Examples of the the word, l , in a Sentence Context

The word ( l ), is the 2680 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Modes and the shape is spherica l l y symmetric. For any given n, the sma l l er, l ,is, the more radia l nodes there are. Loose l y speaking n is energy, l is
  2. A" she l l ". Orbita l s with the same va l ue of n and a l so the same va l ue of, l ,are even more c l ose l y re l ated, and are said to comprise a" subshe l l ". Quantum
  3. A l l l etters and digraphs represent unique phonemes. The main exception is when, l ,or n are preceded by i, that in most dia l ects pa l ata l izes their sound into /ʎ/
  4. Ionize in water forming l ow concentrations of hydronium and carbonate ions:: (, l ,) + (a) − (a) + + (a) Acid deposition as an environmenta l issue wou l d
  5. Nasa l consonants m and n, and the approximate r (usua l l y an a l veo l ar tri l l ), l , y and w. Historica l sound changes Six broad features of sound change can be
  6. States of the Hydrogen atom: State 1) n 1, l 0,m l 0 and s + State 2) n 2, l ,0,m l 0 and s + By quantum theory, state 1 has a fixed energy of E1,and state
  7. Undergoes mo l ecu l ar autoionization to form its acid and base conjugates: :2 (, l ,) (a) + (a) At standard pressure and temperature, = 10 M. Combustion The
  8. And is the l owest energy l eve l (n 1) and has an angu l ar quantum number of, l ,0. In X-ray notation, the principa l quantum number is given a l etter associated
  9. Atomic orbita l is identified by unique va l ues of three quantum numbers: n, l , and m l . The ru l es restricting the va l ues of the quantum numbers, and their
  10. In the atmosphere such as l ightning. Carbonic acid is formed by the reaction: (, l ,) + (g) (a) Carbonic acid then can ionize in water forming l ow
  11. M \rang:: L_z | l , m \rang = \hear m | l , m \rang where:: \Lang \theta, \phi |, l , m \rang = Y_ (\theta, \phi) are the spherica l harmonics. Thus, a partic l e
  12. And considered separate sing l e l etters) wou l d fo l l ow the l etters d, e,g, l , n, r,t, x and z respective l y. Nor is, in a dictionary of Eng l ish, the l exica l
  13. Of water into hydronium and hydroxide (OH) ions:: H2O ( l ) + H2O (, l ,) H3O+ (a) + OH (a) In pure water the majority of mo l ecu l es exist as H2O
  14. Base, and h is the height. That can a l so be rewritten as \pi r^2 + \pi r, l ,where r is the radius and l is the s l ant height of the cone. \pi r^2 is the
  15. Of this operator, we obtain the fo l l owing:: L^2 | l , m \rang = ^2 l ( l +1) |, l , m \rang:: L_z | l , m \rang = \hear m | l , m \rang where:: \Lang \theta, \phi |
  16. So l ving to find apostates of this operator, we obtain the fo l l owing:: L^2 |, l , m \rang = ^2 l ( l +1) | l , m \rang:: L_z | l , m \rang = \hear m | l , m \rang
  17. D orbita l and f orbita l refer to orbita l s with angu l ar momentum quantum number, l ,= 0,1,2 and 3 respective l y. These names indicate the orbita l shape and are
  18. Ouagadougou, better known by its French name as SILO, Le Sa l on Internationa l de, l ,' Artisan at de Ouagadougou, one of the most important African handicraft fairs.
  19. For a typica l examp l e (M represents an a l ka l i meta l ): :2 M (s) + 2 H2O (, l ,) → 2 MOH (a) + H₂ (g) A l ka l i meta l s form a very wide range of ama l gams.
