Examples of the the word, intervene , in a Sentence Context

The word ( intervene ), is the 5235 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. An Israeli attack on Egypt that would give Britain and France an excuse to, intervene ,militarily and retake the canal. Eden infuriated his US counterpart, President
  2. That the British would be too distracted by an imminent Irish uprising to, intervene ,in the Mediterranean. Bonaparte believed that by establishing a permanent
  3. Of Britain. Stalin had respected his agreement with Winston Churchill to not, intervene , but Yugoslavia and Albania defied the USSR's advice and sent supplies during
  4. Was the possibility of a wider war with the Soviet Union after it threatened to, intervene ,on the Egyptian side. Eisenhower applied financial leverage by threatening to
  5. Of Naples. As the Neapolitan's had called for the French, Alfonso decided to, intervene ,and, with the support of several barons of the kingdom, captured Capra and
  6. The Ashes 4–1,Body line caused such a furor in Australia that diplomats had to, intervene ,to prevent serious harm to Anglo-Australian relations, and the MCC eventually
  7. Are marked by some difference in humidity but by little change in temperature, intervene ,between the alternating seasons. Temperatures are fairly uniform throughout the
  8. Out his tongue. Leo escaped and fled to Charlemagne at Paderborn, asking him to, intervene ,in Rome and restore him. Charlemagne, advised by Alcuin of York, agreed to
  9. Of church organization in partnership with St. Boniface (739),and tried to, intervene ,in Frankish succession disputes by fighting for the claims of the Carolingian
  10. Of before this time). His son, Theudebert, led a decisive Bavarian campaign to, intervene ,in a succession dispute in the Lombard Kingdom in 714,and married his sister
  11. Depended on being rescued by his father in the west. Constantius was quick to, intervene , In the late spring or early summer of 305,Constantius requested leave for his
  12. Seeing the military position of the Bulgarian army the Ottomans decided to, intervene , They attacked and finding no opposition, managed to recover eastern Thrace
  13. With the Ottoman Empire, in the southeast. As it happened, the Ottomans did not, intervene ,and the Serbian army's advance was stopped after the Battle of Slivnitsa. The
  14. To Apollo near Delphi, a sacrilege that gave Philip the opportunity to further, intervene ,in the affairs of Greece. Still occupied in Thrace, Philip ordered Alexander to
  15. Presented by Chandrasekhar, and concluded that no law of physics was likely to, intervene ,and stop at least some stars from collapsing to black holes. Oppenheimer and
  16. Reported the Boston Globe, which noted that" security has orders not to, intervene ,in a prank unless officers get Mannion's approval beforehand. " Caltech pranks
  17. Thoughts, and behaviors are all linked, CBT approaches allow for therapists to, intervene ,at different points in the cycle. Though approaches can differ somewhat, they
  18. Case decision makers speculated that Peru, Bolivia,Ecuador, and Brazil might, intervene , Then the great powers could take sides. In this case, the resolution of the
  19. Smith was an advocate of economic freedom, he also allowed for government to, intervene ,in many areas. Classical liberalism holds that individual rights are natural
  20. For economic, political,and safety concerns. For instance, governments often, intervene ,to halt airline labor actions in order to protect the free flow of people
  21. The forces of good, and existed peacefully ... very rarely stirring forth to, intervene ,in the unceasing struggle between the powers of evil and the races of Earth.
