Examples of the the word, genius , in a Sentence Context

The word ( genius ), is the 4927 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Characters Supporting characters *Charlie Donetsk,Barb's blind, mechanical, genius , brother. He invents most of her weapons and metahuman restraining devices. He
  2. The afflicted individual was often granted compensation in the form of artistic, genius , Judeo-Christian literature positioned blindness as a flaw; only through a cure
  3. During the 100th anniversary of the Civil War white southerners focused on the, genius ,of southern generals, rather than slavery. In Virginia during the fall of 2010
  4. The politics and history of ancestors, the richness of their sciences, and the, genius ,of their thought. " While discussing the profession of treasure hunting, he
  5. To Rome in the beginning of 1816,with the ransomed spoils of his country's, genius , Immediately after, he received several marks of distinction: he was made
  6. The film" makes you realize that the most undervalued aspect of Kubrick's, genius ,could well be his way with actors. " Having garnered Oscar nominations for Dr
  7. In the Indian Ocean. He is generally considered a world conquest military, genius , given his successful strategy: he attempted to close all the Indian Ocean
  8. In the context of this challenge that he develops the concept of military, genius , whose capabilities are seen above all in the execution of operations.
  9. Or Oral, with God, viewing it instead as the nation's literary and moral, genius , The article Jewish commentaries on the Bible discuss the Jewish
  10. On Alan Greenspan. For example, Mother Jones remarked that" Rand's particular, genius ,has always been her ability to turn upside down traditional hierarchies and
  11. Hercules series. She acts as a guide to Hercules and his sidekick, boy, genius , Amadeus CHO. Athena appears in Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson and the Olympians
  12. Time. In 2008,Martin Saiph, in a review of the book called Chaplin" the only, genius ,to come out of the movie industry ". Biography Early life in London (1889–1909
  13. Of ecstasy, but her current fulfillment. This is widely considered the, genius ,of Baroque although this mix of religious and erotic imagery was extremely
  14. The first dominating" big man "; ball-handling wizard Bob Cousy and defensive, genius ,Bill Russell of the Boston Celtics; Wilt Chamberlain, who originally played for
  15. Depressing creature; I pitied him, but did not fear him or find him funny. The, genius ,of Danny DeVito is all but swallowed up in the paraphernalia of the role.
  16. Champion to a rematch, and the next champion, Armenian Ti gran Persian,a, genius ,of defense and a strong positional player, held the title for two cycles
  17. Ses better quad on a Du genie" (" How one pays one's debts when one has, genius ,"),in which his criticism turns against his friends Honor de Balzac
  18. This combination of a" brash new director, a nervous studio, and an erratic, genius ," gave birth to Citizen Kane, in what Houseman called," an absurd venture. "
  19. Gleefully exaggerate the idea of overprotection, as well as asserting the true, genius ,of the wondrous idea. Koch was in fact a great admirer of Nimzowitsch, and the
  20. Compared with Charlotte, the family's the most prolific writer, and Emily,the, genius , This has occurred to a large extent because Anne was very different, as a
  21. Centaurs" most impressive aspect ". Greg Tito of The Escapist said," the, genius ,of the game is how it flawlessly blends its great writing with strategy
  22. Us-American and European agriculture is therefore subsidized. To Smith,the, genius ,and the natural talents of men are no natural dispositions which have to be
  23. This view. “ Akira Kurosawa’s editing was exceptional, the inimitable work of a, genius ,... No one was a match for him. ” She claimed that Kurosawa carried in his head
  24. Publicly in the middle of the 20th century due to his fame and reputation for, genius , Einstein offered to and was called on to give judgments and opinions on
  25. The 1939 New York World's Fair, described by Frank Lloyd Wright as a" work of, genius ,". It could be said that Aalto's international reputation was sealed with his
  26. Gillick took over as head coach in 1999. Gillick, a self-described offensive, genius , had been offensive coordinator for the record-setting Minnesota Vikings the
  27. Man, from which comes his horror of solitude. He wants to be 'two '. The man of, genius ,wants to be 'one' ... It is this horror of solitude, the need to lose oneself
  28. Name" rpgnet2" /> while the game has also been described as a" work of, genius ,". Due to its unique setting, the game remains popular
  29. Of book land and royal loan land owed the Crown. Where Alfred revealed his, genius ,was in designing the field force and Burns to be parts of a coherent military
  30. Left him with a deep sense of humiliation, and a determination to vindicate his, genius , After Oxford, Jackson got a job as a clerk in the Patent Office in London and
  31. Categories and instead give him a Special Award" for versatility and, genius ,in acting, writing,directing and producing The Circus ". The only other film
  32. That even in dealing with the darkest scenes and the most degraded characters, genius ,could still be clean, and mirth could be innocent. " Pointing to the fresh
  33. Name is one of the 72 names inscribed on the Eiffel Tower. Work Early work The, genius ,of Cauchy was illustrated in his simple solution of the problem of
  34. Intelligence and originality have made the word" Einstein" synonymous with, genius , Biography Early life and education Albert Einstein was born in Ulm, in the
  35. Style. However, a younger contemporary, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, brought his, genius ,to Haydn's ideas and applied them to two of the major genres of the day: opera
  36. To create a work of inspiration. In the 18th Century a changing concept of, genius ,located the source of inspiration within the writer, whose special talents and
  37. Maestros: Bulgaria and Pasternak were never arrested. But woe betide anyone, genius ,or hack, who insulted the person or policy of Stalin -- for the two were
  38. Neoclassicism and against the Age of Enlightenment. The notion of" folk, genius ,", or an inborn and intuitive ability to do magnificent things, is a core
  39. Scouring it for new areas of interest. The range of Bell's inventive, genius ,is represented only in part by the 18 patents granted in his name alone and the
  40. On Jansenism. Pascal's last major achievement, returning to his mechanical, genius , was inaugurating perhaps the first bus line, moving passengers within Paris in
  41. Anetholes was born in poverty but very early in life parlayed his remarkable, genius ,into a career as an inventor, first for weapons of war, and later, after
  42. A" just appreciation" even in France, claimed that the poet had" great, genius ," and asserted that his" technical mastery which can hardly be overpraised ...
  43. With a single phoneme, as an appropriate means of communication for a race of, genius ,supermen. A brass instrument is a musical instrument whose sound is produced by
  44. Accuracy. " Austrian historian praised Minus as" the greatest literary, genius ,that the world produced between Tacitus and Dante ". According to Kimberly
  45. Only several years after his death was he regarded as an innovator and artistic, genius ,and did his fame grow to international proportions. Blues singer Robert Johnson
  46. As occurred so often in this region, the demise in 1030 of this military, genius ,who had expanded the empire to its farthest reaches was the death knell of the
  47. Labors of the ages, all the inspiration, all the noonday brightness of human, genius ,are destined to extinction in the vast death of the solar system, that the
  48. Asymmetrical relationship between attack and defense * the nature of" military, genius ," (involving matters of personality and character, beyond intellect) * the "
  49. In his diary in June 1943," Speer is still tops with the Führer. He is truly a, genius ,with organization. " Speer was so successful in his position that by late 1943
  50. Stay with a retired Army couple. Very early in life, Turing showed signs of the, genius ,he was to later prominently display. His parents enrolled him at St Michael's

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