  20. Three dissociation constants, where Ka1 > Ka2 > Ka3.::::: H3A (a) + H2O (, l ,) H3O+ (a) + H2A− (a) Ka1::::: H2A− (a) + H2O ( l ) H3O+ (a) + HA2−
  21. Then f l akes off.: CaCO3 (s) + H2SO4 (a) CaSO4 (a) + CO2 (g) + H2O (, l ,) The effects of this are common l y seen on o l d gravestones, where acid rain can
  22. Sma l l er l is, the more radia l nodes there are. Loose l y speaking n is energy, l ,is ana l ogous to eccentricity, and m is orientation. Genera l l y speaking, the
  23. To be broken up). **Or, a short vowe l is never added, but consonants l ike r, l ,m n occurring between two other consonants wi l l be pronounced as a sy l l abic
  24. Portion r is l ess than the shorter l ength s. In modern words, remainder r =, l ,− q*s, q being the quotient, or remainder r is the" modu l us ", the
  25. Is a l so very fixed. Consider two states of the Hydrogen atom: State 1) n 1, l ,0,m l 0 and s + State 2) n 2, l 0,m l 0 and s + By quantum theory, state 1 has
  26. Consider this c l assica l aqueous acid–base reaction:: (a) + (a) → (, l ,) + (a) The Lewis definition does not regard this reaction as the formation
  27. Can take either with or to in BRE but on l y with in AME. * The verb enro l (, l ,) usua l l y takes on in BRE and in AME (as in" to enro l ( l ) on/in a course
  28. H2A− (a) + H2O ( l ) H3O+ (a) + HA2− (a) Ka2::::: HA2− (a) + H2O (, l ,) H3O+ (a) + A3− (a) Ka3 An inorganic examp l e of a Tripo l i acid is
  29. With carbon at 1100 °C, in what is known as the Sevi l l e process.: Na2CO3 (, l ,) + 2 C (s) → 2 Na (g) + 3 CO (g) A process based on the reduction of
  30. P l ace a shorter measuring l ength s successive l y (q times) a l ong l onger l ength, l ,unti l the remaining portion r is l ess than the shorter l ength s. In modern
  31. From Knuth 1973:2–4: INPUT:: 1 Into two l ocations L and S put the numbers, l ,and s that represent the two l engths: INPUT L, S: 2 Initia l ize R: make the
  32. H3A (a) + H2O ( l ) H3O+ (a) + H2A− (a) Ka1::::: H2A− (a) + H2O (, l ,) H3O+ (a) + HA2− (a) Ka2::::: HA2− (a) + H2O ( l ) H3O+ (a) + A3−
  33. Has its own dissociation constant,Ka1 and Ka2.::::: H2A (a) + H2O (, l ,) H3O+ (a) + HAD (a) Ka1::::: HAD (a) + H2O ( l ) H3O+ (a) + A2− (
  34. Dissociation of water into hydronium and hydroxide (OH) ions:: H2O (, l ,) + H2O ( l ) H3O+ (a) + OH (a) In pure water the majority of mo l ecu l es
  35. Mathca l with \operator name (\mathca l ): k\LEQ \operator name (\mathca l ):, l , this l eads to a definition of k ang l es ca l l ed canonica l or principa l ang l es
  36. And l is the s l ant height of the cone. \pi r^2 is the base area whi l e \pi r, l ,is the l atera l surface area of the cone. *prism: 2 × Area of Base + Perimeter
  37. Eigenstates of this operator, we obtain the fo l l owing:: L^2 | l , m \rang = ^2, l , ( l +1) | l , m \rang:: L_z | l , m \rang = \hear m | l , m \rang where:: \Lang
  38. We obtain the fo l l owing:: L^2 | l , m \rang = ^2 l ( l +1) | l , m \rang:: L_z |, l , m \rang = \hear m | l , m \rang where:: \Lang \theta, \phi | l , m \rang = Y_ (
  39. l ocation's name. For examp l e, l ocation L at the start might contain the number, l ,= 3009. An ine l egant program for Euc l id's a l gorithm The fo l l owing a l gorithm is
  40. The verb enro l ( l ) usua l l y takes on in BRE and in AME (as in" to enro l (, l ,) on/in a course" ) and the on/in difference is used when enro l l ed is dropped
  41. Hydroxide form sodium ch l oride and water:: :HC l (a) + NaOH (a) → H2O (, l ,) + NaC l (a) Neutra l ization is the basis of titration, where a pH indicator
  42. Ca l l ed ionization) as shown be l ow (symbo l ized by HA):::::: HA (a) + H2O (, l ,) H3O+ (a) + A (a) Key Common examp l es of monoprotic acids in minera l
  43. Or subshe l l of the orbita l , and it corresponds to the angu l ar quantum number, l , and y is the number of e l ectrons in that orbita l . For examp l e, the orbita l 1s2
  44. That can a l so be rewritten as \pi r^2 + \pi r l where r is the radius and, l ,is the s l ant height of the cone. \pi r^2 is the base area whi l e \pi r l is the
  45. Meaning one-e l ectron) wave functions over space, categorized by n, l , and m quantum numbers, which correspond to the e l ectrons' energy, angu l ar
  46. L^2 | l , m \rang = ^2 l ( l +1) | l , m \rang:: L_z | l , m \rang = \hear m |, l , m \rang where:: \Lang \theta, \phi | l , m \rang = Y_ (\theta, \phi) are the
  47. R: make the remaining l ength r equa l to the starting/initia l /input l ength, l ,R ← L E0: Insure r ≥ s.: 3 Insure the sma l l er of the two numbers is in S and
  48. Information is unknown, and the orbita l is z-axis symmetric. For the case where, l ,0 there are no counter rotating modes. There are on l y radia l modes and the
  49. Shia ", respective l y. South Austra l ia—"L" voca l ization When the consonant ", l ," occurs at the ends of words before pauses and before consonants it sometimes
  50. H2A (a) + H2O ( l ) H3O+ (a) + HAD (a) Ka1::::: HAD (a) + H2O (, l ,) H3O+ (a) + A2− (a) Ka2 The first dissociation constant is typica l l y

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