Examples of the the word, invade , in a Sentence Context

The word ( invade ), is the 4658 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. By his father, but succeeded in defeating him, repelling Babylonian attempts to, invade ,Assyria, counter attacking and appropriating Babylonian territory in the
  2. The vacancy left by William P. Frye's death. *1912 – United States Marines, invade ,Nicaragua to support the U. S. -backed government installed there after José
  3. Wheel. By the 3rd century BC, the rival armies of Carthage and Rome began to, invade ,and fight for control of the Iberian Peninsula. The Carthaginian general
  4. Of Persian Empire. He sent his most brilliant general Khalid in al-Walid to, invade ,the Sassanian Empire. Conquest of Sassanian Persian Empire After the Jidda Wars
  5. Offensive towards the Atlantic Ocean, communist Poland's fleet was prepared to, invade ,the Danish isles. This border status also impacted trade and travel, and came
  6. The union as unconstitutional and the Yugoslavian army unsuccessfully tried to, invade ,Croatia which together with Slovenia had declared independence. The Army
  7. Before the time of Solon, or approximately 9600 BC. After a failed attempt to, invade ,Athens, Atlantis sank into the ocean" in a single day and night of misfortune
  8. Force; the Royal Navy used their dominance in the Mediterranean to, invade ,Egypt without the fear of ambush while anchored off the Egyptian coast. In
  9. The country joined the Axis Powers in 1941,when German troops preparing to, invade ,Yugoslavia and Greece reached the Bulgarian borders and demanded permission to
  10. Aurangzeb after ascending on the throne of Delhi ordered Mir Lumley II to, invade ,Coach Bear and Assam and re-establish Mughal prestige in eastern India. After
  11. Already there in exchange for an agreement that the United States would not, invade ,Cuba. Only after the fall of the Soviet Union was it revealed that another part
  12. War, and the risk of disaster as the French and Spanish assembled an armada to, invade ,the British Isles. The British planned to re-subjugate the rebellious colonies
  13. Richard's difficulties and laid claim to the throne. Henry's first attempt to, invade ,England in 1483 was frustrated by a storm, but his second arrived unopposed on
  14. From any overt acts of pillage, but with Arnulfo’s death, they proceeded to, invade ,Italy in 900. Like all early Germanic rulers, he was heavily involved in
  15. Having penetrated the city, marched southwards into Calabria. He desired to, invade ,Africa, which,thanks to its grain, had become the key to holding Italy. But a
  16. Was an unsuccessful attempt by a U. S. -trained force of Cuban exiles to, invade ,southern Cuba with support from U. S. government armed forces to overthrow the
  17. Fascist Italy expanded the war in Balkans by using its protectorate Albania to, invade ,Greece. After repelling the attack the Greeks counterattacked, invading
  18. For expanding the Spanish empire southward, asked Pizarro's permission to, invade ,and conquer the southern lands. With a couple of hundred men, he subdued the
  19. Of biological control. On the other hand, ants can become nuisances when they, invade ,buildings, or cause economic losses. In some parts of the world (mainly Africa
  20. Kennan) believed that the Japanese treaty led Stalin to approve a plan to, invade ,U. S. -supported South Korea on June 25, 1950. Korea had been divided at the
  21. Grave lines – The naval engagement ends, ending the Spanish Armada's attempt to, invade ,England. *1605 – The city of Lulu, Finland,is founded by Charles IX of Sweden.
  22. Of the emperor's difficulties on the upper Danube (the Marcomannic Wars) to, invade ,Roman territory. 3rd century During the late 2nd century, the main ethnic
  23. And western Afghanistan. In 1752,Kashmiri nobles invited Ahmad Shah Duran to, invade ,the province and oust the ineffectual Mughal rulers. Then in 1756-57,in what
  24. Of Yamaha, Khalid was still at Alabama when Abu Bakr sent him orders to, invade ,the Sassanian Empire. Making Aliyah the objective of Khalid, Abu Bakr sent
  25. Dominance in the Mediterranean and Middle East led Britain and France to, invade ,the Crimean Peninsula in order to destroy Russian naval capabilities. And was
  26. In lifting the two-and-a-half-year-long Siege of Cádiz. *1814 – British troops, invade ,Washington’D. C. and burn down the White House and several other buildings.
