Examples of the the word, cousin , in a Sentence Context

The word ( cousin ), is the 4852 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Palace and the court of the emperor. Messaging was Agrippina’s second paternal, cousin , Among the victims of Messalina's intrigues were Agrippina's surviving sister
  2. Of Aaron was attested after the ill-fated rebellion of Torah, who was a first, cousin ,of Aaron. When the earth had opened and swallowed up the leaders of the
  3. Blumenthal (later Nathaniel Branden) and his wife Barbara, and Barbara's, cousin ,Leonard Payoff. At first the group was an informal gathering of friends who
  4. The son of Abacus and grandson of Zeus, and his first wife Perinea. He is the, cousin ,of Achilles, the most remembered Greek warrior, and is the elder half-brother
  5. Their party was defeated (May 2,1182),but Androids Comments, a first, cousin ,of Emperor Manuel, took advantage of these disorders to aim at the crown
  6. Then he expected. He was replaced in 1953 by Mohammed Beyond Khan, the king's, cousin ,and brother-in-law. Beyond Khan sought a closer relationship with the Soviet
  7. Illinois, and began to practice law under John T. Stuart, Mary Todd's, cousin , Lincoln became an able and successful lawyer with a reputation as a formidable
  8. In 1137 Conrad III, the Hohenstaufen King of the Germans, deprived Albert's, cousin ,and nemesis, Henry the Proud of his Saxon duchy, which was awarded to Albert if
  9. Age, Afonso de Albuquerque was sent on his first expedition to India with his, cousin ,Francisco de Albuquerque. Each commanded three ships, sailing along with Duarte
  10. As Julia the Elder was widowed from her first marriage, to her paternal, cousin ,Marcus Claudius Marcellus, and they had no children. From the marriage of Julia
  11. He married, on November 2,1896,in Poona, India,Ahmadi Begum, his first, cousin ,and a granddaughter of Aga Khan I. * He married 1908,Close Teresa Mariano (
  12. The wife of Germanic us Between 1 BC-5,Agrippina married her second maternal, cousin ,Germanic us. Germanic us was the first son born to Antonia Minor and Nero
  13. Animae ration (ad William virgin em) (written for Hundred,Charlemagne's, cousin ,) *De Curse et Salt Lunar ac Dissent, astronomical treatise.; Hagiography
  14. With a ferocious chained dog guarding the door. There,Alexander's wife and, cousin ,(or half-sister, as the daughter of Jason of Pherae),Alexander II was a king
  15. Was said to have gone insane. In 39,Agrippina and Li villa, with their maternal, cousin , Drusilla's widower Marcus Arminius Lepidus, were involved in a failed plot to
  16. Birthday in 28,Tiberius arranged for Agrippina to marry her paternal second, cousin ,Gaels Domitian Ahenobarbus and ordered the marriage to be celebrated in Rome.
  17. He claimed descent from Neoptolemus, son of Achilles; Alexander was a second, cousin ,of the celebrated general Pyrrhic of Virus, who was ranked by Hannibal as
  18. A deeper understanding of adobe, one might examine a cob building. Cob, a close, cousin ,to adobe, contains proportioned amounts of soil, clay,water, manure,and straw
  19. His mother Antonia Major, Domitius was a great nephew of Augustus, first, cousin , to Claudius, and second cousin to Agrippina and Caligula. He had two sisters;
  20. To the statuette's reminding her of her" Uncle Oscar" ( a nickname for her, cousin ,Oscar Pierce). Columnist http://old.oscars.org/mhl/sc/skolsky_sidney_sc.html
  21. Son of the prince Archives and the goddess Aphrodite. His father was the second, cousin ,of King Priam of Troy, making Aeneas Priam's second cousin , once removed. The
  22. Child from his second marriage to Augustus’ first niece and the paternal, cousin ,of Julia the Elder, Claudia Marcella Major. Visalia Marcella was the first
  23. When the Estates appealed to King Sigismund II Augustus of Poland,Albert's, cousin , who sent a commission to Königsberg. Scaling saved his life by flight, but
  24. Between the Angora Cats and Persians, and the Turkish Angora is also a distant, cousin ,of the Turkish Van. Although they are known for their shimmery white coat
  25. Younger (between 125–130–175),a future Roman Empress, married her maternal, cousin , future Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius in 146. When Faustino died in 141
  26. And his regent Tens against Persia. He soon transferred his services to Teos's, cousin ,and rival Nectanebo II, who,in return for his help, gave him a sum of over 200
  27. Was the second cousin of King Priam of Troy, making Aeneas Priam's second, cousin , once removed. The journey of Aeneas from Troy (with help from Aphrodite)
  28. 1919,after having had a relationship with her since 1912. She was his first, cousin ,maternally and his second cousin paternally. In 1933,they emigrated
  29. Was Anna Lassen. Already closely connected to the Kootenai through Maria's, cousin ,Irene to Isaac Comments, Maria was persuaded to do so on the advice of her own
  30. Broken out in the desert, but when he returned to resume control, he found his, cousin ,too powerful to be superseded. He returned to the Sahara, where,in 1087
  31. Of the power he had established, handing over the more-settled parts to his, cousin ,Yusuf in Ashwin, as viceroy, resigning to him also his favorite wife Hainan.
