Examples of the the word, diameter , in a Sentence Context

The word ( diameter ), is the 4659 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Broke it off all round about ... the central island itself was five States in, diameter ,about 0.92 km; 0.57 mi. In Plato's myth, Poseidon fell in love with Plato
  2. Of 20-30 white, or bright blue, funnel-shaped flowers, each flower 2.5–5 cm, diameter , Cultivation It was introduced to Europe at the close of the 17th century as a
  3. Ball viewed at a distance of 50 miles (80 km). The article on Angular, diameter ,lists the angular diameter of various celestial bodies. Space telescopes are
  4. Work of Descartes — by some 1800 years. His application of reference lines,a, diameter ,and a tangent is essentially no different from our modern use of a coordinate
  5. The same time Earth had rotated around putting Houston nearly a full Earth, diameter ,away. The Apollo 13 crew holds the distinction of being the furthest any human
  6. Were able to estimate the area of a circle by subtracting one-ninth from its, diameter ,and squaring the result:: Area ≈ ()D2 = ()r 2 ≈ 3.16r 2,a reasonable
  7. Characteristics Amaryllis is a bulbous plant, with each bulb being 5–10 cm in, diameter , It has several strap-shaped, green leaves,30–50 cm long and 2–3 cm broad
  8. S landing target was in a boulder-strewn area just north and east of a, diameter ,crater (later determined to be" West crater ", named for its location in the
  9. Star to Earth, excluding our own Sun) is ~268 000 AU from the Sun *The mean, diameter ,of Betelgeuse is 5.5 AU (822 800 000 km) *The distance from the Sun to the
  10. Open pipe. The harmonics are the more readily obtained by reason of the small, diameter ,of the bore in relation to the length. An Alford made at Rigi-Kulm, Schwyz
  11. Of objects as an angular diameter . For example, the full moon has an angular, diameter ,of approximately 0.5°,when viewed from Earth. One could say," The Moon's
  12. Cluster of 2 to 12 funnel-shaped flowers at their tops. Each flower is 6–10 cm, diameter ,with six sepals (three outer sepals, three inner petals, with similar
  13. Seeing, ground-based telescopes will smear the image of a star to an angular, diameter ,of about 0.5 arc second; in poor seeing conditions this increases to 1.5
  14. Objects that are described by just two measurements, such as the length and, diameter ,of a rod. The aspect ratio of a torus is the ratio of the major axis R to the
  15. In mammals. The smooth muscle component does not dramatically alter the, diameter ,of the aorta but rather serves to increase the stiffness and viscoelasticity of
  16. The apparent sizes of the Sun and the Moon and concluded that the apparent, diameter ,of the Sun was equal to the apparent diameter of the Moon at the Moon's
  17. The dwarf planet Pluto has proven difficult to resolve because its angular, diameter ,is about 0.1 arc second. This is roughly equivalent to a (40 mm) ping-pong
  18. Diffuse sphere reflects ⅔ as much light as a diffuse disc of the same, diameter ,: Distances::: d_\! \, is the distance between the observer and the body:: d_\!
