Examples of the the word, formula , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Was quite different from Latin. Other significant examples include: a baptism, formula ,(Unite pageant present AIT et Brit et spirit sent) from 1462,written
  2. Formula Abracadabra was changed to Abracadabra, which he called the new, formula ,of the Eon. He also famously spelled magic in the archaic manner, as magic
  3. To \fix_t is universally valid. Where the symbol \fix_t stands for the, formula ,\phi\, with the term t\, \! Substituted for x\, (See Substitution of
  4. The carbon atoms are joined in a snake-like structure * branched (general, formula , n > 3) wherein the carbon backbone splits off in one or more directions *
  5. Of an entire population of size n is:: \sigma^2 = \display style\franc. \! A, formula ,for calculating an unbiased estimate of the population variance from a finite
  6. The formula (AlH3)n, in contrast to the corresponding boron hydride with the, formula ,(BH3)2. Oxidation states +1 and 2+ Although the great majority of aluminum
  7. With the Audi V8,and then in 1993,being unwilling to build cars for the new, formula , they turned their attention to the fast-growing Super Touring series, which
  8. Characterised as a celebrity playwright, and most of his plays have the title, formula ,: One of Our e. g Slaves has an Enormous Knob (a reference to the exaggerated
  9. Hydrogen atoms. An important class are the simple acyclic alcohols, the general, formula ,for which is CnH2n+1OH. Of those, ethanol (C2H5OH) is the type of alcohol
  10. Semiconductor cadmium arsenide. Occurrence and production Minerals with the, formula ,Mass and MAs2 (M = Fe, Ni,Co) are the dominant commercial sources of arsenic
  11. And useful, do not correspond with the reality. Conformation The structural, formula ,and the bond angles are not usually sufficient to completely describe the
  12. Axiom scheme for Existential Generalization. Given a, formula ,\phi\, in a first-order language \Mather\, a variable x\, and a term t\, \!
  13. Axiom scheme for Universal Instantiation. Given a, formula ,\phi\, in a first-order language \Mather\, a variable x\, and a term t\, \!
  14. Of americium (III),vacuum dried at room temperature, has the chemical, formula ,Am2 (C2O4)3·7H2O. Upon heating in vacuum, it loses water at 240 °C and starts
  15. Son Asclepius the healer. About the 4th century BCE, the paean became merely a, formula ,of adulation; its object was either to implore protection against disease and
  16. Polycyclic) and branching structures, and they are still alkanes (no general, formula ,) as long as they are acyclic (i.e., having no loops). Isomerism Alkanes
  17. Equality. Let \Mather\, be a first-order language. For each variable x\,the, formula ,x = x\, is universally valid. This means that, for any variable symbol x\, the
  18. As to arithmetic overflow when dealing with large values. Naïve algorithm A, formula ,for calculating the variance of an entire population of size n is:: \sigma^2 =
  19. In the population is omega-squared: ^2 = \franc. While this form of the, formula ,is limited to between-subjects analysis with equal sample sizes in all cells
  20. Then we should be able to claim P (t)\, Again, we are claiming that the, formula ,\for all x \phi \to \fix_t is valid, that is, we must be able to give a "
  21. Hydride or alone, remains a laboratory curiosity. It is a polymer with the, formula ,(AlH3)n, in contrast to the corresponding boron hydride with the formula (
  22. Bodies and chattels' or any other differential (see also predicable). The, formula ,that gives the components is the account of the matter, and the formula that
  23. Two vectors u and v is related to their dot product and their lengths by the, formula ,: \math bf \dot \math bf = \cos (\theta)\ \|\math bf\|\ \|\math bf\ |. This
  24. X = x\, is universally valid. This means that, for any variable symbol x\,the, formula ,x x\, can be regarded as an axiom. Also, in this example, for this not to fall
  25. Arc of a circle that has the same length as the circle's radius (k = 1 in the, formula ,given earlier). One turn is 2π radians, and one radian is 180/π degrees, or