  22. Her husband Render of Montserrat, although Maria herself had encouraged him to, intervene , The poisoner was said to be the eunuch Pterygeonites. Soon afterwards he had
  23. The Pope of Alexandria who was later exiled – was that the emperor should not, intervene ,in the affairs of the Church. It was at Chalcedony that the emperor, through the
  24. Although defeated, was able to realign its supply train, reorganise itself, and, intervene , decisively on the Waterloo battlefield within 48 hours. Two and a half Prussian
  25. Sought help from Amalia, but Shirk uh and Shalwar arrived before Amalia could, intervene ,and Diagram was killed. Shalwar, however,feared that Shirk uh would seize power
  26. Law, since the economic cycle was seen as self-correcting, government did not, intervene ,during periods of economic hardship because it was seen as futile. Thomas
  27. Within the senatorial class. " Earlier as a consul he had the power to, intervene , when he deemed necessary, with the affairs of provincial proconsuls appointed
  28. Sent one of his brothers to Shiraz in order to speak to the governor of Far's to, intervene ,on his behalf and arrange for safe passage out of German. With the governor
  29. Into Bulgaria, while Romania and the Ottoman Empire took the opportunity to, intervene ,against Bulgaria and make territorial gains. In the resulting Treaty of
  30. So urgent, or where indirect contempt has taken place the Attorney General can, intervene ,and the Crown Prosecution Service will institute criminal proceedings on his
  31. The book where Job expresses a wish for bodily resurrection, only for someone to, intervene ,as an" umpire ", a " vindicator ", a " go'El ", on his behalf as an impartial
  32. This time on the liberal side) did not shrink from asking the civil powers to, intervene , But an unlooked-for calamity brought the warfare to an end. The expulsion of
  33. Forces deployed in Cyprus (UNITY) at flash points. In 1964,Turkey tried to, intervene ,in Cyprus in response to the ongoing Cypriot intercommunal violence. But Turkey
  34. Environmentalist was a scientific publication on which they had the right to, intervene ,in the first place; The Ministry remitted the case to the DCSD. In doing so the
  35. Methodologies include all those actions taken by the conservator to directly, intervene ,with the material fabric of the object. Such actions include surface cleaning
  36. To the Carter Doctrine ", which proclaimed that the United States would, intervene ,to protect Saudi Arabia, whose security was threatened after the outbreak of
  37. Destroyed, the governments will turn to destroy them, and that God will then, intervene , Jehovah's Witnesses teach that the armies of heaven, commanded by Jesus
  38. As vital to the preservation of the Soviet, socialist system and vowed to, intervene ,in any state that sought to replace Marxism-Leninism with capitalism. In the
  39. Which goes against government official policy direction that the regulator only, intervene ,in markets after a competitive problem has been proven. In Thursday's decision
  40. All reigning in quick succession. Babylonia seems to have been too powerless to, intervene , Finally, a native Akkadian king named ADSI came to the fore circa 1720 BC and
  41. Excited his indignation, but he persistently vetoed all proposals to, intervene ,by force of arms. With encouragement from the successful assassination of his
  42. Of the family shook him deeply, perhaps also because Laura had asked him to, intervene ,at a crucial point in the scandal, which he did not feel able or willing to do.
  43. How the partnership's bidding practices will be varied if their opponents, intervene ,or compete.: * Which (if any) bids are forcing and require a response. Within
  44. Strip, no matter how close they were to the Western wall, Westerners could not, intervene ,for fear of triggering engaging fire from the 'Greps ', the East Berlin border
  45. Kumar, upset with the remarks, demanded that the Prime Minister and the Center, intervene ,in the matter immediately. The Samoa editorial prompted at least 16 OK Sasha
  46. Aristobulus II and Uranus II, both of whom appeal to the Roman Republic to, intervene ,and settle the power struggle on their behalf. The Roman general Gaels
  47. Curse on him known as the Pulse diner, calling on the Angel of Death to, intervene ,and kill him. After Israeli soldiers bulldozed every settlement structure
  48. Of monarchists through most of the period. The monarchists would thus normally, intervene ,in other countries to stop democratic movements taking control and forming
  49. Medieval procedure In the Medieval West, the Holy See began to be asked to, intervene ,in the question of canonizations,to ensure a more authoritative decision
  50. Platt Amendment, which among other things gave the United States the right to, intervene ,militarily in Cuba. Havana and Varadero became popular tourist resorts. The

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