Examples of the the word, await , in a Sentence Context

The word ( await ), is the 4661 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Been accepted by most of the Jews as their Messiah. Many Christians, however, await , the Second Coming of Christ when they believe he will fulfill the major rest of
  2. There is no greater criminal / than a man without money ". As Jim is led off to, await ,execution, everyone sings the" Bewares Song ", in which they long for that
  3. In a 'men' next to a forest, or away from homesteads and fed there as they, await ,their genitals to heal. During this period, they undergo three main traditional
  4. A dozen alcoholism-related genes have been identified, but that more likely, await ,discovery. At least one genetic test exists for an allele that is correlated to
  5. The fervent—in the words of Rama—"believe in the coming of the Messiah and, await ,it daily, although it may be delayed. " As religious Jews were herded into the
  6. Was content to lead the Conservatives in a relaxed manner in opposition and, await ,Liberal mistakes. He took long holidays and resumed his law practice, moving
  7. Exchanged the maps they had made, but no agreement was reached; they decided to, await ,further instructions. At this time, they decided to name the large island on
  8. Of Santa Agatha in Terasievert, Rome (Bottom of painting: the souls in Purgatory, await ,the prayers of the faithful) Sir Charles Lyell,1st Baronet, Kt FRS (14
  9. Manacles placed on his arms and chains on his feet and was cast into prison to, await ,return to Spain. He was 48 years old. On 1 October 1500,Columbus and his two
  10. Be made as early as practicable; however, Longstreet got permission from Lee to, await ,the arrival of one of his brigades, and while marching to the assigned position
  11. Papal legate for the realm of Egypt, and returned to Venice in 1269 or 1270 to, await ,the nomination of the new Pope, which allowed Marco to see his father for the
  12. As Emperor of Rome. Rather than continue his campaign, Vespasian decided to, await ,further orders and send Titus to greet the new Emperor. Before reaching Italy
  13. Which one of Howard's slaves was presumed to have come. Howard was sent to, await ,trial before a Court of Vice-Admiralty on the charge of piracy, but Captain
  14. Acres to retrieve Lady Cunégonde, while Candide prepares to travel to Europe to, await ,the two. Candide's remaining sheep are stolen, and Candide is fined heavily by
  15. From the daily trials of life is warranted when the glories of eternity, await , Newton saw himself a sinner like David who had been chosen, perhaps
  16. Get dimer to form the“ resting” G-protein, which can again bind to a GPCR and, await ,activation. The rate of GTP hydrolysis is often accelerated due to the actions
  17. Which he accepted. He did order the Armenian king Races to muster an army and, await ,instructions. He crossed the Euphrates near Metropolis and moved eastward to
  18. Their lives together. The crowns also serve as a reminder of the crowns that, await ,them in heaven, if they live their lives in faithfulness to God and each other.
  19. Announced in January 1938 that it would no longer deal with Chiang, but would, await ,the development of a new regime. When later asked for clarifications, Konoe
  20. Occurred in the ANN. As a result, reforms essential to peace implementation, await ,legislative action. New cases of human rights abuse continued to decline
  21. Function. Clients therefore initiate communication sessions with servers which, await ,incoming requests. Description The client–server characteristic describes the
  22. Was imminent, most workers took their paychecks and left for Las Vegas to, await ,developments. Two days later, the remainder were talked into leaving by law
  23. Into four compartments for four types of the dead: the faithful saints who, await ,resurrection in Paradise, the merely virtuous who await their reward, the
  24. As agreed, and on 26 August halted at the 38th parallel for three weeks to, await ,the arrival of US forces in the south. Explaining why the occupation zone
  25. Coming of the Messiah. *The second oracle (ch. ) points out the glories that, await ,Israel in" the latter-day ", the final conflict and triumph of God's kingdom.
  26. Of a series of ultra-Neptunian bodies, the remaining members of which still, await ,discovery but which are destined eventually to be detected ". In 1943,in the
  27. Voisey's Bay. Moreover, the far north remains largely undeveloped as producers, await ,higher prices or new technologies as many operations in this region are not yet
  28. Crushed by the angry Giantess. The Baker, Little Red Riding hood, and Cinderella, await ,the return of the Baker's Wife when The Witch drags in Jack. The Baker
  29. The country. Columbus refused, whereupon he was taken prisoner to Besançon to, await ,further orders. Taking advantage of the absence of restraint, he speedily
  30. Sure number declared by Scripture, that is six hundred sixty and six, let them, await , in the first place, the division of the kingdom into ten; then, in the next
  31. Must remain behind the free-throw line until execution. The thrower must, await ,the whistle blow of the referee. A 7-meter throw is the equivalent to a penalty
  32. His spine. Stuart suffered great pain as an ambulance took him to Richmond to, await ,his wife's arrival at the home of Dr. Charles Brewer, his brother-in-law.
  33. Were inspired by the disaster, but even 40 years later hundreds of works still, await ,restoration. Gallery File: Arno_river. JPG|River Arno in Florence File: Arno
  34. Novel Don Quixote as a play-within-a-play performed by prisoners as they, await ,a hearing with the Spanish Inquisition. * Stairways Congress forms an element of
  35. Of using underground tunnels in the tractor factory to avoid captivity and, await ,warmer weather. Many others had the same idea and thousands implemented their
  36. Life, such as probes and information gathering devices, may also, await ,discovery. Some theoretical exploration techniques such as the Von Neumann
  37. In Paradise, the merely virtuous who await their reward, the wicked who, await ,punishment, and the wicked who have already been punished and will not be
  38. Ministry, death and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth, most Jews continue to, await ,the coming of the prophet Elijah who will prepare the way for the Lord. The
  39. Shares a border of: the Soviet Union. A rapprochement with Iran, of course, must, await , at a minimum Iran's abandonment of hegemonic aspirations in the Gulf ". Iran
  40. To protect various towns, and choosing the small town of Seton near Verdun to, await ,the spring. This turned out to be a tactical error, for he was left with
  41. In June 1497,she is known to have retired to the convent of San Sis to to, await ,the outcome of the divorce which was finalized in December of that year. In
  42. Burnt alive. Anna,Baldr's wife, also threw herself on the funeral fire to, await ,Ragnarök when she would be reunited with her husband (alternatively, she died
  43. Stands on the less:: with resolution: and without remorse: I will gladly:, await ,my own. Vesta Decorum In the account of Baldr's death in Saxon Grammatical '
  44. He reminds them that God is just, exhorting them to be faithful as they, await ,that justice. Malachi quickly goes on to point out that the people have not
  45. Inside a frozen Daemon, which would cause it to reset and lose all memory, or, await , a competent robotics technician who would be able to resurrect the cat-robot
  46. The faithful saints who await resurrection in Paradise, the merely virtuous who, await ,their reward, the wicked who await punishment, and the wicked who have already
  47. Jonas Savimbi's UNITS rebellion through illicit trade. Other rich resources, await ,development: gold, forest products, fisheries,iron ore, coffee,and fruits.
  48. Alexander 'undid' the hitherto unsolvable Gordian Knot, a feat said to, await ,the future" king of Asia ". According to the story, Alexander proclaimed that
  49. Sail on May 9,1540,with orders from the Spanish Viceroy Antonio de Mendoza to, await ,at a certain point on the coast the arrival of an expedition by land under the
  50. Of a new Davidic monarch; the people should do justice, turn to Yahweh, and, await , the end of their punishment. However, whereas Isaiah sees Jacob/Israel joining

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