Examples of the the word, parental , in a Sentence Context

The word ( parental ), is the 4918 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Efforts and investments are valuable resources, and selection favors those, parental ,psyches that allocate effort effectively to promote fitness. The adaptive
  2. Deed poll can also be used to change a child's name, as long as everyone with, parental ,responsibility for the child consents to it. The child's parents execute the
  3. On inclusive fitness and Robert Trivers's (1972) theories on reciprocity and, parental ,investment helped to establish evolutionary thinking in psychology and the
  4. In that the isolated populations are numerically much smaller than the, parental ,population. Here, the founder effect causes rapid speciation after an increase
  5. Of the apes, early hominids engaged in pair-bonding that enabled greater, parental ,effort directed towards rearing offspring. Love joy proposes that male
  6. Family incomes are under $100,000. Furthermore, Brown has also eliminated all, parental ,contributions for families whose incomes fall under $60,000. For these purposes
  7. Of chromosomes, to form polyploids. This allows the chromosomes from each, parental ,species to form matching pairs during meiosis, since each parent's chromosomes
  8. Poaching, and mate retention. Much of the research on human mating is based on, parental ,investment theory, which makes important predictions about the different
  9. Inherited: that is, the mutation that causes the autism is not present in the, parental ,genome. Several lines of evidence point to synaptic dysfunction as a cause of
  10. To the higher investing sex (see Bateman's principle). Sex differences in, parental ,effort are important in determining the strength of sexual selection. The
  11. Refused classification on release. 3D Realms repackaged the game with the, parental ,lock feature permanently enabled, although a patch available on the 3D Realms
  12. Mental and emotional states. Disturbances in family functioning, such as, parental ,(particularly maternal) depression, severe marital conflict or divorce, death
  13. Success, but Warner Bros. felt the film should have been more successful. A ", parental ,backlash" criticized Batman Returns with violence and sexual references that
  14. Feeding. GM maize-fed rats were compared first to their respective isogenic or, parental ,non-GM equivalent control groups, followed by comparison to six reference
  15. Syndrome point to various factors, such as additional educational support and, parental ,support groups to improve parenting knowledge and skills. There are also
  16. Of sex cells or pregnancy. There has been no evidence that it is due to, parental ,behavior (other than age) or environmental factors. Screening Pregnant women
  17. To allow parents to monitor and restrict the access of their children,", parental ,control software" is also used. Some products log all sites that a user
  18. And kiwis). At the other extreme, many seabirds have extended periods of, parental ,care, the longest being that of the Great Frigate bird, whose chicks take up to
  19. 1990),the first online exhibit (Library of Congress,1991),the first, parental ,controls, and many other online education firsts. In September 1993,AOL added
  20. Are selected to maximize the difference between the benefits and the costs, and, parental , care will be likely to evolve when the benefits exceed the costs. The
  21. Hunting methods, the brain, and the possibility of gregarious living and, parental ,care. Reanalysis of old material (particularly of large 'allosaur' specimens
  22. And physically handicapped people ". While Kretchmar's killing received, parental ,consent, afterwards,most of the 5,000 to 8,000 killed children were forcibly
  23. Offer parental control options. Some offer security software which includes, parental ,controls. Mac OS X v10.4 offers parental controls for several applications (
  24. Be through eggs (oviparous). Some rare species are viviparous. There is no, parental ,care after birth; however, some Chondrichthyes do guard their eggs. Phylogeny
  25. And he died in 1824 when she was nine; her mother was the only significant, parental ,figure in her life. Her mother, Annabella,became Baroness Wentworth in her own
  26. Condition, survival and further reproductive output. Parental investment is any, parental ,expenditure (time, energy etc.) that benefits one offspring at a cost to
  27. Marriage patterns, promiscuity,perception of beauty, bride price and, parental ,investment. The theories and findings of EP are applied in many fields
  28. Associated with higher probability that child care problems will greatly affect, parental ,employment. US states increasingly require private health insurance to cover
  29. And Near Easterners, with average values greater than 35 % for both these, parental ,populations, regardless of whether molecular information is taken into account
  30. Effort effectively to promote fitness. The adaptive problems that challenge, parental ,decision-making include both the accurate identification of one's offspring
  31. In a nest and incubated by the parents. Most birds have an extended period of, parental ,care after hatching. Many species are of economic importance, mostly as sources
  32. On an Internet gateway or firewall. Products and services Some ISPs offer, parental ,control options. Some offer security software which includes parental controls.
  33. As different as the Rifleman and Red Kite. Among most groups of animals, male, parental , care is rare. In birds, however,it is quite common—more so than in any other
  34. Vibrated by something else. Some species of dung beetle also display a form of, parental ,care. Dung beetles collect animal feces, or " dung ", from which their name is
  35. S choosing, and the term accountability software is used. Internet filters, parental ,control software, and/or accountability software may also be combined into one
  36. When the two replication forks meet each other on the opposite end of the, parental ,chromosome. E cold regulate this process through the use of termination
  37. Affection. Some theories suggest that affectionate behavior evolved from, parental ,nurturing behavior due to its associations with hormonal rewards with research
  38. Advisory Body has information about" practical advice on Internet safety, parental ,control and filters for the protection of children, students and families "
  39. Are important in determining the strength of sexual selection. The benefits of, parental ,investment to the offspring are large and are associated with the effects on
  40. As a result, the periods of stasis in the fossil record correspond to the, parental ,population and the organisms undergoing speciation and rapid evolution are
  41. Of metals in the soil. Selection against interbreeding with the metal-sensitive, parental ,population produced a gradual change in the flowering time of the
  42. Theory is a branch of life history theory. Robert Rivers' theory of, parental ,investment predicts that the sex making the largest investment in lactation
  43. Said that circumcision in Britain required the consent of all those with, parental ,responsibility, or the permission of the court, acting for the best interests
  44. Leave the nest just before, or soon after, they are able to fly. The amount of, parental ,care after fledging varies; albatross chicks leave the nest on their own and
  45. Has played a great part in ethical systems, which have spoken of the social or, parental ,affections as in some sense a part of moral obligation. For a consideration of
  46. Offer security software which includes parental controls. Mac OS X v10.4 offers, parental ,controls for several applications (Mail, Finder,chat, Safari & Dictionary).
  47. With the intention of protecting children who were vulnerable due to claimed, parental ,computer illiteracy. It was announced on 31 December 2007 as a policy to be
  48. On December 17, 1946. Both Kaye and his wife raised their daughter without any, parental ,hopes or aspirations for her future. Kaye said in a 1954 interview," Whatever
  49. Unlike other male primates, male callitrichids generally provide as much, parental ,care as females, more in some cases. Typical social structure seems to
  50. Access as well. Filtered access is available when there are ISPs that offer, parental ,controls and passwords. Server filter-sides: These servers are in demand and

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