Examples of the the word, clipping , in a Sentence Context
The word ( clipping ), is the 12617 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Of the threaded guest with large groups preventing disassociation. Clipping The, clipping ,method is similar to the capping reaction except that in this case the dumbbell
- Montague while receiving a massage from Mussolini, there is a French newspaper, clipping ,showing Scholz and Charlie Paddock with a headline which states that the 200
- Automated reports based on certain predefined criteria or thresholds, known as, clipping ,levels. For example, a clipping level may be set to generate a report for the
- To legal levels has the effect of restoring peak levels that were clipped, so, clipping , is not an effective way to reduce PAPER. Although the spectral efficiency of
- Transmitters. Some guitarists routinely drive their amplifiers to the point of, clipping ,(either grid-current limiting or valve cut-off),in order to produce a
- Of a signal compared with the maximum which a device can handle before, clipping ,occurs. In digital systems,0 DTP would equal the highest level (number) the
- Microvascular anastomosis are required when EC-IC surgery is performed. The, clipping ,of aneurysms is performed using a microscope. Minimally invasive spine surgery
- Visually impaired people. Historically, milling also served to discourage coin, clipping , The £1 coin and £2 coins have, inscribed into the milling, words or a
- Coins today. By 1696 the currency had been seriously weakened by an increase in, clipping ,during the Nine Years' War to the extent that it was decided to recall and
- Such a situation can occur when an amplifier is overdrive, resulting in, clipping ,or slew rate distortion, when for a moment the output is determined by the
- For Satchel Paige: Source: Note: Compiled by The from newspaper clipping s; some, clipping ,did not include complete stats. Dominican League Source: Note: Paige suffered a
- Like crossover distortion) are more audible than others (like soft, clipping ,) even if the THD measurements are identical. Harmonic distortion in RF
- Photographic News on February 28, 1890. On 18 March, Friese-Greene sent a, clipping ,of the story to Thomas Edison, whose laboratory had been developing a motion
- Sentence input: 'pick up the gem and put it in my bag. Take the newspaper, clipping ,out of my bag then burn it with the book of matches '. In a non-technical sense
- Distortion effects create" warm "," gritty" and" fuzzy" sounds by ", clipping ," an instrument's audio signal, which distorts the shape of its wave form and
- Faithfully reproduced, resulting in a" fuzzy" sound. This effect is called ", clipping ," by sound engineers, because when viewed with an oscilloscope, the wave forms
- Idea of milling lines on the edges of coins to make it easier to detect coin, clipping ,and to help reduce recoining. The milled, or needed, edges are still found on
- To minimize power consumption. In practical AFDM systems a small amount of peak, clipping ,is allowed to limit the PAPER in a judicious trade-off against the above
- And film. The clipped areas turn to pure white. Animals *Horse clipping , clipping ,all or part of the fur of a horse short, usually to help it to keep cool when
- The library's full reference collection is usually nearby as well. * Newspaper, clipping ,files and other rare or restricted items that must be returned to the reference
- His biography," Watson and DNA: Making a Scientific Revolution ", found a, clipping ,of a six-paragraph New York Times article written from London and dated 16 May
- The fur of a horse short, usually to help it to keep cool when working * Wing, clipping , trimming a bird's primary flight feathers to disable flight Sports *Clipping
- By shortening it,e.g. ad from advertisement Science and technology * Coin, clipping , shaving off a small portion of precious metal for profit * Clipping (computer
- High grade of silver. It went some way towards discouraging the practice of ", clipping ,", though this practice was further discouraged and largely eliminated with the
- The three most common strategies to synthesize rotating are" capping ",", clipping ,", and " slipping ", though others do exist. Recently, Leigh et al. described a
- Of some genres of music such as classic rock and blues. Rather than the hard, clipping ,characteristic of solid state power amplifiers, a tube amplifier and output
- Inscription serves both as a decorative feature and as a safeguard against the, clipping ,of the coin's edges (this is not a modern concern, but harks back to the days
- Victoria and George V. Refers to the inscribed edge as a protection against the, clipping ,of precious metal. Melvin Kreuzberg (November 22, 1917 – December 6,1995)
- Color spaces, ICC profiles, transparency,text, alpha channels and spot colors, clipping ,paths, and duotone settings. This is in contrast to many other file formats (
- Of a signal compared with the maximum which a device can handle before, clipping ,occurs. Full-scale may be defined as the power level of a full-scale sinusoidal
- Support Rack-mountable equipment is traditionally mounted by bolting or, clipping ,its front panel to the rack. Within the IT industry,it's common for
- Amplifier becomes saturated and cannot produce any more output; this is called, clipping , and results in distortion. In most amplifiers a reduction in gain takes place
- Predefined criteria or thresholds, known as clipping levels. For example,a, clipping ,level may be set to generate a report for the following: * More than three
- Operations, transforming and lighting them depending on their material. Also, clipping ,non-visible parts of the scene in order to produce the viewing volume.
- Movement of the boomerang through the air, and,by a skilled thrower, lightly, clipping , leaves of a tree whose branches house birds, would help scare the birds towards
- Wave, referred to as distortion or overdrive ** Clipping (photography),the, clipping ,of overexposed area by digital cameras and film. The clipped areas turn to pure
- Of the SVG graphics. The feature set includes nested transformations, clipping ,paths, alpha masks, filter effects, template objects and extensibility. Since
- In distortion. In most amplifiers a reduction in gain takes place before hard, clipping ,occurs; the result is a compression effect, which (if the amplifier is an
- Be painted (with colors, gradients and patterns) independently. Fully opaque, clipping ,paths and semi-transparent masks are composited together to calculate the color
- Acts as insulation and protects the dog from sunburn and insects, so shaving or, clipping ,is not desirable. The coat also loses its distinct color as the black tipping
- a hundred Jews were imprisoned in the Tower of London in 1278,charged with coin, clipping , Later medieval period During Edward II's reign (1307–1327) there was
- Usually audio) compared with the maximum which a device can handle before, clipping ,occurs. Similar to DBMS, but also applicable to analog systems. DBR: dB (
- Is deliberately designed in to reduce the audible unpleasantness of hard, clipping ,under overload. Ill effects of nonlinearity can be reduced with negative
- Digital cameras and film. The clipped areas turn to pure white. Animals *Horse, clipping , clipping all or part of the fur of a horse short, usually to help it to keep
- His room, which he finds very ordinary but a bit small, and a framed magazine, clipping ,of a woman in fur hanging up on the wall. Since he cannot turn on his side
- Painter's algorithm). The in operator is the alpha compositing equivalent of, clipping , As an example, the over operator can be accomplished by applying the following
- Large and still be attractive. It can be propagated from an existing plant by, clipping ,a shoot long, stripping a few leaves from the bottom, and planting it directly
- Combination of input and output signal. If the gain is not constant, e. g., by, clipping , the output signal at the limits of its capabilities, the output signal will be
- Utilitarian, and hence most popular. *Bent gate: Curved gates allow for easier, clipping ,in and out in special situations, such as connecting a rope to a quick draw.
- Once it exceeds a threshold. Some forms include: ** Clipping (audio),the, clipping ,of the top and bottom of a sound wave, referred to as distortion or overdrive
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