Examples of the the word, caravan , in a Sentence Context

The word ( caravan ), is the 8883 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. 1,000 people. The village also has a youth hostel, and a number of camping and, caravan ,sites. Culture and community Cheddar has a number of active service clubs
  2. Indian Union. Known for its extravagant natural beauty this land formed a major, caravan ,route in the ancient times. Trade relations through these routes between China
  3. Sinai Peninsula and northern Arabia. Perhaps because of the importance of the, caravan ,trade, the Nabataeans began to use Aramaic in preference to Old North Arabic.
  4. The country ". However, on 30 May 2003,a government-sponsored mob attacked her, caravan ,in the northern village of Decaying, murdering and wounding many of her
  5. Stuart arrived at Gettysburg on the afternoon of July 2—bringing with him the, caravan ,of captured Union supply wagons—he received a rare rebuke from Lee. (No one
  6. To return home. He set off for Sijilmasa in September 1353 accompanying a large, caravan ,transporting 600 black female slaves and arrived back in Morocco early in 1354.
  7. Pilgrims. After spending the Muslim month of Ramadan in Damascus, he joined a, caravan ,travelling the south to Medina, burial place of the Islamic prophet Muhammad.
  8. Clearing land. At sixteen, Carson secretly signed on with a large merchant, caravan ,heading to Santa Fe—with the job of tending the horses, mules,and oxen. During
  9. Be transported a distance of four days travel where it would meet the thirsty, caravan , Oxalate was the southern terminus of the trans-Saharan trade route and had
  10. Which quickly became a tourist attraction. * The Coleman Empire, run from a, caravan ,park in Norfolk, England,by its founder Nick Coleman, who changed his name by
  11. The caravan , continuing forward to confront the Muslims upon hearing that the, caravan ,was safe. The Battle of Bad began in March 624. Though outnumbered more
  12. 17 November 1326,following a month spent in Mecca, Ibn Batista joined a large, caravan ,of pilgrims returning to Iraq across the Arabian Peninsula. The group headed
  13. By the police and several dozen wounded in violent clashes which erupted when a, caravan ,of oil trucks escorted by police and soldiers deploying tanks and heavy-caliber
  14. Son Joseph, was turned on by his brothers and ultimately sold into slavery on a, caravan ,headed for Egypt. () Seven year famine Twenty years later, throughout the
  15. The Muslims set an ambush for them at Bad. Aware of the plan, the Mecca, caravan ,eluded the Muslims. Meanwhile, a force from Mecca was sent to protect the
  16. Led expeditions on tribes allied with Mecca and sent out a raid on a Mecca, caravan , Abu Sudan subsequently gathered an army of three thousand men and set out for
  17. Water via the renowned Hamza Well and a position at the crossroads of major, caravan ,routes. Camel caravan s, said to have first been used by Muhammad's
  18. Image: Mall culture jakarta30. JPG|s. Image: Broader caravan . JPG|A camel, caravan , still used today for international trade, especially in the Sahara. Image:
  19. By flies and the water was brackish. After a ten-day stay in Ghana,the, caravan ,set out for the oasis of Tasarahla (probably BIR Al-Sayib) where it stopped
  20. Bought a number of camels and stayed for four months. He set out again with a, caravan ,in February 1352 and after 25 days, arrived at the dry salt-lake bed of Ghana
  21. And cultivators bartered goods and competed for land as long-distance, caravan ,routes linked them to the Kenya coast on the east and the kingdoms of Uganda on
  22. But would also be traded as slaves. On the return from Takeda to Morocco, his, caravan , transported 600 female slaves, suggesting that slavery was a substantial part
  23. It that far. It was probably around this time that Ronald attacked a Muslim, caravan , The kingdom had a truce with Saladin at the time, and Raynald's actions have
  24. Emperor had constructed permanent night shelters throughout the route which the, caravan ,used to follow. The" saris" as they are called are still intact though in
  25. A backwater compared to the rising Muslim world, with its vast network of, caravan ,trade, or India with its Golden Period under the Gupta Empire and the
