Examples of the the word, fungus , in a Sentence Context

The word ( fungus ), is the 8221 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. An average of 8.4 introns/gene (139,418 in the genome),the unicellular, fungus ,Encephalitozoon Cuniculus contains only 0.0075 introns/gene (15 introns in the
  2. Lays eggs, carrying fungal spores in their mania 2: The larva feeds on the, fungus ,which digest the wood, removing toxins: they mutually benefit 3: The larva
  3. Eating ", nectivory" nectar eating ", gumivory" gum eating ", and mycology ", fungus ,eating ". Music is an art form whose medium is sound and silence. Common
  4. With the host plant Mirella phosphor (Chrysobalanaceae),and a sticky, fungus ,which is used to trap their insect prey. Lemon ants make devil's gardens by
  5. Alga can also mean one classification under Algae, parallel to a, fungus ,being a species of fungi, a plant being a species of plant, and so on. The
  6. Benzoic acid. Benzoic acid is also formed in apples after infection with the, fungus ,Nutria Gilligan. Among animals, benzoic acid has been identified primarily in
  7. Bendictus and are cared for by the ants. In a microhabitat that best suits the, fungus , Strepsipteran parasites also manipulate their ant host to climb grass stems
  8. Peroxide as a Low Regulatory Priority (LRP) drug for use in controlling, fungus ,on fish and fish eggs. * Some horticulturalists and users of hydroponics
  9. Raised separately on Earth and Ganymede must work together to operate a Martian, fungus ,farm. *Robert A. Heinlein repeatedly used Mars as a setting for his novels and
  10. Such as bean pods, corn kernels, wheat grains, tomatoes,the section of a, fungus ,that produces spores, and many more. However, there are several variants of the
  11. Such as Gemma in liverworts. Most lichens, which are a symbiotic union of a, fungus ,and photosynthetic algae or bacteria, reproduce through fragmentation to ensure
  12. On his victims. A mushroom is the fleshy, spore-bearing fruiting body of a, fungus , typically produced above ground on soil or on its food source. Like all fungi
  13. Seeds, and Hawaiian baby wood rose seeds. LSA is not biosynthesized by the ergot, fungus ,(Clavicles purpura),but can be biosynthesized by other Clavicles gene. LSA
  14. Of pork was desired, the fried pork was then stewed with water and wood's ear, fungus , It is a Hakka equivalent to canned soup. * Going Too Foo (釀豆腐, stuffed tofu
  15. That a new DNA-based virus, invertebrate iridescent virus or IIV6,and the, fungus ,Nosema crane were found in every killed colony the group studied. In their
  16. Prehispánica) with ingredients ranging from iguana to rattlesnake, deer,corn, fungus , spider monkey, chapulines, ant eggs, and other kinds of insects. Modern
  17. On the floor of the lock resembling a carcass, found marine clam-shells and a, fungus ,not normally found in fresh water locks, which they suggest gives some
  18. Alkaloids are found in certain types of fungi, such as psilocybin in the, fungus ,of the genus Psilocybin, and in animals, such as Burstein in the skin of some
  19. Fertilizer and good air circulation; in areas of high humidity, root rot due to, fungus ,infection can be a problem. Avoid organic mulches; use pea gravel, decomposed
  20. Were driven into enemy lands. Although the Assyrians knew of ergot, a parasitic, fungus ,of rye which produces ergotism when ingested, there is no evidence that they
  21. Rubber tire *Sir Alexander Fleming (1881–1955),isolated Penicillin from the, fungus ,Penicillin notated * James Gregory (1638–1675),The Gregorian telescope
  22. Some dairy products such as blue cheese may become contaminated with the, fungus ,Aspergillus fumigates during ripening, which can trigger asthma and other
  23. When ingested, there is no evidence that they poisoned enemy wells with the, fungus , as has been claimed. According to Homer's epic poems about the legendary
  24. To the spread of the fungus which was treated with quicklime. Since 2007,a new, fungus , which has created gray and black blemishes, has begun spreading in the real
  25. Hydrolysis of lysergamides like ergot amine, a substance derived from the ergot, fungus ,on rye, or from engine (lyric acid amide, LSA ), a compound that is found
