Examples of the the word, lebanon , in a Sentence Context

The word ( lebanon ), is the 6710 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Now in Berlin) Elise Maalox,3d animator, born in kafarakab (lives now in, lebanon , ) External links *http://www.kfar-akab.com/ Faraday site Andrey Korotayev (
  2. Of Kyrgyzstan. JPG|Kyrgyzstan File: Lipase. JPG|Latvia File: Passport of, lebanon , JPG|Lebanon File: Passport of Lesotho. JPG|Lesotho File: Passport of Liberia.
  3. District of the Mount Lebanon Governorate, Lebanon. Situated in the heart of, lebanon , at 7 km from Beirut Overview Etymology Geography Final is 8 km to the Capital
  4. During the 15th century the Patriarch main Monastery was in Qannoubine North Of, lebanon , in the Radish valley. The Khazin's Family who were now controlling the
  5. Index 2008,ranked 89 out of 167 countries Tourism Growth in tourism for 2009,Lebanon, came first out of 165 countries examined by (UNTO) with an increase of 60 %
  6. Occupy most of the east side of mount Terkel. It is 15 km from Tripoli, north,Lebanon, The largest families in Milan or hi lane are Ismail, chamma, halloum, elmir
  7. Adapted in the 1990s for guerrilla warfare in the wood and bush land of south, lebanon , later adding a two-sided camo, one for desert and one for woodland terrain.
  8. At number 2 and number 11) making the band the best-selling artist in, lebanon , during 2009 Christmas season. In 2010,Been was touring all around the country
  9. University will commence studies at its prospective campuses in Sour (south, lebanon , ),Syria, Morocco (Casablanca),and Saudi Arabia (Road) staring from the
  10. Writer, director and producer. List of well known newspapers published in, lebanon , Below is a list of newspapers published in Lebanon. Lebanese Daily Newspapers
  11. A sarcophagus dated from the end of the fourth century BC, was found in Simon, lebanon , on which Alexander the Great and the King of Simon are painted hunting a lion
  12. Domed mosque near place d'étoile. JPG File: Blue domed mosque downtown, mount,Lebanon, JPG Image:3133 (5)Mohammad Albumin Mosque. JPG File: Al Amino Mosque, Beirut.
  13. While the rest is sung using the Iraqi dialect, the album made a big success in, lebanon , and other countries like Egypt, Jordan,Iraq, the United Arab Emirates and
  14. Distinction of being part of UN Peace Keeping Force in Cambodia (UNAC),Lebanon, ( UNIFIL) and Congo respectively. Post-Independence Battle Honours &
  15. From Turkey or Lebanon to Syria in the 90s, goods such as Cars (stolen from, lebanon , ),cigarette, electronics,Arms, Gasoline and Diesel. The police turned a blind
  16. Is transferred to his deputy, Vice Minister HUD Older. File: IDF back from, lebanon , JPG|2006 Lebanon War – photo of Israeli soldiers of the Naval Brigade leaving

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