Examples of the the word, collision , in a Sentence Context

The word ( collision ), is the 6627 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Two networks, and the segments connected to each switch/bridge port are each a, collision ,domain. Not all network systems or media feature broadcast/ collision domains.
  2. Is the Boltzmann constant. One of the simplest models of reaction rate is the, collision ,theory. More realistic models are tailored to a specific problem and include
  3. Broadcast domains. While some layer two network devices are able to divide the, collision ,domains, broadcast domains are only divided by layer 3 network devices such as
  4. A secondand even greater in a liquid where we expect that there will be 10^, collision , in one second. Some of these collision s will tend to accelerate the Brownian
  5. Was preparing for war. Donald concludes that," His repeated efforts to avoid, collision ,in the months between inauguration and the firing on Ft. Sumter showed he
  6. Squadron-mate both charged across Beatty's bows, and Lion narrowly avoided a, collision ,with Warrior. Nearby, numerous British light cruisers and destroyers on the
  7. Fog, Lt. Marlin Wii ta and LCDR Don Bentley survived a multi-aircraft midair, collision ,during practice over the Superstition Mountains in California. * 26 July 1973 –
  8. Devices form boundaries between broadcast domains. This is as compared to a, collision ,domain, which would be all nodes on the same set of interconnected repeaters
  9. Based on the United States keyboard layout. Note the non-standard use of Z as the, collision ,key. Image: Keyboard layout Day. PNG|A typical keyboard layout for Day method
  10. Space rock hurtled into earth at Chicxulub on Mexico's Yucatán Peninsula. The, collision ,would have released the same energy as, over a billion times the energy of the
  11. El CENTR, CA. * 23 January 1990 – Two Blue Angel Hornets suffered a midair, collision ,during a practice at El CENTR. Marine Corps Maj. Charles Moseley ejected
  12. Bang model; the erotic model, in which the Big Bang is the result of a, collision ,between brakes; and the cyclic model, a variant of the erotic model in which
  13. In proton-nucleus collision experiments and later created in nucleus-nucleus, collision ,experiments. Nucleus-nucleus collision s produce antinuclei through the
  14. Caucasus, Pontides, Southern Crimea and Balkan ides mountain ranges. The ongoing, collision ,between the Eurasian and African plates and westward escape of the Anatolian
  15. An Index Adrian DC9-32 near Zagreb, Croatia,resulting in the 1976 Zagreb midair, collision , All fifty-four passengers and nine crew members on the BA aircraft died. This
  16. Reactivity or other spectroscopic quantities, and cross-sections for, collision ,with other particles. The methods employed cover both static and dynamic
  17. Underwent season-ending surgery on his left wrist August 9 in the wake of a, collision ,with catcher Brian McCann of the Atlanta Braves. Hudson was due to become a
  18. At once, such as opposing passes (toward each other in what appears to be a, collision ,course) and mirror formations (back-to-back. Belly-to-belly, or
  19. The location of nearby aircraft, and provide instructions for avoiding a midair, collision , Smaller aircraft may use simpler traffic alerting systems such as TPAs, which
  20. Of mass m which are traveling at a speed u. Then, reasons Smoluchowski, in any, collision ,between a surrounding and Brownian particles, the velocity transmitted to the
  21. Ever operated, the Shaula, a large vessel which eventually sank in a harbor, collision ,in Shaula on September 18, 1958,thus ending the service. Canadian Pacific
  22. Allowed larger and more sophisticated models of atomic structure and associated, collision ,processes. Similar technological advances in accelerators, detectors,magnetic
  23. To be hit from the left as from the right. It is also assumed that every, collision ,always imparts the same magnitude of \Delta V. If N_R is the number of
  24. Hash function and certificate issuer practices that made it possible to exploit, collision ,attacks on hash functions. The certificate issuers involved changed their
  25. Upon him the hatred of William Laud (with whom he had previously come into, collision ,at Oxford) and the court, though the King himself never forsook him. In July
  26. By excitation by light—however there are no such rules for excitation by, collision ,processes. History and developments The majority of fields in physics can be
  27. Crew of a United States EP-3E aircraft that landed in Hainan, China after a, collision ,with a J-8 fighter is released. *2002 – The Chiba synagogue bombing by Al
  28. And below this under atmospheric pressure conditions, when the transition is, collision ,broadened. It has also become commonplace to express the line strength in units
  29. From a perverse technology ". Vaughan’s ultimate fantasy is to die in a head-on, collision ,with movie star Elizabeth Taylor. Analysis The book explores themes such as the
  30. Antihelium-3 nuclei () were first observed in the 1970s in proton-nucleus, collision ,experiments and later created in nucleus-nucleus collision experiments.
