Examples of the the word, int , in a Sentence Context

The word ( int ), is the 4911 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Example is in C++. // Fibonacci numbers, imperative style, int ,Fibonacci ( int iterations) std: :out << Fibonacci (10) <<" \n "; A
  2. Calls the main function to begin program execution. The type specifier, int ,indicates that the return value, the value that is returned to the invoked (in
  3. Program: #include #include using Core;, int ,main ( int arc,string’t? Args) Cognitivism may refer to: * Cognitivism (
  4. Background-color: #ffffff; text-align:/JJ"> left"> #include , int , main () Source code of a program
  5. Mid=0;} barrier (sum_thread, &mybarrier); return NULL; void barrier (, int ,sum_thread,barrier’t * my barrier) thread_mute_lock (& (
  6. And returns K (s). Now consider the program function GenerateComplexString (, int ,n) for i = 1 to infinity: for each string s of length exactly i if
  7. Po int ers. Take for instance a function, called foo that takes a po int er to an, int ,: int foo ( int Although the person who wrote the function foo
  8. And the int eger L in turn are computable by programs: function StringNthProof (, int ,n) function ComplexityLowerBoundNthProof ( int n) Consider the following
  9. Public void insert ( int data) private static void int ernalInsert (Node, int ,data) Deletion There are three possible cases to consider: * Deleting a leaf (
  10. Node at each parent node. Bool BinarySearchTree: :search (, int ,val) Insertion begins as a search would begin; if the root is not
  11. Function StringNthProof ( int n) function ComplexityLowerBoundNthProof (, int ,n) Consider the following program function GenerateProvablyComplexString ( int
  12. Consider the following C++ function: int foo ( int x, int ,y) Assume this function is a part of some bigger program and this program was
  13. Stack_pop (stack’T s); /* Remove the top item from the stack and return it., int ,stack_empty (stack’T ts); / This implementation could be used in the
  14. By writing the type followed by the variable name. Keywords such as char and, int ,specify built-in types. Sections of code are enclosed in braces (, sometimes
  15. NULL. Thus, the " safe" version of foo would be: int foo (, int ,@); This tells the Cyclone compiler that the argument to foo should never be
  16. Words, types (modes) or operators. Proc abs max = (, real a, ref real y, ref, int , i,k)real: comment The absolute greatest element of the matrix a, of size a by
  17. Tree in Java: private Node m_root; public void insert (, int ,data) Below is a recursive approach to the insertion method.
  18. For example, consider the following C++ function:, int , foo ( int x, int y) Assume this function is a part of some bigger program and
  19. Of Borromini's buildings in Rome *http://www.columbia.edu/~jc65/opus/opus., int , Htm Columbia University: Joseph Connors, Francesco Borrowing: Opus
  20. Int n) Consider the following program function GenerateProvablyComplexString (, int ,n) for i = 1 to infinity: if NthProofProvesComplexityFormula (i) and
  21. Simplified pseudocode instead of this hybrid? Void parallel ( int sum_threads, int ,matrix_dimension) int i; for (i=0; i; i++) create_thread (
  22. Simple string concatenation: /* C code */ #include, int , main () /* PHP code */ Namespace Foo\Bar; class BAZ
  23. Ways; in particular, a declaration that lacks a type specifier no longer has, int ,implicitly assumed. A standard macro __SDC_VERSION__ is defined with value
  24. For example, consider the following C++ function: int foo (, int ,x, int y) Assume this function is a part of some bigger program and this
  25. Include #include using Core; int main (, int ,arc,string’t? Args) Cognitivism may refer to: * Cognitivism (ethics),the
  26. In the C programming language using the ternary operator:, int ,floor5 ( int v) This function is written more succinctly as:: FLOOR5 (n -- n
  27. Which assigns to any subset A ⊆ X its closure or int erior operators (denoted, int ,), which assigns to any subset A of X its int erior. In these terms, a function:
  28. To split code int o ANSI and K&R sections. #if __SDC__ extern, int ,get opt ( int , char #else extern int get opt (); #endif It's better to use "
  29. A function, called foo that takes a po int er to an int :, int , foo ( int Although the person who wrote the function foo could have inserted
  30. Called foo that takes a po int er to an int : int foo (, int ,Although the person who wrote the function foo could have inserted NULL checks
  31. I=0; i; i++) thread_join (threads, NULL ); void *Gauss ( int thread_id), int , i,k, j; for (k=0; k; k++) if (thread_id== (KNM_thread
  32. Instead of this hybrid? Void parallel ( int sum_threads, int matrix_dimension), int , i; for (i=0; i; i++) create_thread (threads, i );
  33. Into ANSI and K&R sections. #if __SDC__ extern int get opt (, int , char #else extern int get opt (); #endif It's better to use" #if __SDC__ "
  34. Hello, world " program is: #include, int , main (void) The first line of the program contains a preprocessing directive
  35. Version of stolen is not so different from the C version:, int , strlen (coast char? s) Here, strlen bounds itself by the length of the array
  36. Assuming that BinarySearchTree is a class with a member function" search (, int ,)" and a po int er to the root node, the algorithm is also easily implemented in
  37. Method. Private Node m_root; public void insert (, int ,data) private static void int ernalInsert (Node, int data) Deletion
  38. Including inline functions, several new data types (including long, int ,and a complex type to represent complex numbers),variable-length arrays
  39. A simple (and naïve) stolen function, written in C:, int , strlen (coast char This function assumes that the string being passed in is
  40. Programming language using the ternary operator: int floor5 (, int ,v) This function is written more succinctly as:: FLOOR5 (n -- n' ) 1- 5 MAX;
  41. Enumeration of all the formal proofs in S by some procedure function Mothproof (, int ,n) which takes as input n and outputs some proof. This function enumerates all
  42. To move. The following pseudocode makes a sprite move from left to right: var, int ,x: 0,y: screencast / 2; while x < screenWidth drawBackground ()
  43. The end of the current line. The return value of the pr int function is of type, int , but it is silently discarded since it is not used. (A more careful program
  44. Threads for (i=0; i; i++) thread_join (threads, NULL ); void *Gauss (, int ,thread_id) int i, k,j; for (k=0; k; k++) if (
  45. Valid C or else simplified pseudocode instead of this hybrid? Void parallel (, int ,sum_threads, int matrix_dimension) int i; for (i=0; i; i++)
  46. Language of S. There is a program function NthProofProvesComplexityFormula (, int ,n) which determines whether the nth proof actually proves a complexity formula
  47. C++. // Fibonacci numbers, imperative style int Fibonacci (, int ,iterations) std: :out << Fibonacci (10) <<" \n "; A functional version (
  48. Fixed length int eger approximation datatype (or subsets) are denoted, int ,or Integer in several programming languages (such as Algol68,C, Java,Delphi
  49. If __SDC__ extern int get opt ( int , char #else extern, int ,get opt (); #endif It's better to use" #if __SDC__" as above rather than "
  50. Never be NULL. Thus, the " safe" version of foo would be:, int , foo ( int @); This tells the Cyclone compiler that the argument to foo should

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