Examples of the the word, gambling , in a Sentence Context

The word ( gambling ), is the 6625 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Largest gambling city. Gambling in casinos In most jurisdictions worldwide, gambling ,is limited to persons over the age of license (16 to 21 years of age in most
  2. Drink with, and often gamble with. During the early 20th century in America, gambling ,became outlawed and banned by state legislation and social reformers of the
  3. Came to include other public buildings where pleasurable activities, including, gambling , and sports took place. An example of this type of building is the Newport
  4. In England and much of the United States, prizefights were often held at, gambling ,venues and broken up by police. Brawling and wrestling tactics continued, and
  5. Did not like the loose organization of the National Association and the, gambling ,element that influenced it, so he decided to create a new organization, which
  6. Barry and the Chevalier travel the spas of Europe profiting from their, gambling ,with Barry enforcing reluctant debtors with a duel. Seeing that his life is
  7. Tournament would begin one year later. College basketball was rocked by, gambling ,scandals from 1948 to 1951,when dozens of players from top teams were
  8. Bordello (also called" Casey China ", literally " closed house" ), while the, gambling ,house is spelled casino with an accent. During the 19th century, the term "
  9. Locker room, mandates permanent banishment from the sport for having a, gambling ,interest of any sort on a game in which a player or manager is directly
  10. Group of candidates who focused on" cleaning up" widespread prostitution and, gambling , As a Republican he won a seat in the US Senate in 1952,when he upset veteran
  11. New Jersey allowed gambling in Atlantic City, now America's second largest, gambling ,city. Gambling in casinos In most jurisdictions worldwide, gambling is limited
  12. First legalized casinos were set up in those places. In 1978 New Jersey allowed, gambling ,in Atlantic City, now America's second-largest gambling city. Gambling in
  13. Appeared in pre-war blues such as economic depression, farming,devils, gambling , magic, floods and dry periods were less common in post-war blues. Author Ed
  14. Until, in 1989 it was revealed that he was being investigated for sports, gambling , including the possibility that he had bet on teams with which he was involved.
  15. This wealth was generated through numerous illegal vice enterprises, such as, gambling ,and prostitution; the highest revenue was generated by the sale of liquor. The
  16. Official account of the practice in 2300 BC, but it is generally believed that, gambling ,in some form or another has been seen in almost every society in history. From
  17. Ensuring the owners treated the players fairly. " The NFL's strict policing of, gambling ,", which Bell originated," continues to this day. " Bell was criticized as
  18. Banned by state legislation and social reformers of the time. However, in 1931, gambling , was legalized throughout the state of Nevada, along with Las Vegas and Reno.
  19. Were used to host civic town functions – including dancing, music listening and, gambling , There are examples of such casinos at Villa Giulia and Villa Barnes. In
  20. Casinos in many places, a few places have become well-known specifically for, gambling , Perhaps the place almost defined by its casino is Monte Carlo, but other
  21. Perceived it to impoverish the local gentry. In American history, early, gambling , establishments were known as saloons. The creation and importance of saloons
  22. Much debate over whether the social and economic consequences of casino, gambling ,outweigh the initial revenue that may be generated. In the United States, many
  23. In the past, and modern use in some countries, does not necessarily involve, gambling , Etymology and usage The term" Casino" is of Italian origin, the root word
  24. That he had bet on teams with which he was involved. While Rose admitted a, gambling ,problem, he denied having bet on baseball. Federal prosecutor John Down
  25. Franchises, albeit no details are provided what that entailed. Filchock-Hapes, gambling ,scandal The day before the 1946 Championship game, two players for the Giants
  26. Brothers in danger of losing their bakery thanks to one brother's, gambling ,debts. The Bronx's gritty urban life had worked its way into the movies even
  27. English, a casino is a facility which houses and accommodates certain types of, gambling ,activities. Casinos are most commonly built near or combined with hotels
  28. Finland - one of that town's the most conspicuous landmarks - was never used for, gambling , Rather, it was a banquet hall for the Russian nobility which frequented this
  29. 1989 – Cincinnati Reds manager Pete Rose is banned from baseball for, gambling ,by Commissioner A. Bartlett Gigawatts. *1991 – Mikhail Gorbachev resigns as head
  30. Mess; a confusing linguistic false friend for translators. History of, gambling ,houses The precise origin of gambling is unknown. The Chinese recorded the
  31. Stories of entertainment based on games of chance. The first known European, gambling ,house, not called a casino although meeting the modern definition, was the
  32. The National Association. A concerted effort was made to reduce the amount of, gambling ,on games which was leaving the validity of results in doubt. At the same time
  33. Penn and Temple, Bell spent most of his off time out drinking, socializing,and, gambling , One of his favorite places was the Saratoga Race Course. He visited Saratoga
  34. Dutch culture theme park built by the Premier, to Tan You, a Filipino Chinese, gambling ,kingpin. There were also concerns over Yu's application to the government for
  35. Was his most influential contribution to mathematics. Originally applied to, gambling , today it is extremely important in economics, especially in actuarial science.
  36. Been adapted or invented for use in casinos and have become established in the, gambling ,industry. *Spanish 21 provides players with many liberal blackjack rules, such
  37. Found in France and Spain. When twenty-one was introduced in the United States, gambling ,houses offered bonus payouts to stimulate players' interest. One such bonus
  38. Positions were very common among backgammon players and gamblers. As with most, gambling ,games, successful play requires a combination of luck and skill, as a single
  39. Leg from a duel (an incident absent in the novel) and returns to his, gambling ,lifestyle with lesser success while Lady Lyndon pays the debts accumulated
  40. Of dice for the game is another indication of its India origin, since dice and, gambling ,were a favorite pastime in ancient India. The rules of the game, however,first
  41. Jackson and Rose were both banned from baseball for life for actions related to, gambling ,on their own teams—Jackson was determined to have cooperated with those who
  42. By a federal jury in 2006 on three counts of tax evasion in connection with, gambling ,income he received while Mayor during trips he took with city contractors. As
  43. False friend for translators. History of gambling houses The precise origin of, gambling ,is unknown. The Chinese recorded the first official account of the practice in
  44. Of pressures by the Islamists to stop this tradition due to the associated, gambling , Major streets Source: http://stripes.com/02/dec02/baghdad.pdf stripes. Com *
  45. Lottery Machines (slot machines),have become one of the most popular form of, gambling ,in casinos. Recently, investigative reports have been calling into question
  46. With the proof, : t_ = \franc. \ In 1654,prompted by a friend interested in, gambling ,problems, he corresponded with Fermat on the subject, and from that
  47. Pun at the expense of Ananias, who is thought to have lost his fortune, gambling ,.: :Though to myself I often seem::: A bright chap and not awkward, : :None comes
  48. Almost defined by its casino is Monte Carlo, but other places are known as, gambling ,centers. Monte Carlo, Monaco Monte Carlo has a famous casino popular with
  49. Was the Risotto, established in Venice, Italy in 1638 to provide controlled, gambling ,during the carnival season. It was closed in the 1770 as the city government
  50. Not focus on events that occurred in the field of play and wished drugs or, gambling ,allegations such as those associated with Pete Rose could be emphasized less.

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