Examples of the the word, et , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Fit here, but the required loss of initial" is not quite regular" ( Starting, et , al. 2003:224). 15 The Mongolian forms" may suggest an original
  2. Jews endorse Rudolf Otto's description of the sacred as 'mysterious tremendous, et , fascinans ', the awe-inspiring mystery which fascinates humans. M et onymy
  3. Seeps in the northeastern continental slope of the South China Sea and Chen, et , al. (2011) It also occurs in the minerals' beryl, cryolite,garn et , spinel and
  4. Short versions which were different phonemes in the first syllable. Starting, et , al. (2003) treat length tog et her with pitch as a prosaic feature. Prosody As
  5. Except for voicing *p > *b in syllables with original high pitch" ( Starting, et , al. 2003:135). ²" … several secondary m et atonic processes happened …
  6. Gathering ". 21" A Hundred" in names of hundreds. 22 Starting, et , al. (2003) suspect this to be a reduplication:" 20 + 20 ". 23 would
  7. Proposed cognates in basic vocabulary across the Altaic family (from Starting, et , al. 2003). 1 Contains the Photovoltaic dual suffix:" both breasts" –" chest
  8. S (2006) summary of the newest Altaic et ymological dictionary (Starting, et , al. 2003) and transcribed into the. When a Photovoltaic phoneme developed
  9. Starting et al. 2003:91) The table below is taken from Starting, et , al. (2003): 1 When preceded by a bilabial consonant. 2 When followed
  10. Subdititos sums, so as b et ween the Sovereign and subject there is: *duplex, et , reciprocum ligament; quit cut submits reg ten et s ad obedient, ita Rex
  11. Published posthumously 1995) Short stories * Exile and the Kingdom (L'evil, et , le royale) (collection) (1957) **" The Renegade or a Confused Spirit" (
  12. Starting et al. 2003:135) Morphological correspondences Starting, et , al. (2003) have reconstructed the following correspondences b et ween the case
  13. This to be a reduplication:" 20 + 20 ". 23 would be expected; Starting, et , al. (2003) think that this irregular change from to is due to influence from
  14. In May 1936,he successfully presented his thesis on Platinum, Néo-Platonisme, et , Pensée Chr et ien (Neo-Platonism and Christian Thought),for his diploma
  15. Significant examples include: a baptism formula (Unite pageant present AIT, et , Birit et spirit sent) from 1462,written in Albanian within a Latin text by
  16. Tarmac and Titan, two extinct Mongolic languages not considered by Starting, et , al. (2003),even preserve in these places (Blaze 2006). ³ This
  17. Include The Adventures of Prince Ahmed (Weimar Republic,1926) and Princes, et , princesses (France,2000). * Model animation refers to stop-motion animation
  18. His early thoughts appeared in his first collection of essays, L'Enters, et , l'android (The Two Sides Of The Coin) in 1937. Absurd themes were expressed
  19. And obedience, so the Sovereign is to govern and protect his subjects, regere, et , protegere subdivides sums, so as b et ween the Sovereign and subject there is:
  20. Alto (1955). Turkic–Mongolic–Tunguska–Korean. *Anna V. DBO (S. Starting, et , al. 2003,A. DBO and G. Starting 2008). *Nicholas Pope (1965).
  21. 2 + 3 C → 4 Sb + 3 Coiffures de 2003, métal continue days LES minerals, et , concentrés, source: L'eat Du mode 2005 Compounds Antimony compounds are often
  22. Etymologies include: * Cohen, Marcel. 1947. Essie comparative SUR LE vocabulary, et , la phon et ic Du chamito-sémitique. Paris: Champion. * Diakonoff, Igor M. et al.
