Examples of the the word, beverage , in a Sentence Context

The word ( beverage ), is the 4909 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Alcohol and pop) is used by advocates of tighter restrictions on alcoholic, beverage ,sales, who argue that the beverage s are especially appealing to underage
  2. Air Batu campus, also known as AIs racing, a Malaysian dessert * Alcoholic, beverage ,control state, the American system of state regulation of alcoholic beverage
  3. Some other components of incense. Both people and elephants like an alcoholic, beverage ,made from acacia fruit. According to Easton's Bible Dictionary, the Acacia
  4. In Europe aluminum experiences high rates of recycling, ranging from 42 % of, beverage ,cans,85 % of construction materials and 95 % of transport vehicles. Recycled
  5. Then treat this base using a variety of processes in order to remove malt, beverage ,character from the base. For example, they remove the color, bitterness,and
  6. The secret of wine making to Icarus, who was so impressed by this alcoholic, beverage ,that he invited his friends round to sample it. Having never tasted wine before
  7. Beer and society In most societies, beer is the most popular alcoholic, beverage , Various social traditions and activities are associated with beer drinking
  8. Types of black tea, green tea, or even coffee can form the basis of this, beverage , The most common black tea varieties are Oblong and Earl Grey, while jasmine
  9. Haddock fish fries are among the local favorites, as is a loganberry-flavored, beverage ,that remains relatively obscure outside the Western New York and Southern
  10. Also encounter chitronchelo or (in Italian) citron cello, based on lemon. This, beverage ,arrived with immigrants from the Mezzogiorno, and is produced both artisanally
  11. A low-profile activity until the late 1960s,when the growing use of aluminum, beverage ,cans brought it to the public awareness. Recycling involves melting the scrap
  12. Italy, more precisely from Asturias and Campania). Cider is the most popular, beverage ,of the middle and lower economic classes at Christmas and New Year (the upper
  13. Restaurants, and licensed retailers. For larger quantities one must go to a, beverage ,distributor which sells beer only by the case or keg. Beverage distributors (
  14. And food industries are equally strong, with Coca-Cola, Pepsi Cola and other, beverage ,brands, as well as fresh and canned food industries being present in the city
  15. Thanksgiving and Halloween) and apples, which are used to make the seasonal, beverage ,apple cider. Melancholy association Autumn in poetry has often been associated
  16. Adjectival suffix). A semantically similar etymology exists for nectar,the, beverage ,of the gods (Greek: νέκταρ, néktar) presumed to be a compound of the PIE
  17. Hooper's Hooch and Lima, which was marketed under the title of" alternative, beverage ,". Wine coolers were on the decline due to the increase in the US federal wine
  18. Other terms include FAB (flavored alcoholic beverage ),FM (flavored malt, beverage ,), PPS (pre-packaged spirit or premium packaged spirits),Poof Juice (
  19. And tropical Asia. Seeds of several species are the source of the popular, beverage ,coffee. Coffee ranks as one of the world's most valuable and widely traded
  20. Acid and benzoate is thus dependent on the pH of the food. Acidic food and, beverage ,like fruit juice (citric acid),sparkling drinks (carbon dioxide),soft
  21. Plov is the flagship food in Azerbaijan and black tea is the national, beverage , Literature The earliest known figure in Azerbaijani literature was Hasanoghlu
  22. Factors, including such things as body temperature, the type of alcoholic, beverage ,consumed, and the amount and type of food consumed. In an increasing number of
  23. Scotland and Ireland) and RTD (Ready To Drink - Au's & NZ). The alcoholic, beverage ,industry does not use the term" alcopop. " Description Alcopops tend to be
  24. Respects. Flavored malt beverage s exhibit little or no traditional beer or malt, beverage ,character. Their flavor is derived primarily from added flavors rather than
  25. Fries, maníes (peanuts),etc.; cicadas are eaten accompanied by an alcoholic, beverage ,(" ferret ", beer,wine with soda, to give some common examples). To conclude
