Examples of the the word, dynasty , in a Sentence Context

The word ( dynasty ), is the 8880 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Under the title Asoka. King Ashoka, the third monarch of the Indian Mauryan, dynasty , has come to be regarded as one of the most exemplary rulers in world history.
  2. Dispatch boat. *1782 – Rama I of Siam (modern day Thailand) founds the Chakra, dynasty , *1793 – During the French Revolution, the Committee of Public Safety becomes
  3. Delta under Shoshone I in 945 BC, founding the so-called Libyan or Bipartite, dynasty ,that ruled for some 200 years. Shoshone also gained control of southern Egypt
  4. Sebastian d'Antonia was the 16th (or 17th) Century founder of the d'Antonia, dynasty , Escaped from Spain because of expressing his opinions too freely and coming in
  5. Nile valley empire was as large as it had been since the New Kingdom. The 25th, dynasty , ushered in a renaissance period for Ancient Egypt. Religion, the arts, and
  6. Forts ', were built on the desert behind the town by three kings of the second, dynasty ,; the most complete is that of Khasekhemwy. From the fifth dynasty , the deity
  7. Dynasty, and the cemetery was used continuously. The pharaohs of the first, dynasty ,were buried in Abyss, including Farmer, who is regarded as founder of the
  8. Greatly from era to era and each one is traditionally named after the ruling, dynasty , So, for example, Tang Dynasty paintings are monochromatic and sparse
  9. Time period that the Abyss boats were constructed. Some pharaohs of the second, dynasty ,were also buried in Abyss. The temple was renewed and enlarged by these
  10. Was taking the Guard of Honor of his forces. Pusyamitra Sung founded the Sung, dynasty ,(185 BC-78 BC) and ruled just a fragmented part of the Mauryan Empire. Many
  11. Mongol rule continued with the Khanate in the northwest while the Chili, dynasty ,controlled the Afghan tribal areas south of the Hindu Kush, until the invasion
  12. Town continued to be rebuilt at intervals down to the times of the thirtieth, dynasty , and the cemetery was used continuously. The pharaohs of the first dynasty were
  13. Granite door in Luxor with inscriptions by User, a powerful adviser to the 18th, dynasty , Queen Hatshepsut who ruled between 1479 BC and 1458 BC, the longest of any
  14. 1066 to 256 BC) these items came to be surpassed in value by texts by the Han, dynasty ,(206 BC to 220 CE). Most of these texts have been destroyed as Emperors
  15. As well as boulders and cave walls, made by the Emperor Ashoka of the Mauryan, dynasty ,during his reign from 272 to 231 BC. These inscriptions are dispersed
  16. Rock-cut tombs. The 25th dynasty was a notable exception, as all 25th, dynasty , pharaohs constructed pyramids. Art The ancient Egyptians produced art to serve
  17. Systems, astronomy,algebra, trigonometry and medicine. The Satanic, dynasty ,in eastern part of Persia, Greater Khoisan and Central Asia as well as Bu yid
  18. Including at Memphis, Karnak, Kawa, Jebel Baikal, etc. It was during the 25th, dynasty , that the Nile valley saw the first widespread construction of pyramids (many
  19. Ālb Asian,1029 – 15 December 1072) was the third sultan of the Seljuk, dynasty ,and great-grandson of Seljuk, the eponymous founder of the dynasty . He assumed
  20. Vassals from 861 until 1539. During their persecution by the Safavid's, the last, dynasty ,imposed Shia Islam upon the formerly Sunni population, as it was battling
  21. Was born c. 980 in Afghan, near Bukhara, the capital of Stands, a Persian, dynasty ,in Central Asia and Greater Khoisan. His father was from Balk, in present-day
  22. The episode on his steal of victory. Pine set the stage for subsequent 25th, dynasty , pharaohs,such as Sahara, to reunite the" Two lands" of Northern and
  23. Buried in Abyss, including Farmer, who is regarded as founder of the first, dynasty , and his successor, Aha. It was in this time period that the Abyss boats were
  24. Likely as a result of giving birth to Alexander. As a member of the Area, dynasty , Alexander claimed patrilineal descent from Heracles through Car anus of Macedon
  25. This first period of Persian rule over Egypt, also known as the Twenty-Seventh, dynasty , ended in 402 BC, and from 380 to 343 BC the Thirtieth Dynasty ruled as the last
  26. Afghanistan begins in 1709 with the rise of the Pashtuns, when the Hotcake, dynasty ,was established in Kandahar followed by Ahmad Shah Durrani's rise to power in
  27. Following the Second Anglo-Afghan War and the ascension of the Banzai, dynasty , Afghanistan saw much of its territory and autonomy ceded to British India.
