Examples of the the word, dare , in a Sentence Context

The word ( dare ), is the 4472 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Perfect has the suffix – ī and vowel lengthening in the stem. Examples: ** do, dare , Devi, datus (to give, to bestow; this verb is irregular) Second conjugation
  2. In fact, unsocialism carried as near to its logical conclusion as any sane man, dare ,carry it. " Shaw's argument was that even if wealth was initially distributed
  3. One shall be consecrated bishop who has not been canonically elected. If anyone, dare ,do this, both the consecrated and the one consecrated shall be deposed without
  4. The common good. " She further claimed that" horrors which no man would, dare ,consider for his own selfish sake are perpetrated with a clear conscience by
  5. Then spoke eloquently: Charles Gill (prosecuting): What is" the love that, dare ,not speak its name? " Wilde:" The love that dare not speak its name" in this
  6. Dares her to kiss Agnes, who is rumored to be a lesbian. Lin fulfills the, dare , and then runs out with Jessica, only to soon feel guilty for having humiliated
  7. Borges later recalled, however," Many distinguished men of letters did not, dare ,set foot inside its doors. " Meanwhile, SADE became an increasing refuge for
  8. Of taking the vast treasury with them, probably thinking Caesar would not, dare ,take it for himself. It was left conveniently in the Temple of Saturn when
  9. Alfonso would want to engage other monarchs in personal combat, but no one would, dare ,accept his challenge. Scientific research In July 2006,the tomb of the king (
  10. That" Yeats is the great of our time ... he brings light as only the great, dare ,to bring light to the issueless predicament of existence. " His favorite
  11. Shaw had seen the play in the company of Barrymore's then wife, but did not, dare ,voice his true feelings about the performance aloud to her. Much of Shaw's
  12. Own Shulchan Arch or other later works, Rabbi Yosef Karo wrote:" Who would, dare ,force communities who follow the Rama to follow any other decision, early or
  13. On the subject of his claim to the Forest, terming him 'the only person that I, dare ,rely upon in the court '. Unlike Lord Burgher, however,Sir Robert Cecil seems
  14. Criticism from the Italian media and actress Sophia Loren who said" How, dare ,he talks about Italian cinema when he doesn't know anything about American
  15. Et ulnar et cents et plum Sardanapalli.:: monitor quo apse tibia posses, dare ,; Semite Crete: tranquilize per virtue pate tunica vitae.: (10.356-64) 366
  16. And the things they use, shall remain safe and unmolested. If anyone shall, dare ,act contrary to this and, recognizing his crime, does not within the space of
  17. The blood of Kings Can. Yea, the Tartars do these beasts great reverence, nor, dare , any cross their way, or go before them. According to the directions of his
  18. That I planted with my own hands to your emperor, he definitely wouldn't, dare ,suggest that I replace the peace and happiness of this place with the storms of
  19. High risk of death by post-operational infection, and surgeons did not, dare ,operate without consulting Britain's leading surgical authority. Lister
  20. The U. S. imperialists, the modern Soviet revisionists or any of their lackeys, dare ,to touch Albania in the slightest, nothing lies ahead for them but a complete
  21. So may the name of Germany in China, such that no Chinese will even again, dare ,so much as to look askance at a German. " This speech gave rise to later use of
  22. For the term of their life; * (c) It may be granted upon condition, cujus est, dare , emus est disposal, and this denization of an alien may come about three ways:
  23. Been characterized by scholars as the" first great official public document to, dare ,to confront and criticize Nazism" and" one of the greatest such condemnations
  24. Of filters. Is this root the umbilical vestige of our terrestrial origin? We, dare ,not seriously affirm it, but all the same it is certain that man came out of
  25. Of a perfect passive participle. An example:: audio, audēre, ausus sum — to, dare , venture Note: In the Romance languages, which lack deponent or passive verb
  26. An emissary to Cumin to rebuke him, saying," You are my blacksmith slave. How, dare ,you utter these words? ". As Anagui's" blacksmith slave" (, this reference
  27. Government through creating a climate of terror and fear, so that nobody would, dare ,support the Government ". The manual calls for the" neutralization" ( i.e.
  28. First off, : among which by no means the least is that no civilian would, dare ,: to strike you – and what’s more – if he gets struck, he denies it: and isn’t
  29. Advance Australia fair.; Verse 4: Should foreign foe e'er sight our coast, : Or, dare ,a foot to land, : We'll rouse to arms like sires of yore, : To guard our native
  30. Means and outstanding results are the three criteria of human genius, who could, dare ,compare any great man in modern history with Muhammad. Never has a man proposed
  31. Marge Champion and Donald Saddler are endearing as the old hoofers. ... I, dare ,you not to fall in love with Betty Garrett's understated" Broadway Baby" –
  32. From the University of Massachusetts saying to Achebe after the lecture," How, dare ,you upset everything we have taught, everything we teach? Heart of Darkness is
  33. Laws enacted with reference to the Hebrews, and We order that they shall not, dare ,to live in any other manner than in accordance with the rules established by
  34. In 852,the king said to him::" On this account I have not the power, nor do I, dare , to approve the objects of your mission until I can consult our gods by the
  35. Savage indignation there: cannot lacerate his breast.: Imitate him if you, dare ,: world-besotted traveler.: He served human liberty. Works Swift was a
  36. By Horace in an ode in the same meter (C.3.12: Miser arum est unique AMORC, dare ,Lulu unique multi). He also wrote Sapphire stanzas on Homeric themes but in
  37. So much misunderstood that it may be described as" the love that, dare ,not speak its name," and on that account of it I am placed where I am now. It
  38. Henry III's allies in Brittany and Normandy fell down because they did not, dare ,fight their king who led to counterstrike himself. This evolved into the
  39. And posse),or deviate slightly from a conjugation (such as ferry, īre, and, dare , ). It consists of the following list and their compounds (such as conferred).
  40. Into Thessaly, to rescue Leonidas. According to Plutarch, Alexander did not, dare ,offer resistance, and was glad to purchase even thirty days' truce by the
  41. Numerical advantage the Union armies enjoyed over the Confederates, who did not, dare ,emulate the equivalent manpower source for fear of fundamentally undermining
  42. Is the most widely taught text in the university in this country. So how, dare ,you say it's different? " — to support for Achebe's view—"I now realize that
  43. Too, and think foul scorn that Parma or Spain, or any Prince of Europe should, dare ,to invade the borders of my realm. When no invasion came, the nation rejoiced.
  44. The permanent nature of the co-regency in Judah from the time of Josh, one may, dare ,to conclude that dating the co-regencies accurately is indeed the key for
  45. Of pilgrims and of merchants shall be excommunicated. Text. If anyone shall, dare ,attack pilgrims going to Rome to visit the shrines of the Apostles and the
  46. Served by twenty kings, fight forever unless some christened men, so brave would, dare ,to enter the battle and slay them. She said yes, and got that necklace back.
  47. Scientists who might otherwise challenge prevailing views on climate change, dare ,not do so for fear of losing funding. Likewise, in a 2009 interview with
  48. What is" the love that dare not speak its name? " Wilde:" The love that, dare ,not speak its name" in this century is such a great affection of an elder for
  49. Property are vested in the authority of the bishop. If anyone shall, dare ,act contrary to this and arrogate to himself the power belonging to the bishop
  50. Belongings, as was already ordained by Pope Urban II. Whoever, therefore,shall, dare ,molest or seize these during the absence of their owners, shall incur

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