Examples of the the word, persistence , in a Sentence Context

The word ( persistence ), is the 8813 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. K–Pg boundary. None of them are known to survive into the Paleogene, and their, persistence ,into the latest Maastrichtian therefore provides strong evidence for a mass
  2. Several reasons why goals are motivating: they direct attention, lead to task, persistence ,and the development of task strategies for accomplishing the goal. In order for
  3. Is commonly used in oscilloscopes, a type of diagnostic instrument. Phosphor, persistence ,Various phosphors are available depending upon the needs of the measurement or
  4. On completion of his studies, the young student noted," Patience, diligence, persistence , and sincerity will lead to success," which reflects upon Albrechtsberger's
  5. POJO); one which is based on the Java Collections Framework (an object, persistence ,approach); and one based on the traditional Berkeley DB API. The Berkeley DB
  6. Conduct in the Apology to Constantius and Apology for His Flight. Constantius ', persistence ,in his opposition to Athanasius, combined with reports Athanasius received
  7. Ms in the upper extremities, and 45-56 ms in the lower extremities. F wave, persistence ,is the number of F waves obtained per the number of simulations, which is
  8. Would thus be able to stay for extended periods on a same location (called, persistence ,). Also, the 2018 bomber and later bombers could be automated. Cue sports (
  9. Once conditions in the host cell improve. There is much debate whether, persistence ,has in vivo relevance. Many believe that persistent chlamydiae are the cause of
  10. Representing a range of different species provides definitive evidence for the, persistence ,of archaic birds to within 300,000 years of the K–Pg boundary. None of them are
  11. And store new long-term memories is restored. Also, BDNF is important for the, persistence ,of long-term memories. __NOT__ This page lists direct English translations of
  12. Movement. The effect is an optical illusion of motion due to the phenomenon of, persistence ,of vision, and can be created and demonstrated in several ways. The most common
  13. Or radar may have long persistence phosphor and are thus flicker free. If the, persistence ,is too long on a video display, moving images will be blurred. High-frequency
  14. Standard French, often sounds peculiar to audiences in France, because of the, persistence ,of some regionally neutral expression which may not sound quite natural to all
  15. Will persist into the future, and throughout the unobserved present. This, persistence ,of regularities is sometimes called Uniformitarianism or the Principle of the
  16. Defeatist in tone, the humanity of the characters shines through in their, persistence ,despite the obstacles. These stories found popularity not only among young
  17. Of personality and its development appear to be integral to the occurrence and, persistence ,of depression, with negative emotionality as a common precursor. Although
  18. DOS commands, it has not been transformed into a native Win32 program. Its, persistence ,can probably be explained by the fact that it can be invoked to automatically
  19. The Kolmogorov–Arnold–Moses theorem is a result in dynamical systems about the, persistence ,of quasi-periodic motions under small perturbations. The theorem partly
  20. Of" thesis-antithesis-synthesis" is inaccurate. Nevertheless, such is the, persistence ,of this misnomer that the model and terminology survive in a number of
  21. Czechoslovakia preserved a democratic government until the war broke out. The, persistence ,of democracy suggests that Czechoslovakia was better prepared to maintain
  22. To several seconds. For visual observation of brief transient events, a long, persistence ,phosphor may be desirable. For events which are fast and repetitive, or high
  23. Age is complicated by two factors: # arrival of iron smelting technology, and #, persistence ,of bronze objects. The earliest bronze artifacts have been found in the
  24. Fauna. In used fluids the oxidation products can be toxic as well. Lubricant, persistence ,in the environment largely depends upon the base fluid, however if very toxic
  25. Appeared on the front cover of the 13 January 1979 issue of the ME due to the, persistence ,of music journalist Paul Morley; that same month the band recorded their first
  26. Hal Blaine of Wrecking Crew. However, he played faster and louder, with more, persistence ,and authority. Moon's favorite musicians were jazz artists Gene Krupp and
  27. His choice on the ground that Hoover was" the great engineer whose vision and, persistence ,... has done so much to make the dam possible ". One writer complained in
  28. Has found that mastery goals are associated with many positive outcomes such as, persistence ,in the face of failure, preference for challenging tasks, creativity and
  29. And in particular, applying population management expertise to help ensure the, persistence ,of genetic diversity in the free ranging wild populations. By managing the
  30. Of smooth motion. Flickering of the image can be partially solved using a long, persistence ,phosphor coating on the CRT, so that successive images fade slowly. However
  31. From smoke also promote seed germination. Fire plays a major role in the, persistence ,and resilience of ecosystems. Biogeochemistry Ecologists study and measure
  32. Trim, and convenience packages. The civilian model began in part because of the, persistence ,of Arnold Schwarzenegger, who saw an Army convoy while filming a movie. In 1990
  33. To describe the generation of a clone of a previously living person, and ", persistence ,cloning" to describe the production of a cloned body for the purpose of
  34. Meant shit to me / Straight-up racist that sucker was / Simple and plain ". The, persistence ,of such attitudes was fueled by resentment over the fact that Presley, whose
  35. In World War II brought further American influence; seen in the enduring, persistence ,of okay, you guys and gee. They are part of a continuum, reflecting variations
  36. Into cells, many morphological changes occur, such as spina bifida,the, persistence ,of interdigital webs, and open brain. Additionally, after embryonic day 12.5
  37. Electron capture detector, which ultimately assisted in discoveries about the, persistence ,of CFCs and their role in stratospheric ozone depletion. After studying the
  38. And Horkheimer, this posed the problem of how to account for the apparent, persistence ,of domination in the absence of the very contradiction that, according to
  39. Of flicker. Non-computer CRTs or CRT for sonar or radar may have long, persistence ,phosphor and are thus flicker free. If the persistence is too long on a video
  40. Be done on the F responses, including minimal and maximal latencies, and F wave, persistence , The minimal F wave latency is typically 25-32 ms in the upper extremities, and
  41. The series of Sac Prairie journals, but is organized around three themes:" the, persistence ,of memory ... the sounds and odors of the country ... and Thoreau's
  42. Part of many growers due to the combination of several factors, including the, persistence ,of worldwide demand, the lack of other employment alternatives, the lower
  43. Has also affected settlement patterns in the northern Kurdish areas. There,the, persistence ,of a stubborn rebellion by Kurdish guerrillas has goaded the government into
  44. The needs of the measurement or display application. The brightness, color,and, persistence ,of the illumination depends upon the type of phosphor used on the CRT screen.
  45. To stimulate an employee to put forth effort. Next, motivation results in, persistence , preventing one from deviating from the goal-seeking behavior. Finally
  46. Was quite successful due to the prominence of an indigenous population and the, persistence ,of reformist policies. In 1993,Gonzalo Sanchez de Lozada ran for president in
  47. Tiny Tales Of Tides & Suns in February 2010. It is a concept album about the, persistence ,of matter, energy and memory in the Universe. It is a 10 song work where the
  48. Were Arians, and the majority population was Nicene. Many scholars see the, persistence ,of Germanic Arianism as a strategy that was followed in order to differentiate
  49. After longer periods of ischemia than the traditional 4-to-6-minute limit, and, persistence , of brain structure and even some brain cell function after long periods of
  50. Sudden discontinuous changes can occur) and the" Joseph effect" ( in which, persistence ,of a value can occur for a while, yet suddenly change afterwards). This

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