  26. Beverage control state, the American system of state regulation of alcoholic, beverage ,sales * Alien big cat or phantom cat, a large feline that has been purported to
  27. Especially when tempered. For example, the common aluminum foils and, beverage ,cans are alloys of 92 % to 99 % aluminum. The main alloying agents are copper
  28. Can also occur during an attempt to stifle a burp after drinking a carbonated, beverage , Amounts above 5,000 ppm are considered very unhealthy, and those above about
  29. It is common to see it prepared with cold water as well, in which case the, beverage ,is known as tarred. Patagonia Marine species such as salmons, spider crabs
  30. Corn); while the indigenous peoples in Brazil have Cause, a traditional, beverage ,made sense pre-Columbian times by chewing manioc so that enzymes present in
  31. And cans and distributed to the alcohol beverage market through beer and malt, beverage ,wholesalers, and their alcohol content is similar to other malt beverage s in
  32. Hot water heat pumps, among others. Coca-Cola has fielded CO2-based, beverage , coolers and the U. S. Army is interested in CO2 refrigeration and heating
  33. Of there being exactly one unit per percentage point per liter of any alcoholic, beverage , When the volume of an alcoholic drinks is shown in centiliters, determining
  34. Into a sugary liquid called wort and to convert the wort into the alcoholic, beverage ,known as beer in a fermentation process effected by yeast. The first step
  35. Kingdom, the number of units contained in a typical serving of an alcoholic, beverage ,is publicized and printed on bottles. An average healthy adult can metabolize
  36. More than two alcoholic beverage s a day for men and no more than one alcoholic, beverage ,a day for women. Some drinkers may drink more than 600 ml of alcohol per day
  37. Also known as Ralph" Bottles" Capone, who took charge of his brother's, beverage ,industry),Salvatore" Frank" Capone, John Capone, Albert Capone, Matthew
  38. Of protein are chicken, chicken eggs and fresh water fish. A typical Suriname, beverage ,is Banjo or Palm Wine, which is fermented palm sap, and Zoom-kom. Especially
  39. Against lemons ". Smirnoff also came out with another citrus-flavored malt, beverage ,in the United States in the late 1990s called Smirnoff Ice, which promoted
  40. Boulder, and Colorado in general, is home to a number of national food and, beverage ,companies, top-tier restaurants and farmers' markets. Boulder, Colorado also
  41. Very often eaten in lunch and served in most typical restaurants. The national, beverage ,is coffee and Pachuca is Brazil's native liquor. Pachuca is distilled from
  42. Sales in 2002,and has emerged as the fastest growing category in the food and, beverage ,product sector, according to USB Advisory Services. Minorities in the U. S.
  43. In traditional beer-type bottles and cans and distributed to the alcohol, beverage ,market through beer and malt beverage wholesalers, and their alcohol content is
  44. Ages Beer is the world's most widely consumed and probably the oldest alcoholic, beverage ,; it is the third most popular drink overall, after water and tea. It is
  45. Restaurants Against Hunger Campaign partners with leaders from the food and, beverage ,industry to bring attention to problem of global hunger. Each year, the
  46. Policies such as waste disposal to land use zoning. Alabama is an alcoholic, beverage ,control state; the government holds a monopoly on the sale of alcohol. However
  47. And the acidity typically decrease. Applications Alcohols can be used as a, beverage ,(ethanol only),as fuel and for many scientific, medical,and industrial
  48. Had the resources and wherewithal to convert to" cereal beer" production—malt, beverage ,made with non-fermentables such as rice and unsalted barley and rye, and able
  49. Beer are four times those of wine, which is the second most popular alcoholic, beverage , Health effects The main active ingredient of beer is alcohol, and therefore
  50. Appealing to underage drinkers. Other terms include FAB (flavored alcoholic, beverage ,), FMB (flavored malt beverage ),PPS (pre-packaged spirit or premium

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