Examples of the the word, amusement , in a Sentence Context

The word ( amusement ), is the 8882 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Gathered from all around the country. The city also hosts the Tripoli Friedan, amusement ,park as well as the deer park situated in the large nearby public forest.
  2. XD and the addition of further CD' letters can suggest laughter or extreme, amusement ,e.g. ADDED. There are hundreds of other variations including >: D for an evil
  3. Route 66 State Park. Since 1971,Eureka has been known as the home of the, amusement ,park formerly known as Six Flags Over Mid-America and now called Six Flags St.
  4. Tide" an atmospheric supernatural thriller involving a mermaid in an abandoned, amusement ,park. In a December 1994 interview on the Charlie Rose Show, Hopper credited
  5. With rides, games and restaurants by Christian IV, it is the oldest surviving, amusement ,park in the World. The city is increasingly recognized internationally as a
  6. He sees all type as reversed, and he believes his left side is his right. The, amusement ,ends when it is discovered that he is dying from malnutrition because his new
  7. This incantation for several minutes after Powell's departure, to his own, amusement ,and Mingus' exasperation. Mingus took another microphone and announced to the
  8. The United States. Also in the zoo complex is the Zambezi Bay water park and, amusement ,park. Performing arts Columbus is the home of many renowned performing arts
  9. Birds, communicating with other dolphins, dislodging parasites or simple, amusement , Play is an important part of dolphin culture. Dolphins play with seaweed and
  10. The modernity and efficiency of railway trains. Around the world, a number of, amusement ,parks were constructed with inter-war art-deco architecture, of which surviving
  11. And pantomimes to be entertaining. Comedy provides laughter and, amusement , The audience is taken by surprise, by the parody or satire of an unexpected
  12. Which concerns especially animated films or Disney films. It's rather made for, amusement ,and as an additional" special feature" for making the audience buying it.
  13. Girls who worked in the mills up the river, clambakes on near-by islands,an, amusement ,park on the seaboard, things people could do in crowds, people who were strong
  14. Cult in Western Europe. The Old French term ESBAB (Modern French eat) meant, amusement ,or diversion, with a connotation of frolicking. Notes An equal temperament is a
  15. See the new Chiefly exhibition hall occupy the site of the former Fun Forest, amusement ,park in the Seattle Center park and entertainment complex, received the final
  16. According to Gilbert Keeper, to perform Dutch dances and songs etc. for the, amusement ,of the shogunate. But they also used the opportunity of their stay of about two
  17. For many years, until it was restored in 2006. Sidewalk The Sidewalk is an, amusement ,that opened on August 1st,2011 and is Toronto's newest attraction. It is the
  18. All metal to adopt the qualities of rubber, leading to horrific accidents at, amusement ,parks. He predicted mass cannibalism and the end of planet Earth, which he set
  19. Promenade that runs parallel to Baku's seafront. The boulevard contains an, amusement ,park, yacht club, musical fountain, statues and monuments. The park is popular
  20. Date tour of Sweden and Finland. Their Stockholm show at the Krona Land, amusement ,park had an estimated audience of 19,200. In 1974," So Long" was released as
  21. Thereafter. The most important of these parks are: Menelik Park (houses an, amusement ,park with a large pond for rowing),the Botanical Garden, Seğmenler Park
  22. The religious desire for penitence, but it also evoked a hysterical desire for, amusement ,while still possible; a last dance as cold comfort. The dance macabre combines
  23. And his exploits have become the stuff of lore, inspiring books, films and, amusement ,park rides. Much of what is known about him can be sourced to Charles Johnson
  24. Of British Somaliland. *1946 – Santa Claus Land, the world's first themed, amusement ,park, opens in Santa Claus, Indiana,US. *1948 – Whittaker Chambers accuses
  25. The UCI Road World Championships. Amusement parks Copenhagen has the two oldest, amusement ,parks in the World. World-famous Tripoli Gardens is an amusement park and
  26. 270 people and wounding 261. *1973 – A flash fire kills 51 at the Summer land, amusement ,center at Douglas, Isle of Man. *1980 – A bomb explodes at the railway station
  27. Bus services, for transport of their customers or patrons, such as hotels, amusement ,parks, university campuses or private airport transfer services. This shuttle
  28. Of Copenhagen in a forested area known as dyrehaven. Having been made into an, amusement ,park complete with rides, games and restaurants by Christian IV, it is the
  29. Generated by centrifugal force as opposed to be generated by gravity. * Some, amusement ,rides make use of centrifugal forces. For instance, a Gravitron's spin forces
  30. An injection of adrenaline. Subjects were observed to express either anger or, amusement ,depending on whether another person in the situation displayed that emotion.
  31. Even outside the Acme:: hierarchy, some modules are still written largely for, amusement ,; one example is Lingual: :Roman: :Perinatal, which can be used to write Perl
  32. Morals of Chess" ( 1750),wrote:" The Game of Chess is not merely an idle, amusement ,; several very valuable qualities of the mind, useful in the course of human
  33. And wished to meet the" Architect of the Reich ". Hitler, alternating between, amusement ,and anger, did not allow Speer to go, fearing that Stalin would put Speer in a
  34. There are many cafés and restaurants as well as discotheques, cinemas,museums, amusement ,parks, and various other entertainment venues. Each year, the town hosts
  35. By him as the secret of the art. He likewise frequented places of public, amusement , where he carefully studied the expressions and attitudes of the performers. He
  36. That is one at either end of the alley. The game of mall was a fashionable, amusement ,in the reign of Charles the Second, and the walk in Saint James's Park, now
  37. Emoticon: {) A broad grin is often shown with crinkled eyes to express further, amusement ,: XD and the addition of further CD' letters can suggest laughter or extreme
  38. The two oldest amusement parks in the World. World-famous Tripoli Gardens is an, amusement ,park and pleasure garden located right in the middle of Copenhagen between the
  39. Open-air concert venue. It opened on 15 August 1843 making it the second oldest, amusement ,park in the world. Dyrehavsbakken (in English" the Deer Garden Hill" ) is
  40. Heading off with a main character from that series, Steve Dallas, to the great, amusement ,of many readers of both strips given the one-time" tensions" between their
  41. Of sleeping with other men's wives and bragging about it, killing for mere, amusement , deliberately wasting money on his bridge, causing starvation, and wanting a
  42. Phenomenon "," cracked Memphis's segregation laws" by attending the local, amusement ,park on what was designated as its" colored night ". Such statements and
  43. To set a time and place for the event. It was decided that this special, amusement ,for the emperor would take place on the 4th day of the 2nd month of Gang 8. *
  44. Is generally passive, such as watching opera or a movie. Active forms of, amusement , such as sports, are more often considered to be recreation. Activities such as
  45. Awkward submission to the German entertainment show TV Total was aired to the, amusement ,of the audience. It featured the African-American woman Verna Mae
  46. Style As Voltaire himself described it, the purpose of Candide was to" bring, amusement ,to a few men of wit ". The fast-paced and improbable plot—in which
  47. Is generally passive, such as watching opera or a movie. Active forms of, amusement , such as sports, are more often considered to be recreation. Activities such as
  48. In the United States. * 1843 – Tripoli Gardens, one of the oldest still intact, amusement ,parks in the world, opens in Copenhagen, Denmark. *1863 – The Anglo-Satsuma War
  49. Dice are designed to favor some results over others for purposes of cheating or, amusement , History Dice have been used throughout Asia since before recorded history; the
  50. The body and its sexual characteristics. Bikini tops for men are seen as an, amusement ,factor. Mankini is a type of sling bikini worn by men. It was

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