  28. Was Roman Emperor from 138 to 161. He was a member of the Nerva-Antonine, dynasty ,and the Aurelia. He did not possess the sobriquet" Pius" until after his
  29. Seen as a manifestation of the dead pharaoh in the underworld. PPI I (sixth, dynasty ,) constructed a funerary chapel which evolved over the years into the Great
  30. 1526 when he and his army invaded Delhi in India to replace the Afghan Lodi, dynasty ,with the Mughal Empire. From the 16th century to the early 18th century
  31. Larger area was ruled by the Delhi Sultanate. Afghan nation-state Hotcake, dynasty ,and the Duran Empire Airways Total, seen as Afghanistan's George Washington
  32. Khanates emerged in the area, especially following the collapse of the And, dynasty ,and in the early Qatar era. The brief and successful Russian campaign of 1812
  33. In eastern part of Persia, Greater Khoisan and Central Asia as well as Bu yid, dynasty ,in the western part of Persia and Iraq provided a thriving atmosphere for
  34. Of the Hindu Kush, until the invasion of Timur who established the Timurid, dynasty ,in 1370. During the Ghazvanid, Ghurid, and Timurid eras, Afghanistan produced
  35. Century AD. Konstantinos Porphyrogennetos, the fourth emperor of the Macedonian, dynasty ,of the Byzantine Empire in the 9th century AD, referred to Asia Minor as East
  36. Rulers abandoned them in favor of less conspicuous rock-cut tombs. The 25th, dynasty , was a notable exception, as all 25th dynasty pharaohs constructed pyramids. Art
  37. Legacy Ashoka ruled for an estimated forty years. After his death, the Mauryan, dynasty ,lasted just fifty more years. Ashoka had many wives and children, but many of
  38. The prophetic teaching of more than one age. His denunciation of the royal, dynasty ,of Israel, and his emphatic insistence on the worship of Yahweh and Yahweh
  39. Of both Antioch us I Voter and his successor Antioch us II Thees of the Seleucid, dynasty ,as well as Diodes I and his son Diodes II of the Greco-Bactrian kingdom. If
  40. The east, which initiated the First Anglo-Afghan War (1839-1842). Banzai, dynasty ,and Western influence Following the Second Anglo-Afghan War and the ascension
  41. American sports teams, most notably by the Chicago Bulls during their 1990s NBA, dynasty , It was also used as the entrance theme for Ricky Steamboat in pro wrestling of
  42. And Genghis Khan, arrived from Central Asia and captured Kabul from the Arthur, dynasty , and from there he began to seize control of the central and eastern
  43. Century CE, the successors to the Khans and Lethalities established a small, dynasty ,in Fabulist called Kabul Shah. Islamization and Mongol invasion Between the
  44. The Seljuk dynasty and great-grandson of Seljuk, the eponymous founder of the, dynasty , He assumed the name of Muhammad bin The'up Chagrin when he embraced Islam, and
  45. Memorial temple of Set I, which contains an inscription from the nineteenth, dynasty ,known to the modern world as the Abyss King List. It is a chronological list
  46. In important priestly positions. Libyan control began to erode as a rival, dynasty ,in the delta arose in Leontopolis, and Kushites threatened from the south.
  47. Of these texts have been destroyed as Emperors, particularly during the Han, dynasty , collected these legitimizing objects and proscribed, forbade and burnt nearly
  48. The Jalayirids was short-lived and fell under the conquests of Timur. The local, dynasty ,of Shirvanshahs became a vassal state of Timur's Empire and assisted him in
  49. Of the second dynasty ; the most complete is that of Khasekhemwy. From the fifth, dynasty , the deity Khentiamentiu, foremost of the Westerners, came to be seen as a
  50. Osiris being assigned the epithet, Foremost of the Westerners. In the twelfth, dynasty ,a gigantic tomb was cut into the rock by Ensure III. Associated with this

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