  26. Nutrients on and near the surface of the beetle gallery; so the weevils and the, fungus ,both benefit. The beetles can not eat due to toxins, which uses its
  27. Videos obtained for completing secret projects, interludes,and cut-scenes. The, fungus ,is difficult to traverse, provides invisibility for the enemy, provides few
  28. There are many natural carcinogens. Antitoxin B1,which is produced by the, fungus ,Aspergillus flatus growing on stored grains, nuts and peanut butter, is an
  29. Port of Buenos Aires and also tried to ruin wheat harvests with a destructive, fungus , The Geneva Protocol of 1925 prohibited the use of chemical weapons and
  30. Cancer of the blood; British English spelling) ** autonomous (pertaining to a, fungus ,that completes all stages of its life cycle on one host) ** onomatopoeia (use
  31. Hardcore band Reign Supreme Mycology (from the Greek μύκης, mukēs, meaning ", fungus ,") is the branch of biology concerned with the study of fungi, including their
  32. Of white truffles, and hosts a festival and a museum dedicated to the rare, fungus ,(genus Tuber). Image: Cretesenesi_faint. JPG|Cereal crops are cultivated with
  33. Excavates a tunnel in which it releases spores of its fungal symbiont. The, fungus ,penetrates the plant's xylem tissue, digests it, and concentrates the
  34. Per MIL-I-24768 TYPE NPG Superior electrical properties under humid conditions, fungus ,resistant, continuous operating temperature of 160 °F. NEA refers to the US
  35. Upon fecal matter, presumably feeding upon the rotting wood with the help of, fungus , and early example of a mutualistic relationship (see the Mutualism section).
  36. The greatest land organism was Prototaxites, the fruiting body of an enormous, fungus ,that stood more than 8 meters tall, towering over the low, carpet-like
  37. In 1938 from ergot amine, a chemical derived by Arthur Still from ergot, a grain, fungus ,that typically grows on rye. The short form" LSD" comes from its early code
  38. In captivity and used as weapons, and the player eventually discovers that the, fungus ,and mind worms can think collectively. This voice later intrudes into waking
  39. Examples in species of Coleoptera. Such as the Ambrosia beetle, the Ambrosia, fungus , and probably bacteria. The beetles excavate tunnels in dead trees in which
  40. Auricles. By extension, the term" mushroom" can also designate the entire, fungus ,when in culture; the phallus (called a mycelium) of species forming the
  41. Soybean, ( tofu, tempeh ), but they can also be based on wheat gluten or even, fungus ,(quoin). In vitro meat, also known as cultured meat, is animal flesh that has
  42. Up the tribe Acting, including leaf cutter ants, cultivate certain species of, fungus ,in the Leucoagaricus or Leucocoprinus genera of the Agaricaceae family. In this
  43. Β-carotene on the market. In Spain Kitten produces natural β-carotene from, fungus ,Blakely Tripura, as does DSM but at much lower amount when compared to its
  44. Cave soil and exposed by the working of tradesmen, leading to the spread of the, fungus ,which was treated with quicklime. Since 2007,a new fungus , which has created
  45. Known popularly as 'curl '. Phytophthora infestans is an Oomycetes (not a, fungus ,). In 1851,the Census of Ireland Commissioners recorded 24 failures of the
  46. Promising results were gained with the treatment of vector habitats with the, fungus ,Bacteria Bastian. * Targeting the symbionts of Triatoma through
  47. Vegetables and fruits such as the tomato, but another source of lycopene is the, fungus ,Blakely Tripura. GAC is a promising commercial source of lycopene for the
  48. Potato crop for their sustenance. Disaster struck in August 1845,when a killer, fungus ,(later diagnosed as Phytophthora infestans) started to destroy the potato
  49. On returning, Fleming noticed that one culture was contaminated with a, fungus , and that the colonies of staphylococci that had immediately surrounded it had
  50. Danger and opportunity. Excessive development leads to terraforming-destroying, fungus ,blooms and new native life. SMAC provides a single player mode and supports

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