Examples of the the word, unsuccessful , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Origins as a Housing Development The park was originally part of a commercially, unsuccessful ,housing site, the idea of Count Used Quell, whom the park was named after. It
  2. Island, to arrest those who were responsible for it. His attempt was at first, unsuccessful ,; but, after the deposition of Demarcates, he visited the island a second time
  3. Were heard, he was the only one who stood his ground, though the effort was, unsuccessful , He had also stood his ground in a protest against the trial of Anthony Burns.
  4. Objects. Other investigations Einstein conducted other investigations that were, unsuccessful ,and abandoned. These pertain to force, superconductivity,gravitational waves
  5. 1881,the Peoples Will planned the murder of Tsar Alexander III. The plot was, unsuccessful , one of the conspirators captured, Aleksandr Ulyanovsk, was sentenced to death
  6. Demonstrators disrupt the meeting and 50 people are arrested. *1972 – In an, unsuccessful ,coup d'état attempt, the Royal Moroccan Air Force fires upon Hassan II of
  7. Closely related. In 868,Alfred is recorded as fighting beside Æthelred in an, unsuccessful ,attempt to keep the invading Danes out of the adjoining Kingdom of Mercia.
  8. An optional" pre-answer" motion to dismiss or demurrer; if such a motion is, unsuccessful , the defendant must file an answer to the complaint or risk an adverse default
  9. The druid, to Rome to appeal to the senate for help, but his mission was, unsuccessful , On his arrival in Gaul (58 BC),Caesar restored their independence. In spite
  10. State court, and lose on direct appeal to higher state appellate courts, and if, unsuccessful , mount a collateral action such as filing for a writ of habeas corpus in the
  11. It was once again rumored to have been opened, this time by the FBI, in an, unsuccessful ,search for spies; however, there is no evidence of this. During the late 1950s
  12. India's North West Frontier Province. *1903 – Fall of the Ottoman Empire: an, unsuccessful ,uprising led by the Internal Macedonian-Adrianople Revolutionary Organization
  13. The sea routes vital for Athens' supply of grain from Scythia. After a first, unsuccessful ,attempt at colonization in 497 BC by the Silesia Tyrant Hittites, the
  14. Of Cape Spar tel. Further Franco-Spanish efforts to capture Gibraltar were, unsuccessful , One notable success took place on February 5,1782,when Spanish and French
  15. Political abstentionism and small property holdings. In 1868,following their, unsuccessful ,participation in the League of Peace and Freedom (LPF),Russian revolutionary
  16. Crops, at least one prominent multi-year attempt by Monsanto Company has been, unsuccessful , though during the same period traditional breeding techniques yielded a more
  17. Of Ankara is also venerated as a saint. However, the persecution proved, unsuccessful ,and in 314 Ankara was the center of an important council of the early church;
  18. To Connecticut in debt to his father, who bailed him out after his last two, unsuccessful ,sales trips. He took a job as a schoolteacher in Cheshire with the help of his
  19. Gaza, Alexander utilized the engines he had employed against Tyre. After three, unsuccessful ,assaults, the stronghold was finally taken by force, but not before Alexander
  20. Of Morin, Albuquerque advanced on Cali cut (now Kozhikode). The attack was, unsuccessful ,as Marshal D. Fernando Mourinho, against instructions, ventured into the inner
  21. Members of the successful group intensified their foraging attempts while the, unsuccessful ,group ventured out less and less. A month later, the successful foragers
  22. When he was staying in Nicaea, his cousins, who had been living there, made an, unsuccessful ,attempt to take his life. When King Andrew II, having fulfilled his Crusader
  23. Attempts to move the project forward through NASA's official channels were, unsuccessful , " * Alan Bean left a memento on the Moon: his silver astronaut pin. The Lunar
  24. He remained for about twelve years, during which time he made repeated but, unsuccessful ,attempts to escape. Exile At last, in 1165,he was successful in escaping.
