Examples of the the word, poke , in a Sentence Context

The word ( poke ), is the 8778 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Men to climb high into trees, and then he ordered others to use sharp lances to, poke ,at these men in trees until they fell to their deaths. This extraordinary event
  2. Stooges have been presented on home video has been a real slap in the face and, poke ,in the eye to fans. They’ve been anthologized, colorized,and public domain-ed
  3. Shows, particularly when performing outside the South, also managed subtly to, poke ,fun at the racist attitudes and double standards of white society or champion
  4. Canada, in 1835. The character was a plain-talking American who served to, poke ,fun at Nova Scotia customs of that era, while,initially, trying to urge the
  5. A Swiss cat who provides his readers with a humorous little philosophical ", poke ," along their way * The Chattanooga Cats, singing group from Hanna-Barbera
  6. RAM in an unbolted transporter. After a peek (which required an address) or a, poke ,(which took a word address, and a word of data – 16 or 32 bit depending on the
  7. That they never want to return to Florida again. Barry also uses Big Trouble to, poke ,fun at the existence of a Russian arms black market, the corrupt political
  8. To a hoax or practical joke, a meaning still retained in the phrase" to, poke ,fun at ". The Assassins (Hassium (Snipers),Ḥashshāshīn, also Hashish in
  9. Allowed Adams to use the repetitive style and rhythmic drive of minimalism, yet, poke , fun at it at the same time. When Adams commented on his own characterization of
  10. Two-term president to succeed a member of the same party. James Knox Polk (", poke ,"; November 2,1795 – June 15, 1849) was the 11th President of the United
  11. Settlers are moved to the urchin's mouth and eaten. Some burrowing sea stars, poke ,their tube feet through the surface of the sand or mud above them into the
  12. The day at the beach. In his work with the firm, Thorne was one of the first to, poke ,fun at the client through the ad. For as much as he disliked going into the
  13. Baseman over to second base, creating a gap in the infield for the batter to, poke ,the ball through. The sacrifice bunt calls for the batter to focus on making
  14. Of most echinoderms. These are extensions of the water vascular system which, poke ,through holes in the skeleton and can be extended or contracted by the
  15. Permanently damage the video hardware. While this is not a single" killer, poke ,", it demonstrates a software failure mode that could permanently damage the
  16. Funny name helped both Laugh-In and The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson to, poke ,fun at NBC censors) *" Uncle Al had to take a lot of medicine last night" (
  17. Or to remove the opponent from play. Stick checking, sweep checking, and, poke , checking are legal uses of the stick to obtain possession of the puck. The
  18. Part. The character of ALF Garrett (played by Warren Mitchell) was created to, poke ,fun at the kind of narrow-minded, racist,little-Englander that Garrett
  19. Either to test the depth of an Emacs user's understanding of the editor or to, poke ,fun at the complexity of Emacs, involved predicting what would happen if a user
  20. The suggestion was that the director left the scene in, in order to, poke ,fun at the great author. Not so, and I can be sure, as I was that director ...
  21. An entertaining, though vulgar, mock-hymn to Columbia, composed of quips that, poke ,fun at the various stereotypes about the Columbia student body. Tree-Lighting
  22. Or pushing the ball, from the Scottish Gaelic PUC or the Irish POC, meaning to, poke , punch or deliver a blow: It is possible that Halifax natives, many of whom
  23. Song," The Decline ", which is over eighteen minutes long. NOX frequently, poke ,fun (in friendly manner) at other bands. Its song" Whoa on the Whoa "
  24. Fabliau by Jean de Boves called. Boccaccio not only capitalizes on the tale to, poke ,fun at the clerics of his day, but also at the simple-mindedness of some of his
  25. It was noted for its pairing of Québécois and Anglo officers. Canadians also, poke ,fun at the RCMP with Sergeant Renfrew and his faithful dog Cuddles in various
  26. Is a mockumentary which includes interviews with various American citizens that, poke ,fun at American culture, as well as sexism, racism,homophobia, anti-Semitism
  27. One minute left. The ball was launched goalward and Wolfgang Weber managed to, poke ,it is across the line, with England appealing in vain for handball as the ball
  28. Then the nature of the jokes themselves. Self-deprecation Letterman will often, poke ,fun at himself, ranging from the content of his show (such as admitting when a
  29. With its Mad Pollution Primer. With its" Reality Street" TV satire, taking a, poke ,at the idealized images of interracial harmony on Sesame Street. (" It's a
  30. Of Bakshi's. Variety called it an" amusing, diverting,handsomely executed, poke ,at youthful attitudes ". John Grant writes in his book Masters of Animation
  31. Set in the seamy underbelly of Las Vegas. Mix-a-Lot is more than willing to, poke ,fun at his best-known song," Baby Got Back ": In 2006,Sir Mix-a-Lot appeared
  32. Common to children's stories of the time, instead using clever humor to, poke ,at greed, violence,abuse of power and other human foibles, describing his
  33. After the Attack of the Killer Tomatoes cult film. In computer jargon, a killer, poke ,is a method of inducing physical hardware damage on a machine and/or its
  34. From the Scottish Gaelic word" PUC" or the Irish word" POC," meaning to, poke , punch or deliver a blow. This definition is explained in a book published in
  35. From Hitchcock's Stage Fright. 'Setup' is a Yiddish verb meaning" to stuff, poke , or fill" but which is commonly used as a vulgarism best translated into
  36. Gets to pick his own hairstyles for each character he portrays. Although he did, poke ,fun at his baldness the first time he appeared bald on The Tonight Show
  37. Uses),in reference to Emacs's high system resource requirements. As a, poke ,at Emacs' creeping features, vi advocates will describe Emacs as" a great
  38. To make his way across the rain-slickened walk. As they watch, then begin to, poke ,fun at Jones' seemingly self-destructive charge, cheering him on, and suddenly
  39. Lacking even search-and-replace capabilities. Its name was chosen as a wry, poke ,at an earlier, rather bloated, editor called" Colossal Typewriter ". Even in
  40. Values in that their focus is more on their music than their jobs. The gags, poke ,fun at the local authorities and bureaucracy. There is no glorification of
  41. Then Teresa Panel to play the Matinée Lady. Carson also used these sketches to, poke ,fun at the intricate Los Angeles interstate system, using a pointer and map to
  42. New meters require smaller drops of blood, and the corresponding lancet, poke ,in the fingers is smaller and less painful. These meters also support alternate
  43. Atmosphere for the rice to use. The rice is planted when it is tall enough to, poke ,out above the Apollo. This method has been used for at least a thousand years.
  44. And Sullivan operetta HMS Pinafore was a satire that used baby farming to, poke ,fun at class hierarchy and the Royal Navy. *The book Mama's Babies by Gary
  45. Financial disarray, with wags calling it" Rugs Chickens & Automobiles" to, poke ,fun at their attempt at becoming a conglomerate. Robert Sarnoff was ousted in a
  46. Cabbage (fetid hellebore, meadow cabbage, polecat weed, skunkweed; stinking, poke , swamp cabbage, Symplocarpus forbids or its relative Lysichiton
  47. ST displays). Specific examples The Commodore PET The PET-specific killer, poke ,is connected to the architecture of that machine's video rasterize circuits.
  48. Such as ornaments, dolls,sheds, china plates and novelty chess sets. These, poke ,fun at the genuine adverts for such items in magazines found in the color
  49. Suggests the name is related to the verb" to puck" ( a cognate of ", poke ,") used in the game of hurling for striking or pushing the ball, from the
  50. His regalia, directly from a club across the street. Several taxmen began to, poke ,fun at him. Unable any longer to bear their taunts, he got up and knocked all

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