  31. Slammed into Jupiter's atmosphere—the first time astronomers had observed a, collision ,between two objects in the Solar System. It has also been suggested that the
  32. On the Earth's Moon, for example, may have been caused by comets. A recent, collision ,of a comet with a planet occurred in July 1994 when Comet Shoemaker–Levy 9
  33. Loss of life when one of its steamships, the Empress of Ireland, sank after a, collision ,with the Norwegian collier SS Started. On 29 May 1914,the Empress (operated
  34. Michael Barrett, who was blocking home plate. Sierpinski lost his helmet in the, collision , and slapped the plate as he rose. Barrett stopped him and, after exchanging a
  35. About 85 % complete when cancelled. The game is mostly playable with some later, collision ,detection issues requiring cheats to get past. *Pit-Fighter (Programmed by
  36. And research ended after one of the prototypes was involved in a high-profile, collision ,that resulted in a fatality. In 2007,Time Magazine reported on the Domain as
  37. Others will tend to decelerate it. If there is a mean excess of one kind of, collision ,or the other to be of the order of 10^ to 10^ collision s in one second, then
  38. Early demo of the game has been found, with crude graphics, no sound and poor, collision ,detection. *Rescue on Fractals! (Programmed by GCC). A conversion of the
  39. Belong to dynamical families each thought to have a common origin in a past, collision ,between asteroids. A family has also been associated with the Pluto dwarf
  40. At a later time. Mainstream symmetric ciphers (such as AES or Two fish) and, collision ,resistant hash functions (such as SHA) are widely conjectured to offer
  41. Materials. The Elevation and the SLAB. The low density of beryllium allows, collision ,products to reach the surrounding detectors without significant interaction
  42. California. * 26 July 1973 – 2 pilots and a crew chief were killed in a midair, collision ,between 2 Phantoms over Lakehurst, NJ during an arrival practice. Team Leader
  43. And cages, and bell. Bicycle helmets may help reduce injury in the event of a, collision ,or accident, and a certified helmet is legally required for some riders in some
  44. Aircraft) and do not provide advisories for conflict resolution. To help avoid, collision ,with terrain (FIT),aircraft use systems such as ground-proximity warning
  45. The universe represent in fact the primordial forces of previous thought. Their, collision ,produced what the mythical tradition had called cosmic harmony. In the old
  46. Format 8E1,up to 62500 BD) ***Unlimited number of high-speed sprites with, collision ,detection ***Hardware high-speed sprite scaling, distortion,and tilting
  47. Formation of the carbon atomic nucleus requires a nearly simultaneous triple, collision ,of alpha particles (helium nuclei) within the core of a giant or supergiant
  48. Or layer 3 switches. Further explanation The distinction between broadcast and, collision ,domains comes about because simple Ethernet and similar systems use a shared
  49. It is likely that only one bubble will nucleate. Slow-roll inflation The bubble, collision ,problem was solved by Andrei Linde and independently by Andreas Albrecht and
  50. Dennis Tito becomes the world's first space tourist. *2008 – A train, collision ,in Shandong, China,kills 72 people and injures 416 more. Births *32 – Marcus

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