  27. British forces led by Rear-Admiral Sir Horatio Nelson. Bonaparte had sought to, invade ,Egypt, as the first step in a campaign against British India whose ultimate aim
  28. Elyria instead. During this turmoil, the Illusions took the opportunity to, invade ,Macedonia, but Alexander repelled the invade rs. Philip marched on Melissa (
  29. Europe - is conquered by an alien race called the Chimera. The aliens later, invade ,the United States. The Fallout Series of computer role-playing games is set in
  30. On Broadway. *1970 – Vietnam War: United States and South Vietnamese forces, invade ,Cambodia to hunt View Cong. *1974 – Watergate Scandal: President Richard Nixon
  31. Strategy to ultimately reach Radar in Balochistan, the Soviet Union decided to, invade ,Afghanistan in December 1979 by sending over 100,000 soldiers of the Red Army
  32. An estimated hundreds dead. *1968 – Soviet Union-dominated Warsaw Pact troops, invade ,Czechoslovakia, crushing the Prague Spring; on the same day, Nicolae Ceausescu
  33. Blood between mother and son is more meaningful than the bond of marriage. They, invade ,his temple, and he says that the matter should be brought before Athena. Apollo
  34. Ant colonies. Others are less expansionist but just as aggressive; they, invade ,colonies to steal eggs or larvae, which they either eat or raise as
  35. Have thought that the ends justified the means, he had no legal authority to, invade ,North Carolina, to capture the pirates and to seize and auction their goods.
  36. Left the Atlanta area to swing around and menace Sherman's supply lines and, invade ,Tennessee in the Franklin-Nashville Campaign. Name "/NP"> mcpherson59"/> Union
  37. Second only to Brazil, though it was thought not to have the ability to, invade ,another nation (apart from perhaps small Caribbean nations). Repressions
  38. 2 366 the Alemannic yet again crossed the frozen Rhine in large numbers, to, invade , the Gallic provinces, this time being defeated by Palestinian (see Battle of
  39. Jews and of the" absurdity of their Law" and how Ptolemy Lagos was able to, invade ,Jerusalem in 320 BC because its inhabitants were observing the Sabbath. Edward
  40. Legally void ". He stated he had no intent to, invade ,Southern states, nor did he intend to end slavery where it existed, but that he
  41. Gates was defeated at the Battle of Camden, setting the stage for Cornwallis to, invade ,North Carolina. Cornwallis' victories quickly turned, however. One wing of his
  42. Support. In February 1776 Clinton took 2,000 men and a naval squadron to, invade ,North Carolina, which he called off when he learned the Loyalists had been
  43. Was the last major Portuguese expansion from Luanda outwards, as attempts to, invade ,Kongo in 1670 and Catawba in 1681 failed. Portugal also expanded its territory
  44. S position on the world stage that was threatened: Napoleon threatened to, invade ,Britain itself, just as his armies had overrun many countries of continental
  45. Host growth conditions also influence the ability of the phage to attach and, invade ,bacteria. As phage virions do not move independently, they must rely on random
  46. Antibiotics, in the early 1940s. Bacteriophages or" phages" are viruses that, invade ,bacterial cells and, in the case of lytic phages, disrupt bacterial metabolism
  47. And mollusks. They are often found in the guts of their hosts but may, invade ,the other tissues. In the typical grenadine life cycle a trophozoite develops
  48. Over his own body. In effect, this means that no one else may justly, invade , or aggress against,another's person. It follows then that each person justly
  49. Able to hold out long enough to exhaust the Union. Confederates did not need to, invade ,and hold enemy territory to win, but only needed to fight a defensive war to
  50. Schizogony. The merozoites are released by losing the host cell which in turn, invade ,other cells. At some point in the life cycle amounts are formed. These are

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