Examples of the the word, imperial , in a Sentence Context

The word ( imperial ), is the 4926 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Public or private. Augustus made her record any daily activities she did in the, imperial ,day book and the emperor took severe measures in preventing Agrippina from
  2. Aristophanes' first play The Banqueters was produced, Athens was an ambitious, imperial ,power and The Peloponnesian War was only in its fourth year. His plays often
  3. Mesopotamia (Assyria) and a chain of fortresses was built to control the, imperial ,wheat production. Images of Sargon were erected on the shores of the
  4. With Emperor Charles VI, he wished to take up the position of a composer in the, imperial ,court. On his way to Vienna, Vivaldi may have stopped in Graz to see Anna Giro.
  5. With Tiberius’ mother Livia. She became involved in politics in Tiberius ’, imperial ,court, became an advocate for her sons to succeed Tiberius, and opposed
  6. Greece was the dominant architectural style in the age of Augustus and the, imperial ,phase of Rome. Suetonius once commented that Rome was unworthy of its status as
  7. Vowels, these are considered alphabets rather than Aquinas. Phase The, imperial ,Mongol script called Phase was derived from the Tibetan abused, but all
  8. And tastes of a man of the world, enjoying the closest intimacy with the, imperial ,family. He accompanied Charlemagne to Rome in 800 and was one of the witnesses
  9. Described Ginsberg as" tirelessly persistent in protesting censorship, imperial ,politics, and persecution of the powerless. " His achievements as a writer as
  10. Used various systems to count years. Systems in use included consular dating, imperial ,regnal year dating, and Creation dating. Although the last non- imperial consul
  11. On telling stories via setting and composition. Japan names its styles after, imperial ,dynasties too, and also saw much interplay between the styles of calligraphy
  12. A new Grand Master, Walter von Kornberg, who received Prussia as a fief at the, imperial ,Diet of Augsburg. As the German princes were experiencing the tumult of the
  13. Albert forwarded the theses to Rome, suspecting them of heresy. When the, imperial ,election of 1519 drew near, the elector's vote was eagerly solicited by the
  14. Of Rome. Suetonius once commented that Rome was unworthy of its status as an, imperial ,capital, yet Augustus and Agrippa set out to dismantle this sentiment by
  15. In northern Anatolia running north-south and east-west intersected. The great, imperial ,road running east passed through Ankara and a succession of emperors and their
  16. In Phrygia Vacation. In the late 4th century AD, Ancyra became something of an, imperial ,holiday resort. After Constantinople became the East Roman capital, emperors in
  17. Mughal throne, and arranged marriages for himself and his son Timur into the, imperial ,family that same year. He married the daughter of the Mughal emperor Muhammad
  18. The honorific title of Augusta, a title which, up until this point, no other, imperial ,woman had ever received in the lifetime of her husband. She was only the third
  19. 1 January after their accession. All of these emperors, except Justinian, used, imperial , post-consular years for all the years of their reign alongside their regnal
  20. Originally a personal bodyguard unit on the battlefield that evolved into an, imperial ,guard as well as an important political force in Rome. They had the power to
  21. Way. Fortifications still exist south of the city as a reminder of the German, imperial ,campaigns between 1627 and 1629. In 1644,Sweden taxed the city harshly and
  22. For the return of several. The following year Attila and Bled met with the, imperial ,legation at Marcus (present-day Požarevac) and, all seated on horseback in
  23. Common practice. Terracing, however,was only extensively employed after Incan, imperial ,expansions to fuel their expanding realm. The potato holds a very important
  24. Command of the troops of the league, and after Albert had been placed under the, imperial ,ban in December 1553 he was defeated by Duke Henry, and compelled to flee to
  25. Houses. Until the dissolution of Holy Roman Empire and mediatization of smaller, imperial ,fiefs by Napoleon, the evangelical Abbess of Edinburg was also per office
  26. Possessions to his designated heirs, as an obvious system of institutionalized, imperial ,inheritance would have provoked resistance and hostility amongst the
  27. With provincial matters of war and peace through their governors or through, imperial ,letters to the cities such as Ephesus (of which some were publicly displayed)
  28. Confederates in the 3rd century were still simply called German. Romulus,an, imperial ,usurper in 280,derived some of his popularity in Gaul by his wartime successes
  29. Refined language, was the" Showrunner Deutsche ", a Socialist spoken by the, imperial ,Habsburg Family and the nobility of Austria-Hungary. It differs from other
  30. And later the purple robes of a Triumphant general (toga dicta) became the, imperial ,insignia well into the Byzantine era. War and expansion Imperator Caesar Dive
  31. On pillars and rocks throughout the empire. All his inscriptions have the, imperial ,touch and show compassionate loving. He addressed his people as his" children
  32. As the emblem of the modern Indian republic. The lion symbolizes both Ashoka 's, imperial ,rule and the kingship of the Buddha. In translating these monuments, historians
  33. Against the Persians, the league soon turned into a vehicle for Athens' own, imperial ,ambitions. The resulting tensions brought about the Peloponnesian War (431-404
  34. Agrippina, Claudius would ally the two branches of the Claudia house and, imperial ,family. In more recent times, it has been suggested that the Senate may have
  35. With the king's crown. Then, in 1508,this was replaced with Maximilian's, imperial ,crown when he was crowned Holy Roman Emperor. In the early years of the 17th
  36. Agrippina from forming friendships, without his consent. As a member of the, imperial ,family, Agrippina was expected to display frugality, chastity and domesticity
  37. Not enforce the ban on the duke, and agitation against him soon died away. In, imperial ,politics Albert was fairly active. Joining the League of Organ in 1526,he
  38. Han Dynasty (206 BC to 220 CE) Taoist priests to legitimize as well as curb, imperial ,power. They deal with treasure objects that were part of the Zhou (1066 to 256
  39. Record of Augustus' triumphs in the Res Gestate. Its reliefs depicted the, imperial ,pageants of the Praetorian, the Vestals, and the citizenry of Rome. To
  40. Written to record history for its own sake, but for legitimizing the current, imperial ,reign. These texts took the form of stories about texts and objects being
  41. Priests and monks as well as bishops, emperors and members of Rome's, imperial ,family. Yet, such a deep controversy within the Church could not have
  42. A weak emperor who was, because of his hesitations and terrors, a threat to the, imperial ,authority and government. She saw it her duty to compensate for the innumerable
  43. Transition did not, however,take place without protest. Summoned before the, imperial ,court of justice, Albert refused to appear and was proscribed, while the Order
  44. Messaging. Agrippina removed or eliminated anyone from the palace or the, imperial ,court who she thought was loyal and dedicated to the memory of the late
  45. Cowardice in battle, and clumsiness. Foreigners, a conspicuous presence in, imperial ,Athens, particularly at the City Dionysian, often appear in the plays comically
  46. In each township for public use. This system represented a sharp break from, imperial ,colonization, as in Europe, and provided the basis for the rest of American
  47. Was very influential, she kept a very low profile and stayed away from the, imperial ,palace and the court of the emperor. Messaging was Agrippina’s second paternal
  48. Interprets the Ashoka dharma as a" religion to be used as a symbol of a new, imperial ,unity and a cementing force to weld the diverse and heterogeneous elements of
  49. Could have. Tiberius carefully staged to invite Agrippina to dinner at the, imperial ,palace. At dinner, Tiberius offered Agrippina an apple as a test of Agrippina’s
  50. Secure such a famous fighter, gladly assented to Albert's demands and gave the, imperial ,sanction to his possession of the lands taken from the bishops of Würzburg and

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