  25. Of State, but Johnson approved the plan. Post-presidency Johnson was an, unsuccessful ,candidate for election to the United States Senate from Tennessee in 1868 and
  26. To publish Pococke's complete translation in 1746,though his attempt was, unsuccessful , Pococke's complete Latin translation was eventually published by Joseph White
  27. The production and distribution of her records and music videos, brought an, unsuccessful ,lawsuit in the New York Supreme Court against Instinct Productions LLC, the
  28. Hollywood and had a play produced on Broadway in 1935–1936. After two initially, unsuccessful ,early novels, she achieved fame with her 1943 novel The Fountainhead. In 1957
  29. Returned Felix was forced to retire to Porto, near Rome, where,after making an, unsuccessful ,attempt to establish himself again in Rome, he died on 22 November 365. This
  30. The example made of the Mytilenians, the principal people on Lesbos. After an, unsuccessful ,revolt, the Athenians ordered the death of the entire male population. After
  31. Within the administration and apply for judicial review in courts if, unsuccessful , Unlike France or Germany, there are no special administrative courts of first
  32. Refused to provide any further help, because he believed that their short and, unsuccessful ,voyage meant that the Gods did not favor them. This Aeolus was perceived by
  33. Became increasingly isolated in his research, and his efforts were ultimately, unsuccessful , In his pursuit of a unification of the fundamental forces, Einstein ignored
  34. 65 % were assessed as being successful,27 % partly successful and 8 % as, unsuccessful , Criticism Since the ADB's early days, critics have charged that the two major
  35. Government, had bad luck in Sudan. In 1993,a young schoolgirl was killed in an, unsuccessful ,EIC attempt on the life of the Egyptian prime minister, Atef Semi. Egyptian
  36. Arizona, Daroca, and Montreal del Camp. He died in September 1134 after an, unsuccessful ,battle with the Muslims at the Battle of Raga. Early life His earliest years
  37. It was riven by periods of internal strife and the new king only made token and, unsuccessful ,attempts to recapture Babylon, whose Massive kings had taken advantage of the
  38. Pete Tyler on the original Earth, who died when Rose was a baby and had been, unsuccessful ,in business. The Tenth Doctor, Rose,and Mickey Smith visited the alternate
  39. Admits that he is one of the people Salt is out to destroy. *Paul Larking is an, unsuccessful , middle-aged businessman, a friend of the Rear den family. He meets with the
  40. Years, although marked by the disasters of the Great Turkish War, was not, unsuccessful , The recovery of Azov and the More, and the conquest of part of Persia
  41. Rich M6A Saran aircraft, were first built in the 1920s but were generally, unsuccessful ,at war. Modern navies that operate such ships treat aircraft carriers as the
  42. Came quietly, but perceptibly, to a close. Persecutions Solzhenitsyn made an, unsuccessful ,attempt, with the help of Tvardovsky, to get his novel, The Cancer Ward
  43. From Denmark. *1949 – Chinese Civil War: The Communist Party of China holds, unsuccessful ,peace talks with the Kuomintang in Beijing, after three years of fighting.
  44. He married Cleopatra Thea, a daughter of the Ptolemaic dynasty. At first, unsuccessful , Alexander finally defeated Demetrius Voter in 150 BC. Being now master of the
  45. Mcpherson3"/> name "/IN"> representatives"/> The 1854 Os tend Manifesto was an, unsuccessful ,Southern attempts to annex Cuba as a slave state. The Second Party System broke
  46. Was a vice-president of Afghanistan under Hamid Karma. There have been, unsuccessful ,attempts on the life of Ahmad Via Massed in 2004 and late 2009. The Associated
  47. Field and others complete the first transatlantic telegraph cable after several, unsuccessful ,attempts. It will operate for less than a month. *1860 – Charles XV of Sweden
  48. With Assemblyman Herb Wesson over their heights. At one point Wesson made an, unsuccessful ,attempt to, in his own words," settle this once and for all and find out how
  49. Force Delete to cease publishing the Solar Pons series, but the efforts were, unsuccessful ,and eventually withdrawn. Derleth's mystery and detective fiction also
  50. 1971,he slit his wrists and throat multiple times. The suicide attempt proved, unsuccessful ,and the director's health recovered fairly quickly, with Kurosawa now taking

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