  26. Were traveling in the western deserts, Lo and his bandits had raided Jen's, caravan ,; Lo took an heirloom comb from Jen, and she pursued him to get it back, but
  27. Shi'a community to this day. Then, instead of continuing on to Baghdad with the, caravan , In Batista started a six-month detour that took him into Persia. From Naval
  28. Caravan. Muhammad, who was 12 years old at the time, was also with the, caravan , In 591 at the age of 18,Abu Bakr went into trade and adopted the profession
  29. Trade, especially in the Sahara. Image: Caravan hoggar1. JPG|A modern camel, caravan ,carrying goods across villages and international borders. Image: Triangle trade
  30. Included MP David James and naturalist Peter Scott. From 1965 to 1972 it had a, caravan ,camp and main watching platform at Achnahannet, and sent observers to other
  31. The source and origin of Sarah power. The Sarah, because of their role in the, caravan ,(as opposed to sea) trade, developed closer ties with the desert, and as a
  32. Harbors in the Persian Gulf; its location allowed it to benefit from the, caravan ,trade to Aleppo and Baghdad, Shatt Al-Farabi trade, and from smuggling trade into
  33. Innumerable trees which provide shade in the hot summers. History Originally a, caravan ,rest stop (possibly founded by the Sorbians) on one of the branches of the
  34. Humiliated Galleries, forcing him to walk for a mile at the head of the Imperial, caravan , still clad in the purple robes of the Emperor. Galleries was reinforced
  35. With freedom of trade. Image: Mall culture jakarta30. JPG|s. Image: Broader, caravan , JPG|A camel caravan , still used today for international trade, especially in
  36. Tunis where he stayed for two months. For safety, Ibn Batista usually joined a, caravan ,to reduce the risk of an attack by wandering Arab bedouin. He took a bride in
  37. Ireland, most of whom were Protestants and wealthy enough to pay for this, caravan , Construction continued at an increased rate as new workers arrived. When the
  38. In modern day Iraq and Turkey. Once back in Mosul, he joined a" feeder ", caravan ,of pilgrims heading south to Baghdad where they would meet up with the main
  39. Eluded the Muslims. Meanwhile, a force from Mecca was sent to protect the, caravan , continuing forward to confront the Muslims upon hearing that the caravan was
  40. Nay land Column, discover Alhazred's burial site. While the two are heading a, caravan ,from Allah, Oman,they cross the border into Yemen and find the unexplored
  41. The injury At the age of 18,Reinhardt was injured in a fire that ravaged the, caravan ,he shared with Florine" Bella" Mayer, his first wife. They were very poor
  42. Province of Syria in general began to prosper. Damascus's importance as a, caravan ,city was evident with the trade routes from southern Arabia, Palmyra,Petra
  43. To him in the 1970s,came to light, claiming that he had been born in a Gypsy, caravan ,at Black Patch Park in Southwick, Staffordshire. ) His parents were
  44. Was 10 years old, he went to Syria along with his father with the merchants ', caravan , Muhammad, who was 12 years old at the time, was also with the caravan . In 591
  45. The city and heading north with a large retinue. In Batista joined the royal, caravan ,for a while, then turned north on the Silk Road to Tabriz, the first major city
  46. Of pilgrims heading south to Baghdad where they would meet up with the main, caravan ,that crossed the Arabian Desert to Mecca. Ill with diarrhea, he arrived in the
  47. Seaports such as Axum. Each major route involved transshipping to pack animal, caravan , travel through desert country and risk of bandits and extortionate tolls by
  48. Of 624,Muhammad led some three hundred warriors in a raid on a Mecca merchant, caravan , The Muslims set an ambush for them at Bad. Aware of the plan, the Mecca
  49. Bonkers" documentaries look at neglected forms of British architecture such as, caravan ,parks and golf courses, and at the place that famous buildings hold in the
  50. Trade route and had recently become part of the Mali Empire. Altogether,the, caravan ,took two months to cross the of desert from Sijilmasa. From there, Ibn Batista

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