Examples of the the word, s , in a Sentence Context

The word ( s ), is the 1202 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. A s ingle novel, either via the hero cha s ing or being cha s ed by the villain (, s ,) through multiple world s or (le s s artfully) via di s cu s s ion s between the
  2. Z, the effect s of relativity become more pronounced, and e s pecially s o for’ s ,electron s , which move at relativi s tic velocitie s a s they penetrate the
  3. To find the remainder it u s e s s ucce s s ive s ubtraction s of the s horter length’ s ,from the remaining length r until r i s le s s than s . The high-level de s cription
  4. Type, a s compared with the lowe s t (or fundamental) mode of the wave. A s with’ s ,orbital s , thi s phenomenon provide s p, d,f, and g orbital s at the next higher
  5. Set X contain s only non-empty s et s , a mathematician might have s aid" let F (, s ,) be one of the member s of s for all s in X." In general, it i s impo s s ible to
  6. Set s , a mathematician might have s aid" let F ( s ) be one of the member s of’ s ,for all s in X." In general, it i s impo s s ible to prove that F exi s t s without
  7. With HIV/AIDS: NA: Death s : NA Nationality: Noun: Antigua ( s ),Barbuda (, s ,): Adjective: Antigua, Barbudan Ethnic group s : Black 91 %: Mixed 4.4 %: White s
  8. Hydrogen ga s For a typical example (M repre s ent s an alkali metal): :2 M (, s ,) + 2 H2O (l) → 2 MOH (a) + H₂ (g) Alkali metal s form a very wide range
  9. Been u s ed). The goal of clear conci s e communication i s that the receiver (, s ,) have no mi s under s tanding about what wa s meant to be conveyed. An exception to
  10. NA: People living with HIV/AIDS: NA: Death s : NA Nationality: Noun: Antigua (, s ,), Barbudan ( s ): Adjective: Antigua, Barbudan Ethnic group s : Black 91 %:
  11. Moon of Saturn. Compound s Argon’ s complete octet of electron s indicate s full’ s ,and p s ub s hell s . Thi s full outer energy level make s argon very s table and
  12. The s ubtrahend S (Difference = Minuend − Subtrahend),the minuend can become’ s ,(the new mea s uring length) and the s ubtrahend can become the new r (the
  13. Milliwatt s ). *No period s s hould be in s erted between letter s – for example" m.’ s ," i s the s ymbol for" meter s multiplied by s econd s ", but " m s " i s the s ymbol
  14. Remainder: Until the remaining length r in R i s le s s than the s horter length’ s ,in S, repeatedly s ubtract the mea s uring number s in S from the remaining length
  15. Architect or non-regi s tered graduate; re s pon s ible for major department (, s ,) or function s ; report s to a principal or partner. *Project Manager: Licen s ed
  16. Not including 0. And to" mea s ure" i s to place a s horter mea s uring length’ s , s ucce s s ively (q time s ) along longer length l until the remaining portion r i s
  17. Each with s hape s more complex than tho s e of the d-orbital s . For each’ s , p, d,f and g s et of orbital s , the s et of orbital s which compo s e s it form s a
  18. Country compari s on to the world: 60 Nationality: noun: American Samoan (, s ,): adjective: American Samoan Ethnic group s Pacific I s lander 91.6 %, A s ian 2.8
  19. Function f, defined on a collection X of nonempty s et s , s uch that for every s et’ s ,in X, f ( s ) i s an element of s . With thi s concept, the axiom can be s tated::
  20. A city at one pole of the univer s e wherein i s found the Pattern, the s ymbol of’ s ,( s hadow s ) between and around them. Inhabitant s of either pole can u s e one or
  21. Regarded a s s cience at all in modern time s . He placed empha s i s on the type (, s ,) of s oul an organi s m po s s e s s ed, a s s erting that plant s po s s e s s a vegetative
  22. At 1100 °C, in what i s known a s the Seville proce s s .: Na2CO3 (l) + 2 C (, s ,) → 2 Na (g) + 3 CO (g) A proce s s ba s ed on the reduction of s odium
  23. The s e quantum number s include the three that define orbital s , a s well a s s , or s pin quantum number. Thu s , two electron s may occupy a s ingle orbital, s o
  24. And s ubtraction. * A location i s s ymbolized by upper ca s e letter (, s ,),e.g. S, A,etc. * The varying quantity (number) in a location will be
  25. Quantity (number) in a location will be written in lower ca s e letter (, s ,) and (u s ually) a s s ociated with the location' s name. For example, location L
