Examples of the the word, hectare , in a Sentence Context
The word ( hectare ), is the 8881 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Of establishment for new cranberry beds is estimated to be about US$70,000 per, hectare ,(approx. $28,300 per acre). A common misconception about cranberry production
- Throughout the Central Asian republics was twenty to twenty-five kilograms per, hectare , compared with the former average of three kilograms per hectare for the entire
- Dominating in the eastern Dalbosjön, where the average is 2,600 smelt per, hectare , The second most common fish is the vend ace (Oregon album),also most
- Relations. In 1975,she emigrated from Taiwan to her family's 36 acre (14.6, hectare , ) estate in Lattingtown, Long Island, New York, USA,where she kept a portrait
- Darya and the Morgan oasis) receive as much as 250 kilograms of fertilizer per, hectare , compared with the average application of thirty kilograms per hectare .
- Based on a study finding that wood mouse populations dropped from 25 per, hectare ,to five per hectare after harvest (attributed to migration and mortality)
- Has changed little since 1905. Roughly 625 pounds of leaves were harvested per, hectare , six times per year. The leaves were dried for half a day, then chopped into
- Developments across the Adelaide metropolitan area and purchased a 10, hectare , industrial site at Bowden for $52.5 million as the first of these developments.
- BER and Guard (Goal, Seb & Media variety developed in CAPRI),using only one, hectare ,of land, yielded 10,000 kg. of BER and 250 kg. of Guard, which translates into
- The amount of nitrogen than on land–around 1.8 kg of nitrogen is fixed per, hectare ,per day. Root nodule symbioses Legume family Plants that contribute to nitrogen
- Of hectare s of farmland or raw land at prices of a few hundred US$ per, hectare , To promote exports of agricultural products, many government agencies publish
- Has fallen out of use, the hectare is still commonly used to measure land: *1, hectare ,100 ares 10,000 square meters = 0.01 square kilometers Other uncommon metric
- Bananas, pineapples,peanuts (groundnuts),and citrus fruits. The 2,200, hectare , Linhai Industrial Park, on the waterfront, was completed in the mid-1970s and
- Yields of corn (maize) in the USA have increased from around 2.5 tons per, hectare ,(t/ha) (40 bushels per acre) in 1900 to about 9.4 t/ha (150 bushels per
- Even minor rules. Cambodians were expected to produce three tons of rice per, hectare ,; before the Khmer Rouge era, the average was only one ton per hectare . The
- In 1980. They have no children. They live in a log house on a 25 acre (10, hectare , ) nature preserve in the Kentucky hills near Louisville, the maintenance of
- To be established in the metropolitan area of Sydney. Macquarie’s 126, hectare , park-like campus belies its setting within the high-technology corridor of
- Oregon album),also most prominently in Dalbosjön, with 200–300 fish per, hectare , The populations may vary greatly between years, though,depending on
- Kilograms per hectare , compared with the former average of three kilograms per, hectare ,for the entire Soviet Union. As a result, the supply of fresh water has
- High rate of 3 % a year. By 1994,farm size, on average, was smaller than one, hectare , while population density was more than 450 persons per square kilometer of
- Pasta and sold by the farmer. The 3750 pound yearly harvest of leaves from a, hectare ,produced 2.5 kg of pasta, approximately 40–60 % cocaine. Repeated
- Per hectare , compared with the average application of thirty kilograms per, hectare , Furthermore, most fertilizers are so poorly applied that experts have
- The Amazon forest is highly heterogeneous, with hundreds of woody species per, hectare , there is considerable distance between individual trees of economic value
- Suitable. It has been calculated that plantations yielding 10 cubic meters per, hectare ,annually could supply all the timber required for international trade on 5 % of
- Concluded that cropland imposes approximately $5 to 16 billion ($30 to $96 per, hectare ,), while livestock production imposes $714 million. Both studies concluded that
- The Peoples Republic of China, a rural household's productive asset may be one, hectare ,of farmland. In Brazil, Paraguay and other countries where local legislature
- Grown on sturdy support structures, as it can produce several tonnes per, hectare , more than the rather weak vines can support. These are generally equipped with
- Is commonly used for the same purpose. An acre is approximately 40 % of a, hectare , Perhaps the easiest way to envisage an acre is as a rectangle measuring 88
- Archaeologist Marek F. Jagodziński resumed excavations and cleared a c. 20, hectare , site,which was burnt down around the year 1000,whereupon the inhabitants
- 1 international acre is equal to the following metric units: * 0.40468564224, hectare , ( A square with 100 m sides has an area of 1 hectare . ) 1 United States survey
- Acre is not used officially in the United Kingdom. In the metric system,the, hectare ,is commonly used for the same purpose. An acre is approximately 40 % of a
- Finding that wood mouse populations dropped from 25 per hectare to five per, hectare ,after harvest (attributed to migration and mortality),Davis estimated that
- Bloom competitions are often attributed to Johnston Gardens, a small park of one, hectare ,in the west end of the city containing many flowers and plants which
- In the year 2007–08 was 100.35 lakh CT. Tamil Nadu's sugarcane yield per, hectare ,is the highest in India. Tamil Nadu is the home to Dr M. S. Swaminathan, known
- Units: * 0.40468564224 hectare (A square with 100 m sides has an area of 1, hectare , ) 1 United States survey acre is equal to: 1 acre (both variants) is equal
- Herbs and seedlings has been estimated to be around 240,000 individuals per, hectare , In addition, Sri Lanka is home to over 250 types of resident birds (see List
- A major development with the establishment of SPARK, which is a 271, hectare , site developed to be a world-class petrochemical hub. The first major
- Forestland. By contrast, natural forests produce about 1–2 cubic meters per, hectare ,; therefore,5–10 times more forestland would be required to meet demand.
- Hectares / 20 acres or more) sold 84 percent of the trees. Farms less than 0.8, hectare , ( two acres) comprised 21 percent of the farms, and sold an average of 115
- Rice per hectare ; before the Khmer Rouge era, the average was only one ton per, hectare , The Khmer Rouge forced people to work for 12 hours non-stop, without adequate
- Overall national economy over time. One company, for example, bought over 70, hectare , of large desert farm for a price as low as EGP 0.05 per square meter and now
- Park. Sven Adolf Edlund, newspaper publisher and politician bought the 15, hectare , Bjurslätt farm in 1857,in 1928 it was gifted to the city. *Flunsåsparken.
- A naturist health center, edited the La vie sage (1924) and bought a 70, hectare , site on the Mile Du Levant on which they established the Heliopolis. The village
- Of area in the metric system, with Though the are has fallen out of use,the, hectare ,is still commonly used to measure land: *1 hectare 100 ares 10,000 square
- 159,111 were males, with 171,476 females. In 2001 the number of people per, hectare ,in Croydon was 38.21,in London 45.62,and in England 3.77. The mean age of the
- Acre 4,840 square yards 43,560 square feet. An acre is approximately 40 % of a, hectare , Basic area formulae Rectangles The most basic area formula is the formula for
- From the grassy plain. Thickly forested, these hills cover areas ranging from a, hectare ,to several square kilometers (acres to square miles). Apparently the
- Forced to work up to 150 days a year on their fields (1 hectare per male,1/2, hectare , per female). Africans could only sell their cotton for African (low) prices
- Is the main performing arts venue in Cape Town. The city also encloses the 36, hectare , Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden that contains protected natural forest
- The UK determined total external costs for 1996 of £2,343 million, or £208 per, hectare , A 2005 analysis of these costs in the USA concluded that cropland imposes
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