Examples of the the word, injunction , in a Sentence Context

The word ( injunction ), is the 8885 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. For judicial review, and individuals held by non-state entities to apply for an, injunction , Other jurisdictions Australia The writ of habeas corpus as a procedural remedy
  2. Caused a notable drop in the size of the network because, while negotiating the, injunction , Likewise had staffed add remote shutdown of Nutella access and file transfers
  3. My Soup" ). However, the record was not released after Joe Dolce took out an, injunction ,; he was about to issue his version in Britain. Sachs also portrayed Manuel (or
  4. Interpretation" is what Trammel used to counter-sue, and sought damages and an, injunction ,to bar Amiga (and effectively Commodore) from producing any resembling
  5. English persecution and Russian prescience (persecution, suppression, injunction , ) * English stone and Mandarin shutout (traditional 石頭, simplified 石头) *
  6. And by community, and can extend for up to six hours. Based on the Biblical, injunction ,against cooking a kid in its mother's milk, this rule is mostly derived from
  7. Mitchell. During the pre-trial proceedings,Mitchell's attempts to obtain an, injunction ,against Koresh's remaining followers that would have prohibited them from
  8. And brew ayahuasca. U. S. District Judge Owen Manner issued a permanent, injunction ,barring the government from prohibiting or penalizing the sacramental use of "
  9. To keep stillness" ) by the Hesychast (Gr., hesychastes). Based on Christ's, injunction ,in the Gospel of Matthew to" go into your closet to pray ", hesychasm in
  10. Interlocutory court orders, such as the denial of a request for an interim, injunction , or an order holding a person in contempt of court, can be appealed immediately
  11. Sentences are interpreted by many Buddhists (especially in the West) as an, injunction ,against supporting any legal measure which might lead to the death penalty.
  12. Hired to make such a change, the U. S. Department of Agriculture issued an, injunction ,and refused to allow Creek stone to buy the kits necessary to test. This allowed
  13. Of remedies in the event of a breach by the directors of their duties: #, injunction ,or declaration # damages or compensation # restoration of the company's
  14. List of over 10,000 BNP members was published by Wikileaks in breach of a court, injunction , This included names, addresses and other personal details. People on the list
  15. They joined him. On March 28, 1985,Lois was in court again, enforcing the, injunction ,against George. At that time she swore that she was the" President of the
  16. December 2008: Wikimedia Nederland, the Dutch chapter, won a preliminary, injunction , An entrepreneur was linked in" his" article with the criminal Willem
  17. Offenses, resulting in monetary penalties and, perhaps,civil sanctions such as, injunction , Many environmental laws also provide for criminal penalties for egregious
  18. Injunction against the 28 June poll, and on 26 June – while Celaya ignored the, injunction ,– it issued a secret order for his detention. On June 28 Honduran soldiers
  19. Of the boy, had him circumcised. In October 2006 a judge in Chicago granted an, injunction ,blocking the circumcision of a 9-year-old boy. In granting the injunction the
  20. Rewrite the constitution. The Honduran Supreme Court had upheld a lower court, injunction ,against the 28 June poll, and on 26 June – while Celaya ignored the injunction
  21. The perspective of the slaves. A federal appeals court denied the plaintiffs an, injunction ,(Sun trust v. Houghton Mifflin) against publication on the basis that the book
  22. Trammel countersued Amiga Corp. on August 13, 1984. He sought damages and an, injunction ,to bar Amiga (and effectively Commodore) from producing anything with its
  23. Doctrine. The wife's submission is seen in the context of Paul's, injunction ,for all Christians to submit to one another. Views of Non-Trinitarian
  24. A further strike was announced for May 2010 and British Airways again sought an, injunction ,on a technicality which was initially granted, but overturned on appeal during
  25. November 1,2010,the 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals stayed Judge Phillips ', injunction ,pending appeal. The plaintiffs applied to the US Supreme Court to overrule the
  26. Judaism because it represented an explicit abrogation of a Biblical, injunction ,on the grounds of contemporary morality, as distinct from exigency. The
  27. An injunction blocking the circumcision of a 9-year-old boy. In granting the, injunction ,the judge stated that" the boy could decide for himself whether to be
  28. After Judge Denny Chin refused their request for an injunction . Chin denied the, injunction ,and said that the case, Fox v. Frankel, was " wholly without merit, both
  29. To change the name to" Broncos" in, but it never really caught on. Due to the, injunction , however, Lajoie had to sit out any games played against the A's in
  30. And the UK called for the closure of Senate, and Euro tunnel twice sought an, injunction ,against the center. In 2002,after the European Commission told France that it
  31. Appeals court in California granted a temporary stay reversing a worldwide, injunction ,against enforcement of the US military’s" don’t ask, don’t tell" policy
  32. National League Phillies to the American League Athletics. Barred by a court, injunction ,from playing baseball in the state of Pennsylvania the next year, Lajoie was
  33. Tradition of asceticism going back to Plato. The Hesychast interprets Christ's, injunction ,in the Gospel of Matthew to" go into your closet to pray" to mean that one
  34. Following the rules of sound interpretation, Catholic theology holds: * the, injunction ,that all other senses of sacred scripture are based on the literal * that the
  35. A number of pirate versions from the publisher Samuel Roth. In 1928,a court, injunction ,against Roth was obtained, and he ceased publication. With the appearance of
  36. Products. " Following a petition by Amway, the state High Court issued an, injunction ,against the CID and stated the Act did not prima facie apply, however after
  37. Amendments. On October 12, 2010,Judge Phillips granted a worldwide, immediate, injunction , prohibiting the Department of Defense from enforcing or complying with the Do
  38. The secret of the" Enigma" tune to the youthful central character, with an, injunction ,not to reveal it. Elgar on the Journey to Hanley, a novel by Keith Adrift (
  39. Unacceptable risk to the public's safety from Galileo's RTGS, sought a court, injunction ,prohibiting Galileo's launch. RTGS had been used for years in planetary
  40. Access and file transfers as some users installed affected versions. When the, injunction ,came into force versions later than 5.5.10 left the network or were disabled as
  41. Airways losing £80 million. This industrial action was blocked by a court, injunction ,deeming the ballot illegal. A second ballot was held in February 2010. Ongoing
  42. A song by Anthrax from Persistence of Time * Bankruptcy discharge,the, injunction ,that bars acts to enforce certain debts *In co-counselling, the ways in which
  43. Cleveland believed a federal solution was appropriate. Cleveland obtained an, injunction ,in federal court, and when the strikers refused to obey it, he sent in federal
  44. A movie prop collector, the Academy won the legal battle by getting a permanent, injunction , Although Oscar sales transactions have been successful, some buyers have
  45. Lawsuit three days later after Judge Denny Chin refused their request for an, injunction , Chin denied the injunction and said that the case, Fox v. Frankel, was "
  46. Or some other kind of equitable remedy such as restitution or a permanent, injunction , Criminal cases may lead to fines or other punishment, such as imprisonment.
  47. Panel of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals re-instated Judge Phillips ', injunction ,barring further enforcement of the U. S. military's ban on openly gay service
  48. Rightful prophet of the group. But Lois overcame his attempt, and a permanent, injunction ,was issued against George, prohibiting him from attempting to act as president
  49. With inventive language. Eric and Polonius, especially,seem to respect this, injunction , Claudius's speech is rich with rhetorical figures—as is Hamlet's and, at
  50. Including the term limit, and the move precipitated a Constitutional Crisis. An, injunction ,against holding the referendum was issued by the Honduran Supreme Court. Celaya

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