Examples of the the word, explosive , in a Sentence Context

The word ( explosive ), is the 4914 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. When mixed with air (1 – 8 % CH4). Other lower alkanes can also form, explosive ,mixtures with air. The lighter liquid alkanes are highly flammable, although
  2. And obtained a transparent, jelly-like substance, which was a more powerful, explosive ,than dynamite. 'Gelignite ', or blasting gelatin, as it was named, was patented
  3. In 1846 nitrocellulose (also known as gun cotton) was discovered, and the high, explosive ,nitroglycerin was discovered at much the same time. Nitrocellulose was
  4. A propellant to propel the projectile at the target. Propellant is always a low, explosive , this means it deflagrates instead of detonating, as with high explosive s. The
  5. The" Fat Man"-type plutonium bombs produced during the Manhattan Project used, explosive ,compression of plutonium to obtain significantly higher densities than normal
  6. Are thus rarely a case of 'impulsive' action. As well as the innovative use of, explosive ,devices. A sniper with a precision rifle is often used in fictional
  7. Hexagonal cell, isomorphic with that of the black allotrope of arsenic. A rare, explosive ,form of antimony can be formed from the electrolysis of antimony (III)
  8. And increase efficiency. Thus, only 6.2 kg of plutonium was needed for an, explosive ,yield equivalent to 20 kilotons of TNT. (See also Nuclear weapon design. )
  9. System has recently reached initial operational capability. Instead of using an, explosive ,charge, it launches a kinetic projectile. The George W. Bush administration
  10. Reactive, and the temperature of liquid ammonia makes it susceptible to, explosive ,boiling when reactants are added. Textile Liquid ammonia is used for treatment
  11. Way annually. Its presence in ethylene is usually undesirable because of its, explosive ,character and its ability to poison Ziegler-Natta catalysts. It is selectively
  12. On an almost imperceptibly rising plateau; the sciences of ballistics and, explosive ,chemistry had achieved near perfection given the available technology of the
  13. In the world is well over 80 million as of 2011. The 11 provinces in Africa saw, explosive ,growth in the last two decades. They now include 36.7 million members, more
  14. Solutions. Ammonia solutions should not be mixed with halogens, as toxic and/or, explosive ,products are formed. Prolonged contact of ammonia solutions with silver
  15. Borrowed from diamond growth, use crystal growth in a temperature gradient, or, explosive , shock wave. The shock wave method is used to produce material called
  16. Seven hours and thirty-seven minutes. They collected of samples, deployed three, explosive ,packages and took seven gravimeter measurements. Hernán and Schmitt then
  17. Many cases they plan attacks by using suicide bombers and planting improvised, explosive ,devices (Beds) on roads. Every year many Afghan police officers are killed in
  18. It is important that sparks not be struck, as in fittings and tools around, explosive ,gases. Brass has a muted yellow color which is somewhat similar to gold. It is
  19. Ammonia reacts violently with the halogens. Nitrogen trioxide, a primary high, explosive , is formed when ammonia comes in contact with iodine. Ammonia causes the
  20. Be metabolized through the fatty acid degradation pathway. Hazards Methane is, explosive ,when mixed with air (1 – 8 % CH4). Other lower alkanes can also form
  21. Deregulated environment was the air passenger. Indeed, the U. S. witnessed an, explosive ,growth in demand for air travel, as many millions who had never or rarely flown
  22. N). The gas is flammable (autoignition temperature: 651 °C) and can form, explosive ,mixtures with air (16–25 %). The permissible exposure limit (PEL) in the
  23. To risk-based sports, a preference for endurance-type activities as opposed to, explosive ,activities, a more organized and less casual lifestyle, greater care and
  24. Ammonia causes the explosive polymerization of ethylene oxide. It also forms, explosive ,fulminating compounds with compounds of gold, silver,mercury, germanium or
  25. Therefore, tools fabricated out of beryllium are used by naval or military, explosive ,ordnance disposal teams for work on or near naval mines, since these mines
  26. Type of injury has been especially common among soldiers wounded by improvised, explosive ,devices in the Iraq war. Due to techno logic advances in prosthetics, amputees
  27. Mendel created the scientific foundation for plant breeding that led to its, explosive ,impact over the past 150 years. With the rapid rise of mechanization in the
  28. 16 films. While Minute was not cast as the protagonist in Drunken Angel, his, explosive , performance as the gangster so dominates the drama that he shifted the focus
  29. To collision, but settled on a more efficient recipe combining another nitrate, explosive , and obtained a transparent, jelly-like substance, which was a more powerful
  30. Of antimony are known: a stable metallic form, and three meta-stable forms:, explosive , black and yellow. Metallic antimony is a brittle, silver-white shiny metal.