  26. Loanword s ) in s tead of thi s graphic clu s ter appearing after the letter’ s , a s though it were a s ingle letter—a lexicographical policy which would be DE
  27. 10 IF R = 0 then done s o GOT s tep 15 ELSE continue to s tep 11,E3: Interchange’ s ,and r: The nut of Euclid' s algorithm. U s e remainder r to mea s ure what wa s
  28. One coulomb of charge going pa s t a given point per s econd:: \rm 1\ A=1\track C, s ,That i s , in general, charge Q i s determined by s teady current I flowing for a
  29. Stage in the adjudicative proce s s . Pre s ervation I s s ue s An appellant' s claim (, s ,) mu s t u s ually be pre s erved at trial. Thi s mean that the defendant had to
  30. A s y s tem of rai s ed dot s in one corner, ba s ed on Braille cell s but not s tandard’ s ,ha s been widely taken up. Hardware * Large monitor s can be u s ed with increa s ed
  31. Ver s ion s of the s ymbol are identical – not all language s u s e the letter ", s ," to denote a plural. Syllabic abbreviation A s yllabic abbreviation i s an
  32. Are elected by con s en s u s within the photo of the extended family and village (, s ,) concerned. The Ma s ai and the photo (which i s it s elf made of Ma s ai) decide on
  33. Mathematician might have s aid" let F ( s ) be one of the member s of s for all’ s ,in X." In general, it i s impo s s ible to prove that F exi s t s without the axiom
  34. The circle' s circumference, which i s 2πr, s o. Sub s tituting n for θ and 2πr for’ s ,in the formula, re s ult s in) *The turn (or full circle, revolution,rotation
  35. From Knuth 1973:2–4: INPUT:: 1 Into two location s L and S put the number s l and’ s ,that repre s ent the two length s : INPUT L, S: 2 Initialize R: make the remaining
  36. Foot movement, pre s ence and connectedne s s with one' s training partner (, s ,). Multiple attacker s and random One feature of aikido i s training to defend
  37. Defined on a collection X of nonempty s et s , s uch that for every s et s in X, f (, s ,) i s an element of s . With thi s concept, the axiom can be s tated:: For any s et
  38. 2007 e s t. ): country compari s on to the world: 104 Nationality: Noun: Armenian (, s ,): Adjective: Armenian Religion s : Armenian Apo s tolic 94.7 %, other Chri s tian 4
  39. Which de s cribe s the s pin of each electron ( s pin up or s pin down). The number’ s ,can be + or -. The Pauli exclu s ion principle s tate s that no two electron s can
  40. Of the angle i s drawn,e.g. with a pair of compa s s e s . The length of the arc’ s ,i s then divided by the radiu s of the circle r, and po s s ibly multiplied by a
  41. Le s s than the s horter length s in S, repeatedly s ubtract the mea s uring number’ s ,in S from the remaining length r in R.: 7 IF S > R THEN done mea s uring s o GOT
  42. Effect s . The latter induce tiny binding energy difference s e s pecially for’ s ,electron s that go nearer the nucleu s , s ince the s e feel a very s lightly
  43. Wa s called There, and the city again a plural, Thebae (or Thebe s , where the ", s ," i s the plural formation). Similarly, at Athen s s he wa s called Athena, and
  44. Of Canterbury' s refu s al to be in communion with the affected juri s diction (, s ,). In line with the s ugge s tion of the Wind s or Report, William s ha s recently
  45. 2 and \ell 0 a s a '2 s s ub s hell '. Each electron al s o ha s a s pin quantum number’ s , which de s cribe s the s pin of each electron ( s pin up or s pin down). The number
  46. S algorithm. U s e remainder r to mea s ure what wa s previou s ly s maller number’ s ,:; L s erve s a s a temporary location.: 11 L ← R: 12 R ← S: 13 S ← L: 14 Repeat
  47. Naturally from the total number of electron s which occupy a complete s et of’ s , p, d and f atomic orbital s , re s pectively. Introduction With the development of
  48. Of quantum number s and contain s a maximum of two electron s . The s imple name s s ,orbital, p orbital’d orbital and f orbital refer to orbital s with angular
  49. Each pair s of the s e 6 primary axe s . Additionally, a s i s the ca s e with the’ s ,orbital s , individual p, d,f and g orbital s with n value s higher than the
  50. By s oftware developer s to be effective for the intended" target" computer (, s ,), in order for the target machine s to produce output from given input (

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