Examples of the the word, systematic , in a Sentence Context

The word ( systematic ), is the 4152 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. For each syllable or consonant-vowel combination, and where these have no, systematic ,similarity to each other, and typically develop directly from logo graphic
  2. Precisely in the form of diagrams. Richard Feynman later gave an independent, systematic ,derivation of these diagrams from a particle formalism, and they are now called
  3. Of the universal church; accusing this of being an excuse not to undertake, systematic ,doctrine at all. Contrariwise, Sykes notes a high degree of commonality in
  4. Afterwards commissioned to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem as part of Julian's, systematic ,attempt to reverse the Christianization of the Roman Empire by restoring pagan
  5. Any addition to a document, such as a book or legal contract *Bibliography,a, systematic ,list of books and other works *Index (publishing),a list of words or phrases
  6. Of myofascial trigger points as an effective and low risk treatment modality. A, systematic ,review of acupuncture for pain found that there was no difference between
  7. Form of treatment is preferable to no treatment, the methodological quality of, systematic ,reviews of these studies has generally been poor, their clinical results are
  8. Activity, and reason as his only absolute. " She considered Objectives a, systematic ,philosophy and laid out positions on metaphysics, epistemology,ethics
  9. Significant analytical contributions to chemistry include the development of, systematic ,elemental analysis by Justus von Liebig and systematized organic analysis based
  10. Act, further vexing the colonists. Protests led to a powerful new weapon,the, systematic ,boycott of British goods. The following year, the British enacted the
  11. All conditions. " A 2011 review of the literature on pain concluded" numerous, systematic ,reviews have generated little truly convincing evidence that acupuncture is
  12. Look like a Golden Age). Whether the democratic failures should be seen as, systematic , or as a product of the extreme conditions of the Peloponnesian war, there does
  13. Of the social sciences, of which anthropology was a part. Developments in the, systematic ,study of ancient civilizations through the disciplines of Classics and
  14. Isopentane, and repentance. IUPAC naming conventions can be used to produce a, systematic ,name. The key steps in the naming of more complicated branched alkanes are as
  15. January 1912. The government of the newly formed Union of South Africa began a, systematic ,oppression of black people in South Africa. The Land Act was promulgated in
  16. In it, reflected in the corporeality of the human body, and development of a, systematic ,method of graphical perspective to depict recession in a three-dimensional
  17. Generic points, which led to the theory of schemes. He also pioneered the, systematic ,use of impotent. As 'functions' these can take only the value 0,but they
  18. Formation. A comparison of emission line widths indicates that turbulent or, systematic ,velocities do not increase in the central cores of molecular clouds. Microwave
  19. Militias who fought against the Islamic State and Massed were known for their, systematic ,brutality. Gulbuddin Hekmatyar released 10,000 dangerous criminals from the
  20. Santana Agreement. *1941 – Adolf Hitler orders the cessation of Nazi Germany's, systematic ,T4 euthanasia program of the mentally ill and the handicapped due to protests
  21. Spot beyond Earth in the Solar System for life as we know it ". Research The, systematic ,search for possible life outside of Earth is a valid multidisciplinary
  22. SAAF supported by Saudi Arabia targeted civilians of the 'opposite side' in, systematic ,atrocities. Abdul Rashid Dos tum allowed crimes as a perceived payment for his
  23. Historical or cultural traditions, rather than on scientific evidence. A 1998, systematic , review of studies assessing its prevalence in 13 countries concluded that about
  24. Assimilated into their consonants that the modifications are no longer, systematic ,and have to be learned as a syllabify rather than as a segmental script. Even
  25. Accuracy and precision and its talk. The Berry paradox arises as a result of, systematic ,ambiguity in the meaning of terms such as" definable" or" nameable ". Terms
  26. In size and shape to their Teflon. Most agnostic species were eyeless. The, systematic ,position of the order Agnostic within the class Trilobite remains uncertain
  27. Of blood. Flame test Inorganic qualitative analysis generally refers to a, systematic ,scheme to confirm the presence of certain, usually aqueous, ions or elements by
  28. The Albanian republican, monarchic and later Communist regimes followed a, systematic ,policy of separating religion from official functions and cultural life.
  29. Trying to consolidate control over northern and western Afghanistan, committed, systematic , massacres against civilians. U. N. officials stated that there had been" 15
  30. And implementers. ADB’s Operations Evaluation Department (OED) conducts, systematic ,and impartial assessment of policies, strategies,country programs, and
  31. Mth Already 02 On This Day in Canada ---- Acetylene (, systematic ,name: ethane) is the chemical compound with the formula C2H2. It is a
  32. In shorter scope, it can be considered superior to epic. Aristotle was a keen, systematic ,collector of riddles, folklore,and proverbs; he and his school had a special
  33. The last decade, researcher Edward Ernst and colleagues have produced regular, systematic ,reviews of the acupuncture literature. In 2007,they concluded that" the
  34. In the addictive properties of drugs (drug abuse),and possibly in obesity. A, systematic ,review of randomized controlled trials published in the Archives of General
  35. As groups carried out nationalist uprisings. After most of these attempts at, systematic ,change ended in failure, conservative elements took advantage of the divided
  36. William B. Greene presented this Proudhon Mutualism in its purest and most, systematic ,form. ". Henry David Thoreau (1817–1862) was an important early influence in
  37. May be useful for osteoarthritis of the knee, with both positive and negative A, systematic ,review of the best five randomized controlled trials available concluded there
  38. Of the Motions. His reform was not concerned with cosmology, as he developed a, systematic ,study of celestial kinematics that was completely geometric. This in turn led
  39. Intel in the U. S. Federal District Court in Delaware. The complaint alleges, systematic ,use of secret rebates, special discounts, threats,and other means used by
  40. Murder, conducted by the Einsatzgruppen, culminated,between 1942 and 1945,in, systematic , The War Against The Jews,1933–1945. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston
  41. His conception of the field to all levels of university study, emphasizing a, systematic ,and scientific approach to history and placing it squarely in the social
  42. Philosophy, his protracted study of Aristotle gave him a great power of, systematic ,thought and exposition. An exception to this general tendency is his Latin
  43. Such compounds are called cycloalkanes. Nomenclature The IUPAC nomenclature (, systematic ,way of naming compounds) for alkanes is based on identifying hydrocarbon
  44. Modernist writer, James Joyce. Thomas, like many other medieval, never gives a, systematic ,account of beauty itself, but several scholars have conventionally arranged his
  45. Or mob rule. In contrast, the prevailing attitude among Patriots, who made, systematic ,efforts to use mob violence in a controlled manner, was a desire to seize the
  46. Trying to consolidate control over northern and western Afghanistan, committed, systematic , massacres against civilians. UN officials stated that there had been" 15
  47. Was unusual in its detailed depiction of a non-European culture Marco Polo's, systematic ,observations of nature, anthropology,and geography are another example of
  48. The country is divided into a wide variety of ethnolinguistic groups. Because a, systematic ,census has not been held in the nation in decades, exact figures about the size
  49. Abugidas are also consonant-based, but indicate vowels with diacritics to or a, systematic ,graphic modification of the consonants. In alphabets in the narrow sense, on
  50. Monasticism did not revive significantly during his reign. Alfred undertook no, systematic ,reform of ecclesiastical institutions or religious practices in Wessex. For him

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