  23. Characters compatible with the Comte Consultation International Telephone, et , Télégraphique standard, Fieldata, and early EBCDIC, more than 64 codes were
  24. Recovered on the basis of umlaut processes in the first syllable. " (Starting, et , al. 2003:91) The table below is taken from Starting et al. (2003): 1 When
  25. Dependent on wh et her Sheila happens to have preserved any given root, Starostin, et , al. (2003: 26–28) have not used Sheila to decide wh et her to reconstruct an
  26. Ex p Brown (1864) 5 B & S 280); (a) Gigantic naturalist, absoluta, pura, et , indefinita, and this originally is due by nature and birthright, and is called
  27. And pitch in the first syllable evolved as follows according to Starting, et , al. (2003),with the caveat that it is not clear which pitch was high and
  28. Ou l’artiste AU travail" ) Non-fiction books * B et wixt and B et ween (L'enters, et , l'android, also translated as The Wrong Side and the Right Side) (Collection
  29. Reflect the same root, although the suffixation is not clear. " (Starting, et , al. 2003:223) 6 Compare Villa /Mir/" 3" ( Blaze 2006). 7
  30. Or" with dissimilation or m et athesis in" Proto-Mongolic (Starting, et , al. 2003:224). – Titan has" 7 ". 16 in Early Middle Korean (タリクニ/チリクヒ
  31. Defendant who refused to plead (or" stood mute" ) was subject to pane forte, et , dure (Law French for" strong and hard punishment" ). Today in common-law
  32. Is not clear which pitch was high and which was low in Photovoltaic (Starting, et , al. 2003:135). For simplicity of input and display every syllable is
  33. 19th century) or lack of natural nutrients and vitamins (Lind, Eijkman, Funk,ET, al. ). Supported by parallel developments in organic chemistry, the new science
  34. 6 This happened" in syllables with original high pitch" ( Starting, et , al. 2003:135). 7 Before, or. 8 When the next consonant in the
  35. 2005) mentions evidence from several Tunguska languages cited by Starting, et , al. (2003). Georg (2005) does not accept this, referring to Georg (
  36. Early Middle Korean (タリクニ/チリクヒ in 二中歴). 17" Problematic" ( Starting, et , al. 2003:224). 18 Compare Gourm et " 10" ( Blaze 2006). 19
  37. Et la phon et ic Du chamito-sémitique. Paris: Champion. * Diakonoff, Igor M., et , al. 1993–1997. " Historical-comparative vocabulary of Agrarian ", St.
  38. By Paracelsus. Compare this with one of the dicta of Alchemy in Latin: Solve, et , Coagula — Separate, and Join Tog et her (or" dissolve and coagulate" ). At the
  39. 12 When preceded by a vowel preceded by. 13 Before. 14 Starting, et , al. (2003) follow a minority opinion (Join 1993) in interpr et ing the sound
  40. Altaic languages have vowel harmony, Proto-Altaic as reconstructed by Starting, et , al. Lacked it—instead various vowel assimilation b et ween the first and second
  41. Turkic–Mongolic–Tunguska–Korean. *Sergei Starting (1991’S. Starting, et , al. 2003). *John C. Stre et (1962). Turkic–Mongolic–Tunguska and
  42. With pitch as a prosaic feature. Prosody As reconstructed by Starting, et , al. (2003),Photovoltaic was a pitch accent or tone language; at least the
  43. Award for Contributions to Management Literature, Officier de L’Order DES Arts, et , L et tres, and appointments, including Fellow of the American Association for the
  44. Of two consonants were allowed in Photovoltaic as reconstructed by Starting, et , al. (2003); the correspondence table of these clusters spans almost 7 pages
  45. Among the arguments for the Ural–Altaic hypotheses. ) Nevertheless, Starostin, et , al. (2003) reconstruct Photovoltaic as lacking vowel harmony. Instead
  46. Have a strong tendency towards low pitch on the first syllable. " (Starting, et , al. 2003:135) Morphological correspondences Starting et al. (2003) have
  47. Are less stable than the Indo-European ones, but nevertheless Starting, et , al. (2003) reconstruct them as follows: 1 Manchu /son/" single, odd ".
  48. Examples include: a baptism formula (Unite pageant present AIT et Brit, et , spertit sent) from 1462,written in Albanian within a Latin text by the
  49. Blažek's 2006 summary of the newest Altaic et ymological dictionary Starting, et , al. 2003 and transcribed into the): Consonants 1 This phoneme only occurred at
  50. Fifty ’, but the historical root here is no doubt *TU-) " (Starting, et , al. 2003:223). – Blaze (2006) also considers Gourm et " 5" ( from) to be

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