Examples of the the word, citizenship , in a Sentence Context

The word ( citizenship ), is the 4922 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. A small category of votes a quorum of 6000 was required, principally grants of, citizenship , and here small colored stones were used, white for yes and black for no. At
  2. Japanese control. Also at this time, the Ainu were granted automatic Japanese, citizenship , effectively denying them the status of an indigenous group. The Ainu were
  3. Schweitzer, born a German citizen, had his parents' former (pre-1871) French, citizenship ,reinstated and became a French citizen. Then, working as medical assistant and
  4. Western powers to prepare themselves against another German onslaught. " U. S., citizenship ,Einstein became an American citizen in 1940. Not long after settling into his
  5. U. S. domestic law prohibited deporting them back to China, their country of, citizenship , because the U. S. government determined that China was likely to abuse their
  6. In the beginning of 2007,nearly 92 % of the population had Belgian, citizenship , and other European Union member citizens account for around 6 %. The prevalent
  7. And working in the United States, and he acquired dual French and American, citizenship , Mandelbrot worked on a wide range of mathematical problems, including
  8. Intended for a spurious, ersatz independence to deny Africans South African, citizenship , " Bantus tan" originally reflected an analogy to the various ethnic" -steins "
  9. Istanbul. * Mother Teresa-was a Catholic nun of Albanian ethnicity and Indian, citizenship , who founded the Missionaries of Charity in Calcutta, * Slandered- as a
  10. Sint Maarten form the Kingdom of the Netherlands. As they share the same Dutch, citizenship , these four countries still also share the Dutch passport as the Kingdom of the
  11. It is speculated that originally Athenian fathers had been able to register for, citizenship ,offspring had with slave women (Hansen 1987:53). This will have rested on an
  12. That democracy compromised the status of those who did not share it. *Male, citizenship ,had become a newly valuable, indeed profitable, possession,to be jealously
  13. Abandonment, or renunciation by or upon oath, often the renunciation of, citizenship ,or some other right or privilege. (It comes from the Latin abjurer," to
  14. aunt's relation to the Pierpont Morgans, Agatha never claimed United States, citizenship ,or connection. Agatha was the youngest of three. The Millers had two other
  15. Abolished, and in 1802 the poll tax was removed. On 5 May 1809,the right of, citizenship ,was granted to Jews, and they were permitted to engage in trade and agriculture
  16. Rappers have also tried to confront anti-immigrant ideas and develop themes of, citizenship , However, though many ethnic minority youth in Germany find the these German
  17. With the EU. Still, Schwarzenegger has always identified with his American, citizenship , and has shown great affinity for the state of California beyond his foreign
  18. At age 17,he graduated, and,with his father's approval, renounced his, citizenship ,in the German Kingdom of Württemberg to avoid military service, and in 1896 he
  19. Various initiation rites of Grecian youth, for example, the passage into, citizenship ,by young men and for women the elevation to the status of citizen wife. Her
  20. But they were obsolete). Given the exclusionary and ancestral conception of, citizenship ,held by Greek city-states, a relatively large portion of the population took
  21. Said Edward Leech of Scripts," We don't think it is good editing or sound, citizenship ,to picture the Senate as an assemblage of freaks and crooks ... boobs and
  22. Full civil equality was obtained only when they received the formal rights of, citizenship , which had long been withheld from them in their own communities of Endingen
  23. Sent an emissary to Sudan demanding bin Laden's passport; bin Laden's Saudi, citizenship ,was also revoked. His family was persuaded to cut off his monthly stipend,$7
  24. Of openness. Many Athenians prominent earlier in the century would have lost, citizenship , had this law applied to them: Cleisthenes, the founder of democracy, had a
  25. Eisenhower was still US President at the time. He was stripped of his honorary, citizenship ,of Montgomery, Alabama,and was challenged to a duel by an Italian officer. He
  26. Members brandishing their German passports as a demonstration of their German, citizenship ,to skeptical and accepting 'ethnic' Germans. Since the release of" Fred I'm
  27. Bodybuilding as building blocks to escape a depressing home. He holds Austrian, citizenship ,by birth and has held U. S. citizenship since becoming naturalized in 1983.
  28. And multiethnic population. Current development has led to a neoliberal, citizenship ,regime in which civil rights are expressed through private property ownership
  29. Citizens of Northern Ireland are entitled to the choice of Irish or British, citizenship ,or both and the Governments of Ireland and the United Kingdom consult on
  30. Of the Civil Rights Act into the Constitution, but it went further. It extended, citizenship ,to every person born in the United States (except Indians on reservations)
  31. A depressing home. He holds Austrian citizenship by birth and has held U. S., citizenship ,since becoming naturalized in 1983. Being Austrian and thus European, he was
  32. Is a Welsh Hopkins was born and brought up in Wales. Retaining his British, citizenship , he became a U. S. citizen on 12 April 2000. Hopkins' films have spanned a
  33. Executive pronouncements (decrees, such as deciding to go to war or granting, citizenship ,to a foreigner); it elected some officials; it legislated; and it tried
  34. Post World War II After the Second World War, Huxley applied for the United States, citizenship , His application was continuously deferred on the grounds that he would not say
  35. Treaties contained commitments to monetary union, equal rights, single, citizenship , and a common defense and foreign policy. Belarus–European Union relations
  36. Of Europe until the institutionalization of equality under a secular idea of, citizenship ,after the French Revolution—and allowed them to enjoy their respective
  37. Was the first foreigner (metric) who received the privileges of Athenian, citizenship , He was reckoned by some ancient authors as one of the Seven Sages of Greece
  38. That his father's ancestors were freedmen of the gens Aurelia given full Roman, citizenship ,by the Edict of Caracalla in 212. It is assumed that his mother, Monica,was of
  39. Ministry of Justice report investigating how to strengthen the British sense of, citizenship ,proposed to end this arrangement arguing that," the right to vote is one of
  40. In turn" ( Politics 1317b28–30). The allotment of an individual was based on, citizenship ,rather than merit or any form of personal popularity which could be bought.
  41. The decisions of higher authorities. '" Return to Russia In 1990,his Soviet, citizenship ,was restored, and,in 1994,he returned to Russia with his wife, Natalia,who
  42. Muslim Algerians (even veterans of the French army) received neither French, citizenship ,nor the right to vote. Post-independence In 1954,the National Liberation Front
  43. To live with his wife, who is Dutch, but he retains his United States, citizenship , He teaches courses about Computer Organization and Operating Systems and
  44. Twice won the Nordic Chess Championship, in 1924 and 1934. He obtained Danish, citizenship ,and lived in Denmark until his death in 1935. Although he had long suffered
  45. Shows that his grandfather or other ancestor was probably given Roman, citizenship ,by the emperor Antoninus Pius, while proconsul of Asia. The inscription honors
  46. It on March 27. His veto message objected to the measure because it conferred, citizenship ,on the freedmen at a time when eleven out of thirty-six states were
  47. 1996–99 series of treaties that called for monetary union, equal rights, single, citizenship , and a common foreign and defense policy. On 2008,Belarusian President
  48. Flights. By nationality, they are 13 Americans (including one with dual Indian, citizenship ,), four Russians (Soviet Union),and one Israeli. Eleven people (all men)
  49. In order to vote. Military service or simple distance prevented the exercise of, citizenship , Voting was usually by show of hands (Charlton," arm stretching" ) with
  50. Next day from the USSR to Frankfurt, West Germany and stripped of his Soviet, citizenship , The KGB had found the manuscript for the first part of The Gulag Archipelago

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