  31. Is formed when ammonia comes in contact with iodine. Ammonia causes the, explosive ,polymerization of ethylene oxide. It also forms explosive fulminating compounds
  32. A chemical compound containing two different chemical elements ** Binary, explosive , an explosive made of two components that become explosive when mixed ** Binary
  33. Of ammonia solutions with silver, mercury or iodide salts can also lead to, explosive ,products: such mixtures are often formed in qualitative chemical analysis, and
  34. Countries were flush from lease contracts to the military, and foresaw a future, explosive ,demand for civil air transport, for both passengers and cargo. They were eager
  35. And hydrogen chloride; if chlorine is present in excess, then the highly, explosive ,nitrogen trichloride (NCl3) is also formed. The ammonia molecule readily
  36. And this mixture he patented in 1867 as 'dynamite '. Nobel demonstrated his, explosive ,for the first time that year, at a quarry in Red hill, Surrey,England. In order
  37. Interactions, it might have military applications either as an, explosive ,or in triggering nuclear fusion weapons. Casey Battle () is a building restored
  38. Artillery is most obviously distinguished by its large caliber, firing an, explosive ,shell or rocket, and being of such a size and weight as to require a
  39. Elements ** Binary explosive , an explosive made of two components that become, explosive ,when mixed ** Binary (chemical weapon),containing two chemicals that when
  40. Is the munition or" bullet" fired downrange. This may or may not be an, explosive ,device. Traditionally, projectiles have been classified as" shot" or" shell
  41. The field after a battle, having been immobilized by one or more hits by high, explosive ,(HE) or armor-piercing (AP) shells to the track or front drive sprocket.
  42. Traverse of the mission, during which they gathered of samples and deployed two, explosive ,packages and took seven gravimeter measurements. The EVA ended after seven
  43. This might be a burst from an automatic weapon, or the use of an antipersonnel, explosive ,device (such as a Claymore mine or other directional weapon). Some military
  44. The command module's parachute mechanism to prematurely fire, disabling the, explosive ,bolts that open the parachute compartment to deploy them. If they were indeed
  45. Bursting charge for marking purposes in place of the normal high, explosive ,charge. *Dummy: Ammunition with an inert warhead, inert primer, and no
  46. Pete" or" Wilson Picket" ), coloured marker, chemical,nuclear devices; high, explosive ,anti-tank (HEAT) and canister may be considered special types of bursting
  47. Nitrogen to drive the release mechanism in an emergency, instead of the, explosive ,bolts used on Project Mercury. * Flammable materials in the cabin were replaced
  48. Of Silly ends. *2006 – Sami Hammed, a Palestinian suicide bomber, detonates an, explosive ,device in Tel Aviv, killing 11 people and injuring 70. Births *1278 – Michael
  49. In trichlorofluoromethane at −30 °C to produce an extremely sensitive contact, explosive , NI3,in low yield. Intercalation of hexagonal IN Similar to graphite, various
  50. Compound containing two different chemical elements ** Binary explosive ,an, explosive ,made of two components that become explosive when mixed ** Binary (chemical

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