Examples of the the word, piracy , in a Sentence Context

The word ( piracy ), is the 8777 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Clippers frequently mounted cannon or carbonates and were used for, piracy , privateering, smuggling,or interdiction service. The last China clippers were
  2. Hellenes came from Patriotic. The whole country indulged in and suffered from, piracy ,and was not settled. After the Trojan War," Hellas was still engaged in
  3. And was repelled. If the report is true, this marked Kidd's first foray into, piracy , As it became obvious his ambitious enterprise was failing, he became
  4. Brethren of the Coast organization, and acts as a primary organizer behind the, piracy ,in the Spanish Main in that game. He is still there 19 years later, having
  5. Christianity). In the 12th century, there was intensification of Baltic Slavic, piracy , Starting in the 11th century, the southern and eastern shores of the Baltic
  6. May 23, 1701) was a Scottish sailor remembered for his trial and execution for, piracy ,after returning from a voyage to the Indian Ocean. Some modern historians deem
  7. Free from Ottoman control, starting in the 17th century Algiers turned to, piracy ,and ransoming. Due to its location on the periphery of both the Ottoman and
  8. By a commission from London which directed Spots wood to pardon all acts of, piracy ,committed by surrendering pirates before 23 July 1718. Meanwhile, Spotswood had
  9. Was sent to await trial before a Court of Vice-Admiralty on the charge of, piracy , but Captain Brand and his colleague, Captain Gordon (of HMS Pearl) refused
  10. Marine trading and transport, and this commerce eventually attracted, piracy , Today the area is home to 22 island territories and borders 12 continental
  11. The end of their works. " The practice of labeling the act of infringement as ", piracy ," predates statutory copyright law. Prior to the Statute of Anne 1709,the
  12. Of city-states that were still Mycenaean, for the purpose of suppressing, piracy ,in the Aegean that arose as a result of the decay of the naval supremacy of the
  13. In the Angevin-Neapolitan war. His two brothers were sentenced to death for, piracy ,by Ladislav of Naples. He studied law at the University of Bologna and
  14. With murder. He was found guilty on all charges (murder and five counts of, piracy ,). He was hanged on 23 May 1701,at 'Execution Dock ', Wapping, in London.
  15. Any involvement in this decision is unknown, but Marigold quickly retired from, piracy , He took Ranger and one of the sloops, leaving Teach with Revenge and the
  16. Settlers the right to occupy the area and cut dogwood in exchange for an end to, piracy , Battle of St. George's Came The Battle of St. George's Came was a short
  17. To stand trial before the High Court of Admiralty in London for the charges of, piracy ,on high seas and the murder of William Moore. Whilst awaiting trial, Kidd was
  18. Society, it was a major base for privateering (state sanctioned or licensed, piracy ,) in medieval times. John Hawley or Hauled, a licensed privateer and sometime
  19. Medical kits. In some parts of the world (e.g., near the Horn of Africa), piracy , can be a problem. Other kinds of maritime cruising *Camp cruising, also known
  20. Utopianism, environmentalism,capitalism, militarism,anti-authoritarianism, piracy , classic liberalism, or the Gaia philosophy. The game takes place on the last "
  21. Sloop, which he renamed Adventure. By the end of August, Teach had returned to, piracy ,and in the same month the Governor of Pennsylvania issued a warrant for his
  22. With most of those who had been privateers during the war became involved in, piracy , Possibly about 1716,Teach joined the crew of Captain Benjamin Marigold, a
  23. In North America) heretofore had often winked at privateers' excesses into, piracy , and Kidd may have been hoping that the passes would provide the legal fig leaf
  24. Bowland was known for its practical and creative approach towards software, piracy ,and intellectual property (IP),introducing its" Bowland no-nonsense license
  25. The Bahamas became a Crown Colony in 1718 when the British clamped down on, piracy , Following the American War of Independence, thousands of pro-British loyalists
  26. That year, Gilbert sailed for the West Indies with the intention of engaging in, piracy ,and establishing a colony in North America, but the expedition was aborted
  27. In Cyprus may have functioned as a currency. It is thought that the increase in, piracy ,and raiding associated with the Bronze Age collapse, possibly produced by the
  28. Against Kidd, Bellomont was justifiably afraid of being implicated in, piracy ,himself, and knew that presenting Kidd to England in chains was his best chance
  29. Of illegal copies of movies on the Internet also contributes to the, piracy ,problem. Satellite TV, television and imported foreign films are making huge
  30. The Caribbean is the setting for countless literary efforts often related to, piracy ,acts and swashbuckling. One memorable work of pulp fiction has in its title a
  31. In the United Kingdom, it was abolished for murder (leaving only treason, piracy ,with violence, Arson in royal dockyards and a number of wartime military
  32. And distribution is also commonly referred to as piracy . An early reference to, piracy ,in the context of copyright infringement was made by Daniel Defoe in 1703 when
  33. Unauthorized reproduction and distribution is also commonly referred to as, piracy , An early reference to piracy in the context of copyright infringement was made
  34. Set out for revenge, but was unable to find him. He and his crew returned to, piracy ,and were captured on 27 September 1718 at the mouth of the Cape Fear River. All
  35. Good friends in England, that will bring me off for that. " Accusations of, piracy ,Acts of savagery on Kidd's part were reported by escaped prisoners, who told
  36. To try Howard without a jury present. The charges referred to several acts of, piracy ,supposedly committed after the cut-off date of the pardon, in " a sloop
  37. 31, 1921. Rumors and more at the time indicated the Deeming was a victim of, piracy , possibly connected with the illegal rum-running trade during Prohibition, and
  38. A pirate, unknown. New Providence With its history of colonialism, trade and, piracy , the West Indies was the setting for a great many maritime incidents during the
  39. Of Wooden Rogers, who,after a difficult struggle, succeeded in suppressing, piracy , In 1720,Rogers led local militia to drive off a Spanish attack. During the
  40. S BBS, in Boardman, Ohio,was raided by the FBI in January 1993 for software, piracy , and in November 1997 sued by Playboy for copyright infringement. In Flint
  41. The time of or immediately before or immediately after committing the crime of, piracy ,in respect of any ship or vessel, to assault, with intent to murder, any person
  42. Of them as murderous tyrants. Since the end of this so-called golden age of, piracy , Teach and his exploits have become the stuff of lore, inspiring books, films
  43. Was increasingly controlled by European shipping, backed by European navies, piracy ,became the primary economic activity. Repeated attempts were made by various
  44. In the early 16th century and turned it into the center of Mediterranean, piracy ,and privateering for three centuries, as well as establishing the Ottoman
  45. The clear dominance of multimedia computing that it once promised. Software, piracy ,has often been given by trade publications and user groups as the reason for
  46. A landowner and military officer from a wealthy family, he had turned to, piracy ,earlier that year but his crew of about 70 were reportedly dissatisfied with
  47. On to become a master's mate on a merchant vessel, and was never convicted of, piracy , Hunting for pirates In September 1696,Kidd weighed anchor and set course for
  48. Custom of pirates to use fictitious surnames while engaging in the business of, piracy , so as not to tarnish the family name. Thus,Teach's real name will likely
  49. Travelled the world, bringing back products such as cinnamon and riches from, piracy ,and the whaling and cod trades. An armaments' industry developed, giving the
  50. In the Gulf of Aden in September '08 as part of an international effort to curb, piracy ," part of Combined Task Force 150. Appear (also known as Dear, Aimar, or

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