  26. S circumference, which is 2πr,so. Substituting n for θ and 2πr for s in the, formula , results in) *The turn (or full circle, revolution,rotation, or cycle) is
  27. A turn of n units is obtained by setting in the formula above. (Proof. The, formula ,above can be rewritten as One turn, for which units, corresponds to an arc
  28. A variable x\, and a term t\, \! That is substitutable for x\, in \phi\,the, formula ,\fix_t \to \exists x \, \phi is universally valid. Non-logical axioms
  29. Stellar absorption spectra. More thoroughly investigated are compounds of the, formula ,R4Al2 where R is a large organic ligand. Analysis The presence of aluminum can
  30. The formula that gives the components is the account of the matter, and the, formula ,that gives the differential is the account of the form. With regard to the
  31. Such as sodium. The salts that result are called oxides, with the general, formula ,RO- M+. Meanwhile, the oxygen atom has lone pairs of nonbonded electrons that
  32. The result:: Area ≈ ()D2 = ()r 2 ≈ 3.16r 2,a reasonable approximation of the, formula ,or 2. The golden ratio seems to be reflected in many Egyptian constructions
  33. Of time describing the processes and reactions, but never actually gives the, formula ,for carrying out the transmutations. Most of his work was aimed at gathering
  34. In The Book of the Law and The Vision and the Voice, the Aramaic magical, formula ,Abracadabra was changed to Abracadabra, which he called the new formula of the
  35. Of the highest degrees of the Order for he believed it to be the most powerful, formula , Crowley placed the new degree above the Tenth Degree – not to be confused with
  36. Adult aardvarks only have cheek teeth at the back of the jaw, and have a dental, formula ,of: Genetically speaking, the aardvark is a living fossil, as its chromosomes
  37. Phi (x) \to \phi (So) )) \to \for all x. \phi (x) for any \Mather_\, formula ,\phi\ with one free variable. The standard structure is \Mather = \angle\N
  38. Then using the stable one-pass algorithm on the residuals. Likewise, there is a, formula ,for combining the covariance of two sets that can be used to parallelize the
  39. Usually feature tetrahedral Al centers,e.g. " Trimethylaluminium" has the, formula ,Al2 (CH3)6 (see figure). With large organic groups, triorganoaluminium exist
  40. To the mean. Two-pass algorithm An alternate approach, using a different, formula ,for the variance, first computes the sample mean, : \bar x = \display style
  41. Aristotle proceeds and concludes that the actuality is prior to potentiality in, formula , in time and in substantiality. With this definition of the particular
  42. A variable x\, and a term t\, \! That is substitutable for x\, in \phi\,the, formula ,\for all x \, \phi \to \fix_t is universally valid. Where the symbol \fix_t
  43. The Moon's diameter subtends an angle of half a degree. " The small-angle, formula ,can be used to convert such an angular measurement into a distance/size ratio.
  44. Renault and Formula BMW, usually as" feeder" series for" senior" race, formula ,(in the fashion of farm teams). Stock car racing In North America, stock car
  45. Mathbf \dot \math bf = \cos (\theta)\ \|\math bf\|\ \|\math bf\ |. This, formula ,supplies an easy method to find the angle between two planes (or curved
  46. Tax funds from across the province and distributes them, according to a, formula , to public and separate school jurisdictions and Francophone authorities.
  47. In the case of degrees, A turn of n units is obtained by setting in the, formula ,above. (Proof. The formula above can be rewritten as One turn, for which units
  48. Begin | z | & r, \\ | z | & | \overlie|\end and: | z | = \sort, with the last, formula ,being the complex analogue of equation (1) mentioned above in the real case.
  49. Structure classification Saturated hydrocarbons can be: * linear (general, formula ,) wherein the carbon atoms are joined in a snake-like structure * branched (
  50. The carbon backbone splits off in one or more directions * cyclic (general, formula , n > 2) wherein the carbon backbone is linked to form a loop. According

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