  19. The largest angular diameter from Earth is R Dorados, a red supergiant with a, diameter ,of 0.05 arc second. Due to the effects of atmospheric seeing, ground-based
  20. Between a sphere and a circumscribed cylinder of the same height and, diameter , The volume is 3 for the sphere, and 23 for the cylinder. The surface area is
  21. Computer mouse (in this mechanism, the kickoff rollers were roughly the same, diameter ,as the ball). The kickoff roller axes were at right angles. A pair of rollers
  22. This varies. Actinosphaerium are several times larger, from 200-1000 km in, diameter , with many nuclei, and are found exclusively in fresh water. Two other genera
  23. 2.2° southwest from Alpha Centauri AB. This is about four times the angular, diameter ,of the Full Moon, and almost exactly half the distance between Alpha Centauri
  24. To n units, for some whole number n. The two exceptions are the radian and the, diameter ,part. For example, in the case of degrees, A turn of n units is obtained by
  25. Here. Actinophrys have a single, central nucleus. Most are around 40-50 km in, diameter , with AirPods up to 100 km in length, though this varies. Actinosphaerium are
  26. Venus varies between 10′′ and 60′′). The parallax, proper motion and angular, diameter ,of a star may also be written in milliseconds (mas),or thousandths of an
  27. Of approximately 0.5°,when viewed from Earth. One could say," The Moon's, diameter ,subtends an angle of half a degree. " The small-angle formula can be used to
  28. And concluded that the apparent diameter of the Sun was equal to the apparent, diameter ,of the Moon at the Moon's greatest distance, and from records of lunar
  29. Capacity of 2 MW each. The hub height of each wind turbine is, with a rotor, diameter ,of. Aalbäumle observation tower On Largest mountain, the tall Aalbäumle
  30. Almond is a small deciduous tree, growing in height, with a trunk of up to in, diameter , The young twigs are green at first, becoming purplish where exposed to
  31. Manuals left on the moon. Apart from the sun, the star with the largest angular, diameter ,from Earth is R Dorados, a red supergiant with a diameter of 0.05 arc second.
  32. Shots whose center points (center-to-center) fit into a circle, the average, diameter ,of circles in several groups can be subtended by that amount of arc. For
  33. Wheel, and an eclipse corresponded with the occlusion of that hole. The, diameter ,of the solar wheel was twenty-seven times that of the Earth (or twenty-eight
  34. A =\left (\franc \right) ^2,where A is the astronomical albedo’D is the, diameter ,in kilometers, and H is the absolute magnitude. Examples of terrestrial albedo
  35. 29 rooms. Nine complexes each hosted an oversized Great Diva, each up to in, diameter , T-shaped doorways and stone lintels marked all Chapman Rivas. Though simple
  36. Dickson Laser and Frederick de Houtman, and it first appeared on a 35 cm, diameter ,celestial globe published in 1597 (or 1598) in Amsterdam by Places with
  37. Our modern use of a coordinate frame, where the distances measured along the, diameter ,from the point of tangency are the abscissas, and the segments parallel to the
  38. Long, with a serrated margin and a petiole. The flowers are white or pale pink, diameter ,with five petals, produced singly or in pairs before the leaves in early spring
  39. Of lunar eclipses, he estimated this apparent diameter , as well as the apparent, diameter ,of the shadow cone of the Earth traversed by the Moon during a lunar eclipse.
  40. Each millennium. These motions are about one-fifth and twice, respectively,the, diameter ,of the full moon A more precise calculation involves taking into account the
  41. And as bundles they help make up nerves. Individual axons are microscopic in, diameter ,(typically about 1μm across),but may be up to several feet in length. The
  42. Empty space by volume. The investigated asteroids are as large as 280 km in, diameter , and include 121 Hermione (268×186×183 km),and 87 Sylvia (384×262×232 km).
  43. After him. Ananias also relates that a gigantic skeleton, its kneecap in, diameter , appeared on the beach near Pigeon, on the Trojan coast; these bones were
  44. Entries for the sun's position for many years using a large astrolabe with a, diameter ,of nearly 1.4 meters. His observations on eclipses were still used centuries
  45. Distance, and from records of lunar eclipses, he estimated this apparent, diameter , as well as the apparent diameter of the shadow cone of the Earth traversed by
  46. Two stars. Astronomers also measure the apparent size of objects as an angular, diameter , For example, the full moon has an angular diameter of approximately 0.5°,when
  47. Apical complex and are known as the dense granules. These typically have a mean, diameter ,of about 0.7 micrometers. Secretion of the dense-granule content takes place
  48. Part (occasionally used in Islamic mathematics) is 1/60 radian. One ", diameter ,part" is approximately 0.95493 degrees. *The mil is approximately equal to a
  49. Heavens. Its curious shape is that of a cylinder with a height one-third of its, diameter , The flat top forms the inhabited world, which is surrounded by a circular
  50. The sexagesimal nautical mile. The grad is used mostly in triangulation. *The, diameter ,part (occasionally used in Islamic mathematics) is 1/60 radian. One "

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