Examples of the the word, fortune , in a Sentence Context

The word ( fortune ), is the 3713 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. On education in America with the Davis Group Ltd. Alan Kay said," I had the, fortune ,or mis fortune to learn how to read fluently starting at the age of three. So I
  2. Mill and steel production and control of industry became the source of his, fortune , Carnegie had some investments in the iron industry before the war. After the
  3. The poor as the stomach of rich is so limited that they have to spend their, fortune ,on servants. After his visit to France, Smith considers in the Wealth of
  4. Notion of sacrifice. Alms are the fruits of a moral notion of the gift and of, fortune ,on the one hand, and of a notion of sacrifice, on the other. Generosity is an
  5. To his old friend –" At our age, Marshal,we must no longer expect good, fortune , " In the meantime, Marlborough invested the elaborate fortress of Lenin which
  6. Mine in South America, which became the beginning of a mining empire and a new, fortune ,(and a new palace). Eventually sent for his beloved who had waited for him
  7. A virtuous and potentially happy character requires a first stage of having the, fortune ,to be habituated not deliberately, but by teachers, and experience, leading to
  8. Quality rarely found united in one captain. He was very valiant and favored by, fortune , " In 1572 Albuquerque's feats were inscribed in The Leads, the Portuguese
  9. Vespucci," It has always been his wish to please me; he is a man of good will;, fortune ,has been unkind to him as to others; his labors have not brought him the
  10. He returned to his interests in natural history at Harvard. Out of his copper, fortune , he gave some US$500,000 to Harvard for the museum of comparative zoology and
  11. Pliny the Elder, she had a double canine in her upper right jaw, a sign of good, fortune , Many ancient historians accuse Agrippina of poisoning Emperor Claudius, though
  12. Like pizza and pasta, tacos and burritos to" General Tso's chicken" and, fortune ,cookies. Fascination with these and other ethnic foods may also vary with
  13. Graduates from the University of Michigan and heads for Broadway to earn his, fortune ,and the security to pursue his one true dream of writing the great American
  14. From the shrewd business acumen which had enabled Carnegie to accumulate such a, fortune , to the public-spirited way in which he devoted himself to utilizing it on
  15. Invented in California as a westernized version of the Japanese Miku Sendai, fortune ,cookies have become sweetened and found their way to many American Chinese
  16. With his guitar and very little else and set out on the hard road to fame and, fortune , The next few years, continuing this story in a fairy-tale manner, were hard
  17. As an irresponsible, superficial playboy who lives off his family's personal, fortune ,(amassed when his family invested in Gotham real estate before the city was a
  18. To get rid of Barry, so Quin could marry Nora and repair her family's, fortune , Barry's regiment is sent to fight in the Seven Years' War. Groan is fatally
  19. Only enjoyed his residence one year when (1825) he met with that reverse of, fortune ,which involved the estate in debt. In 1830 the library and museum were
  20. Plot had Jed back in his old homestead in Bug tussle, having divided his massive, fortune ,among Kelly May and Jethro, both of whom stayed on the West Coast. Jane Hathaway
  21. Persistent metaphor of Kurosawa’s work is that of wind, the winds of change, of, fortune , and adversity. "" The visually flamboyant final battle of Jimbo takes place
  22. Informs him that if he turns evil his descendants will enjoy power and, fortune , while if he remains the same a future Black adder will live shamefully
  23. The most worthy to fulfil our right, and the most entitled to complete our good, fortune , and to put on the clothing granted by the nobility of God, because of the
  24. Born to a wealthy family in Paris, Antoine Laurent Lavoisier inherited a large, fortune ,at the age of five with the passing of his mother. He was educated at the
  25. That Speer did not now" walk through life in a hair shirt, distributing his, fortune ,among the victims of National Socialism, forswear all the vanities and
  26. Of 1439. After the death of his condottiero JaCoCo Caldera, however,René's, fortune ,started to wane: Alfonso could easily capture Versa, Salerno,Benedetto
  27. California with her animals but Jed was back home in the Hills, having lost his, fortune , stolen by the now-imprisoned banker Drysdale (a plot twist that many fans
  28. OK Oil Company learning of oil in Jed Clampett's swamp land and paying him a, fortune ,to acquire the rights to drill on his land. Patriarch Jed moves with his family
  29. That he may have borne a grudge against Edward for depriving him of a, fortune , Norfolk was due to inherit a share of the wealthy Mow bray estate on the death
  30. Often lower class or otherwise impoverished, who is forced to make his way to, fortune , often by deceit. The picaresque novel originated in Spain in the middle of the
  31. The plague and uses the economic deprivation that results from it to make a, fortune ,buying and selling on the black market. Other details in the novel can be read
  32. They succeeded in deciphering Japanese codes with a mixture of skill and good, fortune , The Army and Air Force staff went from Singapore to the Wireless Experimental
  33. Of Claude Lorraine, this landscape artist went on to inherit a considerable, fortune , His family were all artists, with his uncle and grandfather being glass
  34. Steel Company and several smaller companies to create U. S. Steel. With the, fortune ,he made from business among others he built Carnegie Hall, later he turned to
  35. Of his own money on a private Gulf stream Jet. Schwarzenegger once said of his, fortune ," Money doesn't make you happy. I now have $50 million, but I was just as
  36. In his later years Asgard controlled a large studio and amassed a great, fortune , Algardi's classicizing manner was carried on by pupils (including Role
  37. The safety of the Emperor and his sisters," or, if in consular motions:" Good, fortune ,attend to the Emperor and his sisters. " Around the time that Tiberius died
  38. Salesman raising money for American enterprise in Europe. He earned most of his, fortune ,in the steel industry. In the 1870s,he founded the Carnegie Steel Company, a
  39. That Carnegie exploited to his own advantage. Carnegie believed in using his, fortune ,for others and doing more than making money. He wrote: Industrialist 1885–1900:
  40. Despite Edmund's respected intelligence and abilities, he has no personal, fortune ,to speak of, apart from his frequently fluctuating wage packet from the Prince
  41. Patents, dynamite being the most famous. In his last will, he used his enormous, fortune ,to institute the Nobel Prizes. The synthetic element nobelium was named after
  42. Destination of each individual... The young people of superior abilities, or, fortune , might now be taught, in another school, the dead and living languages, the
  43. To a concluding pun at the expense of Ananias, who is thought to have lost his, fortune ,gambling.: :Though to myself I often seem::: A bright chap and not awkward,
  44. In his life was when he was accused of using magic to gain the attentions (and, fortune ,) of a wealthy widow. He declaimed and then distributed a witty tour de force
  45. Gold, long-lost relatives and siblings separated by fate, dramatic reversals of, fortune , and convenient coincidences. There have always been Indian films with more
  46. Humbles himself before another person or class... American youth has the good, fortune ,not to have its outlook troubled by outworn traditions. He later stated," Race
  47. Money. He wrote: Industrialist 1885–1900: Empire of Steel Carnegie made his, fortune ,in the steel industry, controlling the most extensive integrated iron and steel
  48. Of it wildfire, not in the least like an Alcibiades except in the change of, fortune ,he underwent ". Ancestors Albert the Bear () (c. 1100 – 18 November 1170)
  49. S home),and by marrying into the Lyndon's, Barry intends to regain his family, fortune ,(his ancestors were dispossessed by the Lyndon's). In the film, Kubrick
  50. From the Kingdom of Siam (Thailand) to the king of Portugal and all his own, fortune , On the voyage a storm arose and the For De La Mar was wrecked, and he himself

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