58, paragraph 10 of the Soviet criminal code, and of" founding a, hostile ,organization" under paragraph 11. Solzhenitsyn was taken to the Lanka
  5. The American Football League. The NFL's initial reaction was not as openly, hostile ,as it had been with the earlier All-America Football Conference (Bell had even
  6. And Iran - as competitors for regional hegemony - supported Afghan militias, hostile ,towards each other. According to Human Rights Watch, Iran was assisting the
  7. Waste product of the salinity gradient power process. Because brackish water is, hostile ,to the growth of most terrestrial plant species, without appropriate management
  8. Many of them, particularly Associate Justice Samuel Chase, were openly, hostile ,to the Federalists' opponents. Individual Supreme Court Justices, particularly
  9. To be sold in the United States, a market that at the time was traditionally, hostile ,towards European computer manufacturers. By the end of 1985,it arrived in
  10. After the American Civil War. His tenure was controversial as his positions, hostile ,to the Freedmen came under heavy political attack from Republicans. When
  11. Although the assumption persists even today that Rights of Woman received, hostile ,reviews. It was almost immediately released in a second edition in 1792
  12. Place in an alternate 1930s United States, where the nation crumbled into many, hostile ,states following the effects of the Great Depression, the Great War, and
  13. Touching, though there is some debate over whether the touching must also be, hostile , Confusingly, the terms" assault" and" common assault" often encompass the
  14. These two figures is that the Historian Britton is preserving traditions, hostile ,to the purported descendants of Northern, who at this time were a ruling house
  15. The multiverse as a cheerful place, while characters with bad stuff see it as, hostile , Conflict resolution In any given fair conflict between two characters, the
  16. And Iran – as competitors for regional hegemony – supported Afghan militias, hostile ,towards each other. According to Human Rights Watch, Iran was assisting the
  17. That Simon was ostracized, and the relations between Athens and Sparta turned, hostile , After a three-year siege, Thasos was recaptured and forced back into the
  18. Kharkov had acquired a certain influence over him, that he adopted a more, hostile ,attitude towards the cabinet of Berlin, and even then he confined himself to
  19. S easily identified as Ginsberg. " Howl" came out during a potentially, hostile ,literary environment less welcoming to poetry outside of tradition; there was a
  20. Insurance holdings to focus on consulting. The following year it began offering, hostile ,takeover insurance policies to small and midsized companies. Aon built a global
  21. That" It's not true to say that the Swedes are anti-Semitic. Some of them are, hostile ,to Israel because they support the weak side, which they perceive the
  22. The revolution, as Britain was increasingly seen as hopelessly corrupt and, hostile ,to American interests. Britain seemed to threaten the established liberties
  23. To Rand's first public speaking experiences, including fielding the sometimes, hostile ,questions from New York City audiences who had just viewed pro-Willkie
  24. World War II. Orwell, a democratic socialist, was a critic of Joseph Stalin and, hostile ,to Moscow-directed Stalinism, especially after his experiences with the NKVD
  25. Disastrous, with Johnson widely ridiculed and occasionally engaging in, hostile ,arguments with his audiences. The Republicans won by a landslide and took full
  26. The last two years of Clinton's presidency, U. S. aircraft routinely attacked, hostile ,Iraqi anti-air installations inside the Iraqi no-fly zones. Clinton's November
  27. Fears of slave revolts and abolitionist propaganda made the South militantly, hostile ,to abolitionism. Name" clement"/> name "/JJ"> Franklin"/> Southerners
  28. And that the Afghan Arabs were almost invariably militant Islamists reflexively, hostile ,to Westerners whether the Westerners were helping the Muslim Afghans.
  29. Violence to ensure that the British tax laws were unenforceable. While openly, hostile ,to what they considered an oppressive Parliament acting illegally, colonists
  30. Was signed with Saladin. Amalia returned home. Now Jerusalem was surrounded by, hostile ,enemies. In 1170 Saladin invaded Jerusalem and took the city of Eclat, severing
  31. Letter by Philip, perhaps written with the aid of his advisers. Ximenes was, hostile ,to Theodosius, whom he sought to discredit with a libelous parody, Trikaranos
  32. Devices (Songbooks) and these are also used to determine the location of, hostile ,submarines. Electro-optic Electro-optic systems include devices such as the
  33. Of family members left in the capital, while protesting her sons' innocence of, hostile ,actions; under the falsehood of making a visceral visit to worship at the
  34. From Saint Thomas Aquinas to Anatole France, clearly seems to me to be, hostile ,to any intellectual or moral advancement. I loathe it, for it is made up of
  35. Down when Baldwin came of age, and by 1150 the two were becoming increasingly, hostile ,towards each other. In 1152 Baldwin had himself crowned sole king, and civil
  36. Also many modern historians who object to this view and point out that such a, hostile ,attitude towards Athanasius is based on an unfair judgment of historical
  37. More than an 'NGO fair' driven by Northern NGOs and donors most of which are, hostile ,to popular movements of the poor. Criticism The anti-globalization movement has
  38. For a pre-Broadway tryout period. The reviews were brutal and the audiences, hostile , talking back to the cast and walking out in droves. Director Laurent's
  39. New York professor Helen Fan defines it as" a persisting latent structure of, hostile ,beliefs towards Jews as a collective manifested in individuals as attitudes
  40. Benjamin Carpenter and zoologist E. Ray Lank ester became openly and publicly, hostile ,to Wallace over the issue. Wallace and other scientists who defended
  41. On social rather than political or diplomatic themes, and for being generally, hostile ,to the class analysis of Marxist historiography. The school deals primarily
  42. Was shipwrecked; after coming ashore with a handful of companions, he crossed, hostile ,territory to Caesar's camp, which impressed his great-uncle considerably. When
  43. A partner at law firm Sadden, Arps, to refer to a new defense tactic in, hostile ,mergers and acquisitions where differing takeover regimes in deals involving
  44. Binoculars and sometimes optical range-finders. *Special equipment for locating, hostile ,artillery: flash spotting and notably sound ranging appeared in World War I the
  45. Was also detrimental to the kingdom. Nonetheless, the press is not overtly, hostile ,towards other viewpoints and is not restricted on only publishing articles
  46. As exotic luxuries were in high demand in Rome. Although the Romans had a more, hostile ,attitude than the Greeks towards the Egyptians, some traditions such as
  47. War. Tunisia's President, Habib Borgia, has in all probability never been, hostile ,to the Jews, but there was always that notorious" delay ", which meant that
  48. West were cut off from their jobs. West Berlin became an isolated exclave in a, hostile ,land. West Berliners demonstrated against the wall, led by their Mayor ()
  49. Unlike a male-oriented director like Sam Peckinpah, Kurosawa is not, hostile ,to women, but his general lack of interest in them should be regarded as a
  50. With Odysseus and Antioch for the prize in the footrace; but Athena, who was, hostile ,towards him and favored Odysseus, made him stumble and fall, so that he won

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