Examples of the the word, duplicate , in a Sentence Context

The word ( duplicate ), is the 5181 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. On systems (usually only one or two Canadian stations, while some systems had, duplicate ,or even triplicate coverage of American networks). During the 1970s,a growing
  2. Music) tune it DAE′ like an octave mandolin, which lets the banjoist, duplicate ,fiddle and mandolin fingering. The invention and/or popularization of this
  3. Slightly different tactics at the table. Laws of contract bridge Laws of, duplicate ,bridge The Laws constitute the rules of the game. In addition to the basic
  4. As to play. In casual bridge games the dummy often does nothing, but in, duplicate ,bridge dummy must play cards from the dummy hand at declarer's instruction (
  5. A legal node. Unless it is known that this particular B-tree does not contain, duplicate ,data, we must then also (recursively) delete the element in question from the
  6. The deal is not scored, and the hand is redealt by the original dealer, while in, duplicate ,the score is recorded as zero for each pair since re-dealing a hand that has
  7. Game. ) There are some differences in bridge scoring at rubber compared with, duplicate ,: *" part scores" ( trick scores less than 100) are accumulated to count
  8. Religions. Arianism and Jehovah's Witnesses hold that Jesus is a created, duplicate ,of God, created ex Hilo and not" begotten ". As a feature of reality
  9. The first two tricks, so long as (a) your void is useful (i.e., does not, duplicate ,the function of an ace that your side holds) and (b) you are not vulnerable
  10. The first partnership to accumulate two games gets a" rubber" bonus. In, duplicate ,bridge, all the points are accumulated for each hand by itself and present a
  11. That produced mental phenomena, any artificial brain, would have to be able to, duplicate ,the specific causal powers of brains, and it could not do that just by running
  12. Starting on the dealer's left so that each player receives thirteen cards. In, duplicate ,bridge the dealer is predetermined by the board; the board also contains the
  13. And bonuses) is determined by previous games within the rubber, whereas in, duplicate ,it is predetermined by the number of the board. In the rubber bridge game
  14. And won the Central American Games championship in 2001. The team has failed to, duplicate ,this success, most recently finishing with a 2 and 4 record in the 2006 COC ABA
  15. And with the scoring based upon relative performance. Competitions in, duplicate ,bridge range from small clubs with a handful of tables, to large tournaments
  16. Matches as early as 1857. Initially, bridge was not thought to be suitable for, duplicate ,competition; it wasn't until the 1920s that (auction) bridge tournaments
  17. Gives a k-combination by selecting its first k elements. There are many, duplicate ,selections: any combined permutation of the first k elements among each other
  18. Of the number to the left and the number to the upper. At the end of the row, duplicate ,the last number. If k is even, proceed similar in the other direction. End
  19. Out a change-of-address form. Five other suspected hijackers also received, duplicate ,Florida licenses in 2001,and others had licenses from different states. Some
  20. Player receives a hand of 13 cards. The deal rotates clockwise each hand. In, duplicate ,bridge, the hands are shuffled and dealt only once, at the beginning of the
  21. They were not found eligible for the main Olympic program. The basic premise of, duplicate ,bridge had previously been used for whist matches as early as 1857. Initially
  22. Nominate their preferred word sequence within an acceptable use policy. Because, duplicate ,usernames cannot exist within a domain, account name generation poses a
  23. Authorized due to the risk of breakage/loss or inability to recover the, duplicate ,tag from larger chains. Dog tag ball chains were once thought to have been
  24. Neck chain and one 2.5 mm,4-inch duplicate chain. The secondary chain and, duplicate ,tag are recovered if needed. The primary chain and tag remain with the soldier
  25. The expert player will score better. This form of the game is referred to as, duplicate ,bridge and is played in clubs and tournaments, which can gather as many as
  26. Cans lupus is shown below. Also included are synonyms, which are now discarded, duplicate ,or incorrect naming. Common names are given but may vary, as they have no set
  27. Wars in the game console and home computer markets, Atari was never able to, duplicate ,the success of the 2600. These problems were followed by the infamous video
  28. a million interest over a hotel venture; $2.2 million plus $793,800 interest for, duplicate ,or unnecessary fees paid to Rosenthal; more than $2 million to recoup loans to
  29. With" contract bridge. " In the USA, most of the bridge played today is, duplicate ,bridge, which is played at clubs, in tournaments and online. In the UK, rubber
  30. The game's release. These large files were a result of the save games creating, duplicate ,copies of the game levels that reflected the changes the player made while
  31. Of Windows. Almost all product lines were discontinued. The consolidation of, duplicate ,support and development offices was costly and disruptive. Worst of all, the
  32. A third form," Chicago" bridge, is a form of" friendly" game that uses, duplicate ,scoring, with every deal scored as a single number, but usually with only one
  33. Predetermined (in rounds of four deals) but scoring is otherwise similar to, duplicate ,bridge. History Bridge is member of the family of trick-taking games and is a
  34. To report monarch butterflies were threatened because this experiment did not, duplicate ,natural conditions under which monarch caterpillars may come in contact with
  35. Or combinations thereof. The most common game variants are rubber bridge and, duplicate ,bridge. In rubber bridge, two partnerships participate in the game at one table
  36. Point the overall scores are totaled, and the winner is determined. (As in, duplicate , a minimum trick score of 100 is required for game. ) There are some
  37. And the objective is to score the most points in the play of several hands. In, duplicate ,bridge, there are more tables and partnerships and the hands are dealt and
  38. Manager returned from a game at High bury and changed his team's green kit to a, duplicate ,of Arsenal's red with white sleeves and shorts, giving rise to the team's
  39. Dog tags are issued with one 2.5 mm,24-inch neck chain and one 2.5 mm,4-inch, duplicate , chain. The secondary chain and duplicate tag are recovered if needed. The
  40. Spock Must Die!, where a transporter experiment gone awry ends up creating a, duplicate ,Spock who turns out to be a perfect mirror-image of the original all the way
  41. To make the contract. Methods for assigning vulnerability differ between, duplicate ,and rubber bridge. There are two important variations in bridge scoring: rubber
  42. The score of +620 for the winning side (North is in charge of bookkeeping in, duplicate ,tournaments) on the traveling sheet. North asks East to check the score
  43. From everyday life became popular additions to the tomb. In an attempt to, duplicate ,the activities of the living in the afterlife, these models show laborers
  44. Is only played once so there is no comparison of scores. Thus, it contrasts with, duplicate ,bridge. A succession of hands are played, and the scores made by each side are
  45. From the requestor, or until a timeout elapsed. This way, it could respond to, duplicate ,requests with the same transaction ID by resending the same response data
  46. Fashion. ) Part-scores are not carried forward from one hand to the next. In, duplicate ,bridge, the same cards are played unchanged at two or more tables, and the
  47. In the UK, rubber bridge is still popular in both homes and clubs, as is, duplicate ,bridge. It has been noted that the popularity of contract bridge has waned in
  48. If both sides are contesting the final contract. This aspect is more common in, duplicate ,bridge than in rubber bridge owing to the different scoring systems in effect.
  49. Of its Pong heritage, by default, the right side of the screen was a mirrored, duplicate ,of the left; to control it separately, the software had to modify the patterns
  50. Removed and was replaced with play. Dll; games that rely on this DLL must, duplicate ,it and rename it to play. Dll. In order to achieve backwards compatibility

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