  32. That Abraham's servant brought Rebecca,Isaac's patrilineal parallel, cousin ,who became his wife. Later years Sarah is said to have died at the age of 127
  33. Forces led by Abdullah Katakana. Prince Mohammed Nadir Shah,Amanullah's, cousin , in turn defeated and killed Abdullah Katakana in November 1929,and was
  34. S Dardanian allies (Trojans — descendants of Daedalus),as well as a third, cousin ,and principal lieutenant of Hector, son of the Trojan king Priam. In the poem
  35. Of the Emperor Tiberius, mother of the Emperor Caligula, maternal second, cousin ,and sister-in-law of the Emperor Claudius and the maternal grandmother of the
  36. Not particularly social and his only close friend was his neighbor and second, cousin ,William Alcott, with whom he shared books and ideas. Bronson Alcott later
  37. Began his reign by eliminating any potential rivals to the throne. He had his, cousin , the former Mynas IV, executed,as well as having two Macedonian princes from
  38. Domitian was a great nephew of Augustus, first cousin to Claudius, and second, cousin ,to Agrippina and Caligula. He had two sisters; Domitian Lipid the Elder and
  39. In 221,Alexander's grandmother, Maesa, persuaded the emperor to adopt his, cousin ,as successor and make him Caesar and Russians changed his name to Alexander.
  40. With her since 1912. She was his first cousin maternally and his second, cousin ,paternally. In 1933,they emigrated permanently to the United States. In 1935
  41. Mackenzie built Fort Chipewyan on Lake Athabasca ten years later in 1788. His, cousin , Sir Alexander Mackenzie, followed the North Saskatchewan River to its
  42. The months leading up to her marriage to Claudius,Agrippina's maternal second, cousin , the praetor Lucius Julius Sinus Tortuous, was betrothed to Claudius ’
  43. To 235. Alexander was the last emperor of the Several dynasty. He succeeded his, cousin ,Elagabalus upon the latter's assassination in 222,and was ultimately
  44. Of Bulgaria. *1040 – King Duncan I is killed in battle against his first, cousin ,and rival Macbeth. The latter succeeds him as King of Scotland. *1057 – King
  45. By her plotting to set Gains Rebellious Plautus (Nero's maternal second, cousin ,) or Britannic us (Claudius' biological son) on the throne. Tacitus claims
  46. Of Samuel, Abner (Hebrew אבנר meaning" father of or is a light" ), is first, cousin ,to Saul and commander-in-chief of his army (1 Samuel 14:50,20:25). He is
  47. S approaches to her were indeed short-lived. Victoria married her German, cousin , Albert of Saxe-Coburg in February 1840. On 16 April 1841,aged 23,Tsarevitch
  48. And collapse of the monetary economy. Alexander was the heir apparent to his, cousin , the eighteen-year-old Emperor who had been murdered along with his mother by
  49. On his own. The middle years In 1895,after his mother's death, he married his, cousin ,Madeleine Bordeaux, but the marriage remained unconsummated. In 1896,he became
  50. As a mark of contempt, had their remains cast into the Tiber river. He and his, cousin ,were both grandsons of the influential and powerful Julia Mesa, who had

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