Examples of the the word, fate , in a Sentence Context

The word ( fate ), is the 3816 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Youth, he was one of the main Trojan war leaders. Prophecies linked Troilus ', fate ,to that of Troy, and so he was ambushed in an attempt to capture him. Yet
  2. Put on trial to justify his human fears and thus determine his cosmic, fate , Critics responded to the offbeat premise and the surprising chemistry between
  3. In Novi Sad where Marić's parents lived. Her full name is not known, and her, fate ,is uncertain after 1903. Einstein and Magic married in January 1903. In May
  4. Such as relating his death to 731. Delete also changed Alhazred's final, fate , as described in his short story" The Keeper of the Key ", first published in
  5. Charged at Achilles with his only weapon, his sword, but missed. Accepting his, fate , Hector begged Achilles – not to spare his life, but to treat his body with
  6. Ma'at, who was often depicted as an ostrich feather, Anubis dictated the, fate ,of souls. In this manner, he was a Lord of the Underworld, only usurped by
  7. Regime was destined to end with him. " He cared little for the regime's, fate ,and so neither did anything, nor allowed anyone else to do anything, to prevent
  8. In 1810,while another group called the Oblate of Our Lady of Rho escaped this, fate , In 1848, they were reorganized and given the name of" Oblate of St. Charles "
  9. Entire war. Davis believed the loss of Johnston" was the turning point of our, fate ,". Early life Johnston was born in Washington, Kentucky,the youngest son of
  10. Destruction of nature and human relationships. This view has been linked to the, fate ,of the Albion Flour Mills, which was the first major factory in London
  11. She told the townsfolk that followed her to leave and let her face her, fate ,on her own. There, Zephyrus,the west wind, gently floated her downwards. She
  12. With psychology, eleven with logic and metaphysics, and six with questions of, fate ,and providence. Ethical Problems was traditionally counted as the fourth book
  13. Of local self-government to a free Russia, and expressed concerns for the, fate ,of the 25 million ethnic Russians in the" near abroad" of the former Soviet
  14. Troy itself, seeming to show that the unhindered rage of Achilles could defy, fate ,itself as Troy was not meant to be destroyed yet. Finally, Achilles found his
  15. Dour strategy. Larry was not informed of the decision privately and heard his, fate ,over the radio. 1972 to 1987 The 1972 series finished 2–2,with England under
  16. Countries, beginning in France. King Louis-Philippe, fearful of sharing the, fate ,of Louis XVI, fled to England. The oath of allegiance was abolished, and the
  17. Tacitus used the memoirs to extract information regarding the family and, fate ,of Agrippina the Elder, when Tacitus was writing The Annals. There is a
  18. Of steel and steel products per capita the country heads the Balkans. The, fate ,of Kremikovtsi steel factories has come under debate because of serious
  19. Largest group deals with questions of vision and light, and the final four with, fate ,and providence. Problems and Solutions (Questions) consists of three books
  20. Strategic points, he says, not the defeat of the enemy's army, decide the, fate ,of one's own country, and must constantly remain the general's main concern
  21. Shore. Alfred at once hurried westward and raised the Siege of Peter. The, fate ,of the other place is not recorded. Meanwhile, the force under Hasten set out
  22. Shut down all offices of firm Amway, and Armpit Saga writes that" with it the, fate ,of 80,000 distributors of the company has been indefinitely sealed ". The
  23. As they do in the first scene when the farmers lament their seemingly hopeless, fate , " Recurring themes The master–disciple relationship Many commentators have
  24. House at the point when Laura Killer had been committed to the asylum, and the, fate ,of this friend of the family shook him deeply, perhaps also because Laura had
  25. Had been built on Augustine's teaching. Augustine taught that the eternal, fate ,of the soul is determined at death, and that purgatorial fires of the
  26. Feet" is a sound where, for example," neat" will be Neil. *The vowel in ", fate ," is æɪ for several speakers, so words like that will sound like fæɪʔ. *The
  27. Navy, was renamed the São Paulo. It operates A-4KU. As of July 2002,the, fate ,of the Minas Gerais was still unknown, with China having reportedly made a
  28. Dramatisations differ on how willing either father or daughter were to this, fate , some include such trickery as claiming she was to be married to Achilles, but
  29. States Football League; the World Football League; and the XFL met the same, fate , From an earlier AFL (1936–1937),only the Cleveland Rams (now the St. Louis
  30. Empire Assyria was ruled by Babylon from 605 BC until 539 BC, and in a twist of, fate , Laborious the last king of Babylon was himself an Assyrian from Harlan;
  31. His principles, trusting in the providence of God and not fighting against his, fate , This is in contrast to Narrow, who fights valiantly against death when his
  32. The mother of the Moira and Drastic, Goddess of destiny, necessity,and, fate ,The Apache HTTP Server, commonly referred to as Apache (), is web server
  33. From his brothers, individually deliberating and struggling with his expected, fate , Rodin soon proposed that the monument's high pedestal be eliminated, wanting
  34. Published her poem" The Three Guides ". Novelist Agnes Grey Even before the, fate ,of the book of poems became apparent, the three sisters were working on a new
  35. To see Comedian or the other few remaining forts in Asia Minor suffer the same, fate , Androids III sought to pay off the Ottomans with tribute — the Ottomans did
  36. By bombing in World War II and by the subsequent Communist regime. A similar, fate ,probably befell the Amber Room, made between 1701 and 1709,Schlüter's most
  37. Word in Chinese - besides the name for the drug it also means 'isn't this his, fate , ' Which figuratively ties to the movie's plot. The word is transliterated as
  38. Library. The city's cultural icon, the Fox Theatre, would have met the same, fate ,had it not been for a grassroots effort to save it in the mid-1970s. Atlanta's
  39. The name of patriotism, while not voluntarily enlisting himself. In a twist of, fate , Keynote is later called up as a soldier as well. He very reluctantly joins
  40. The few liberals in his position. One of his actions that may have sealed his, fate ,(although all tax collectors were executed during the revolution) was a clash
  41. Eros had arranged for the oracle to say this. Psyche was resigned to her, fate ,and climbed to the top of the mountain. She told the townsfolk that followed
  42. His grandson, Nicholas II, both future tsars, who vowed not to have the same, fate ,befall them. Both used the Khorana to arrest protestors and uproot suspected
  43. The American Civil War, Alexander the Great surviving his illness, an alternate, fate ,for James Wolfe at Quebec City, no Julius Caesar assassination, a different
  44. S burial site. He indeed finds Alhazred's burial chamber and learns of his, fate , Shared had been kidnapped in Damascus and brought to the Nameless City
  45. And Apostles' ) Creeds in making negative statements about the people's, fate ,:" They that have done good shall go into life everlasting: and they that have
  46. And he listed three categories for the nonbeing and resulting anxiety: optic (, fate ,and death),moral (guilt and condemnation),and spiritual (emptiness and
  47. System, poorly connected to the material world, it suffered the common, fate ,of other esoteric disciplines such as astrology and movement of the preceding
  48. And her line-up all through the 1990s and 2000s,but in a strange twist of, fate ,further Money M. productions in Germany could be faced with legal proceedings.
  49. No word on the status of the chipset, the Lorraine computer, or the team's, fate ,was known. In the fall of 1984,Commodore informed the team that the Lorraine
  50. And departed before his escape, but both of them were, he risked a terrible, fate ,if captured. He hid himself from these crews. At one point, his Spanish

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